The discussions
Recover yahoo account with my new phone number
I changed my phone number and now I cannot access my Yahoo account
Can't load gmail account on mobile phone
Hi this is new phone. Can't remember info to open Gmail previouly have had account. But may have used old number from previous mobile
Not receiving the email to reset my password
Hello, I'm not receiving the email to reset my password. What to do if it happens i am in trouble plezz help me out System Configuration: Andro...
Forgot my gmail account password
I use the help of Google .One day I change the password of my account than it change actually than I not get it .My id is **********
How to create a new gmail on mobile
Hello, Am brenda Awuor and I bought this phone on 6th April.i later came to realize that the phone has been used by someone called patience so I ...
Email address is not recognised
Hello, please my email: ***@***, i cannot access and appear Sorry, we don't recognize this email. can we help me to solve this problem Syst...
Forgot my gmail password and no recovery info
i forgot my email password with no recovery email
Forgot yahoo mail password
Forgot my email password need help
Gmail account has been hacked
Hello, my gmail account has been hacked the hacker change my gmail pasward and recovery phone plese help me my gmail is ***@*** plese help me ...
Forgot my gmail id password
Hello, I have forgotten my gmail id password mentioned above please help me to get it back System Configuration: iPhone / Opera 9.80
Facebook disabled reviewing additional documents
Solved/ClosedHello, System Configuration: Android / Chrome 63.0.3239.111Hello Sir When I Open My I'd Shows Like This Unfortunately we r reviewing these add...
Change my gmail phone number
Hello,Sir please change my Gmail phone number because that my old Gmail phone number have network problem. System Configuration: Android / Chr...
Please recover my yahoo mail
Please recover my yahoo mail please
Please i cannot reopen my email address
Hello I am call Gwellem I have a problem with my yahoo mail. (***@***) I open the account in united Arab Emirates with my uae number, i later travel ...
Incoming mail problem
I do not get income mail since April 14. How can I check why is the problem?
Gmail account hacked
Hello, sir my gmail password n ph n ŕecovry mail are changed another person so pls help me sir ... System Configuration: Android / Chrome 65.0....
Gmail account recovery
Hello, I have forget my gmail password and lost my mobile number
My cic account
Hello, Can you help me To get back my account ***@*** System Configuration: Android / Chrome 46.0.2490.76
Unable to access my yahoo account
Hello, My sister's email address is not being recognized by yahoo. I have tried to login with phone, laptop. Tried to reset password, but still it d...
How can i recover when my account was disabled
Forgot gmail password
Hello, System Configuration: Android / Chrome 43.0.2357.121how to recover my password
Gmail account has been hacked
Sir 5 days ago my oldest gmail account hacked,How to recover it,Please guide me.Hacker change password,recover email id,google authentication and back...
Forgot yahoo password new phone
Hi! 2 weeks ago i buy a new phone,i transfered all data from my old phone to new phone,but when i try to conect from new phone to yahoo account i forg...
Gmail password recovery
Hello, I lost my g mail acct password the gmail is ***@*** System Configuration: Android / Chrome 43.0.2357.93
Changing recovery phone number
Hello, I want to change my recovery phone number on my email because i change location from saudi to philippines pls help me System Configurati...
Fb account disabled
Hello, I understand what you said but please understand the problem we r facing my wifes account got disabled months back and now the same has happ...
Forgot gmail password
Hello, i forgot my gmail password?can u help to find it for me..tanx System Configuration: Android / Chrome 56.0.2924.87
Who change my gmail password
Hello, Who can change my gmail password please recover my password Android / Chrome 46.0.2490.76
I forgot password
Hello, I forgot my password and secret questions and changed my phone Number
How to recover a hacked gmail account?
Hello, System Configuration: Android / Firefox 59.0my gmail has hacked /***@***/ he has changed password'verfication number email'all"now i wa...
How to reset gmail password
How to reset gmail password
I need help to sign in my yahoo account
I created my email in the us using international phone number, and now i forgot my password and want to access my account , how can i access my accoun...
Recovery information is invalid
non of my rewcovery info is valid anymore. no phone or recovery email with yaho oinly gmail
Open my yahoo mail account
I still know what my username, password, and secret question, but the problem is, I can't open my yahoo account because it asks for a verification cod...
Gmail password recovery
Please I need my help with my password
Forgot gmail password
sorry i really can't remember when and what year i create my gmail account my gmail account is i always lose my memories beca...
Gmail accout automatically logs out
I m facing a big problem .my gmail accout automatically sing out in mye devic ..if i m loging again my g google coud not find g mail ..plz s...
Forgot gmail password
Hello, I forgot my password for Gmail account Rustycollins5564 System Configuration: Android / Chrome 56.0.2924.87
Delete my gmail account
Hello, Sir, İ want delete my Gmail account. But i cannot delete. Please delete my Gmail account. ((***@***)) This account please delete permane...
Please retrieve password
please retreve password ***@***
Deleted messages from gmail/can t find in trash
Hello, if the emails were deleted but can’t find in trash at all, what can I do to recover them? System Configuration: iPhone / Safari 11.0
Can't access account
Hello, I can't access my rocket mail account since VERIZON has purchased Yahoo - for the past 3 days no email have come in -- i go to yahoo and ...
How to reset gmail password
hi i am open my account but password not reset plz help me my mo no
Recover deleted email
Hello, is it possible to recover emails if its deleted from the trash System Configuration: Windows / Internet Explorer 11.0
Forgot gmail password
Help me out to get my account back this is my email ***@*** I don't know my recovery phone and u forgot my recovery email also is anyway that I can re...
Forgot yahoo mail password and recovery email
Hello, I forgot my password and security also hp and other email System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 65.0.3325.181
Yahoo e-mail not recognized
Hello, please help search for Yahoo email Address. I cannot open my E-mail ***@***. I have to access my/open my email coz I have important email...
How to turn off chat in the new update of messenge
I am some times busy and cannot reply to my mates i had my chat off first but i accidently deleted messenger and when I reinstalled and logged in my c...
How to mute myself on snapchat call?
Solvedhow can i mute myself when im in the call with someone i just dont want him to hear me but i wanna hear him