The discussions
Sound driver download link
Hello,i need help locating the proper sound driver download for my desktop ibm lenovo mt-m 8985-b74..........i lost sound after reformatting due to vi...
Can't download pictures on yahoo
Hello, I cannot download pictures I receive.
Can;t login to facebook
Hello, I am unable to login to facebook from either IE 7/8 or Firefox 3.5.2. Essentially once you type in your email and password on www.facebook.c...
Give the site for downloading nfs most wanted
Hello, please from which site i can download complete nfs most wanted game please give me the link
Everytime i open up firefox msn cums up
Hello, i brought a new netbook,straight away i downloaded firefox 3 and when i first went on it it came up with firefox browser as always,the next da...
Facebook account disabled
Hello, hiiiiiiiii by facebook account has been disable how to reactivate it and how to contact the facebook team !
Download flash player problem
Hello, problem is when i try to download flash player .on the top it says that An add-on for this website failed to run. check the security setting...
Songs to be downloaded
Hello, I do not have data cable pl tell me how to download songs from internet to my mobile.
Has anyone have facebook software
Hello, has anyone have facebook software for chiness iphone??? please inform me at: pleasee...
Hello, i hav problem to login the facebook.whenever i try to open the facebook it says internet explorer cannot display this webpage.pleade help me
Mobile facebook
Hello, i'm want to ask if you are in other country can you still use the facebook mobile?
What is wrong with facebook why cant i login
Hello,hey what up with facebook
Hello, how to watch youtube videos
I can't log into facebook for some reason
Hello, I can't seem to log into Facebook when the LOG IN page comes up. I type in my email and PW and then it goes to another page to search. What ...
Hello, im having issues trying to log on to facebook
Can't download photos from digital camera
Hello, My son took the folder where you download your photos from a digital camera into your computer. I do not know how to find this or to set up ...
No audio on youtube
Hello, I have problems with my pc. I can watch the video on youtube but there is no audio. Can someone help me please.
Hey, My name is Brittany and I am having alot of difficutly with trying to pop up the page for I restarted my laptop more than once, I...
Firefox and internet explorere freezes(vista)
Hello, I use both Internet Explorer and Firefox and find that after 30-45 mins use the programmes freeze and I am unable to use the internet - I ha...
Signing onto facebook
Hello, Please can some one help me?? Every time I try to sign onto FaceBook I get the error of the website and that Internet Explorer has to close. I...
Really frustrated with facebook
Hello, i downloaded facebook to my blackberry 8330 and it will not allow me to login in says that I am using the wrong password i want to erase facebo...
Explorer.exe application error oxc0000005
Hello, I am runningMS Windows Server 2003 Build 3790 Service Pack 2 and when booting up and logging in I get the error explorer.exe application err...
Youtube channel
Hello, I cant open youtube in china.Why???
Cant play any download video
Hello,help me pls.. ... i cnt play any video
All my ie's shut down after click red x on on
Hello, please can someone help me, If i have two seperate IE windows open and i click the red x button to shut one of the down, they both close. and ...
Non-working links after updating ie
Hello, I've updated my Internet Explorer now some links on a website created with Publisher 2003 do not show. Its as though they never existed. The...
Hello, If i start a download process in my system. When the download is in progress if I disconnect the monitor from the CPU. What will happen to the...
Download photos from mobile through bluetooth
Hello, how to send a photos through mobile bluetooth to computer. if we need any software how to use that software i need some suggestion
Internet explorer - application error
Hello, I have the following problem on my pc iexplore.exe – Application Error The instruction at “0x77810894” referenced memory at “0x08490d2...
How do i download synaptics on my acer laptop
Hello, i cant find synaptics device on my laptop so that i can unlock scroll lock,how do i download it on my laptop model is acer as8530g,18.4 inches...
Cannot locate my facebook
Hello, I had everything working well until my son decided to log onto facebook. It seems as though he had deleted all my links and I am logged off ...
Download to external hard drive?
Hello, I want to download software and put this on an external hard drive, how do I do this? it always wants to go to the C drive!
Cannot conect to facebook
Hello, please connect me to facebook
Cannot download msn
Hello, i cannot download any msn messenger it gives me original not found error 266 i have no idea what 2 do please help
How to download a disc with no driver
Hello, I bought office home and student for my desktop and downloaded it. I want to put it on my laptop but don't have a driver. Any ideas?
Usb stick does not appear in windows explorer
Hello, this has never happend to me before, the whole started when i installed the ubuntu via virtualbox in my computer. the problem is that whe...
Can't log in to facebook
Hello, Does any body know any proxy sites because I am using some school internet and facebook, youtube and other sites are blocked so I can't log ...
Cant log into facebook
Facebook shut out
Downloading free books
Hello, I want to download free metallurgical and materials engineering books
I can't download flash player
Hello, when i download Adobe Flash Player at the end it always tell's me that it can't register what should i do?? Please help i can do anything with...
Hello, I have chinamobile s98 can i download games if yes which one.Also can i download voice changer software if is how.Also can i get t...
Can not install internet explorer 8.0
Hello, I have windows vista home premium. I have been trying to install Internet Explorer 8.0, but it keeps saying that this installation does not ...
Download software
Hello, Sir/Madam my name is Ibrar, i have an apple iphone (Chinese) 3g. I wanna install some software in it. is it possible. Please tell me how to do...
Ads opening in new page unprompted on firefox
Hello, When I open Firefox all is fine until I click any website. The website I click opens but 6 times out of 10 a new page with an advert also open...
Computer can't download
I recently have discovered that my computer will not download. When I click to download a file from the internet, the usual window will pop up asking ...
Error on internet explorer
Hello, Every time when I start my computer, and start Internet Explorer, if I write in the address bar the letter "m" it minimizes the window. Also...
Poblems with mozilla firefox
Hello, i have mozilla firefox and when i try to open the internet it does not do anything. it doesnt even show an error message or nothing. i cant, ...
Internet explorer no window opens
Hello, In task manager, iexplorer.exe is running but no window appears ?? Is it possible the window is off the screen somehow ... and h...
I can't open my facebook from firefox
Hello, I can login to my facebook from Firefox, but i can't see my profile & upload photos to my facebook.pls help me....what can I do now? give me s...