The discussions
How to remove shortcut virus from my c drive (windows 8)?
Please help me to remove shortcut viruses on my window 8.
Internet connected but won't load pages
SolvedLaptop with windows 7 my fiancé did have a virus which he used the malwarebytes and had got rid of the virus. It still will not load any pages at all....
How to set beamtel wifi password
How to set beam tel WiFi password
2gb memory card remove virus
virus is ful filled my memory card do not delete the any information only remove the virus
How do I uninstall astromedia?
My pen drive is not opening even after typing that code
Hello, my pen drive is not opening after typing attrib -h -r -s /s /d g:\*.* and replacing g by pendrive name its showing parameters are not corr...
Autorun.inf (hide)folder how to remove
Hello, sir my sis folder not removed plees hel me. thank u Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 32.0
Laptop freezes after 5 min
Hello, Hello there my laptop freezes after 5 min cnt do nothin, I tried scanning my antivirus but it gets to 13% and that's it, I have tried your ...
I have a virus that doesn't allow me to scan
Solved/ClosedI have recently gotten a virus of some sort on my laptop, from watching a free online movie on mega video. this virus will not let me scan the compute...
Help my friend, i need answers!
My friend told me that she could not launch anything, she can like at launch the minecraft launcher but she cannot play it... she tried browsing the i...
Please tell me step by step instructions to get rid of this malware/virus.
Not working.
Hello jack! i tried all the steps but still the folders arent visible. please help! Configuration: Windows / Chrome 37.0.2062.120
Win 7 protection 2014
Is here anyone who can confirm that win 7 Protection 2014 is fake or real anti-virus tool? I have this software in my system but unregistered versio...
Shortcut problem
Hello, when i insert any pendrive in my laptop everythng changes into shortcut bt i hav scanned my laptop many times bt no threat an...
Folder named print is not shown in some computer
Hello, With my pen drive I see one weird issue. All folders are visible on my Laptop (Windows 7), however when I visit any cyber cafe and connect ...
Cant remove the shortcut virus on my pc
Hello, i cant remove the shortcut virus on my pc.. can somebody help me..pls.. i already tried autorun remover but it only removed the shortcut on ...
Zhpdiag's result
I've run ZHPDiag some moments before and it's result at the end as follows: ---\\ Summary of the detections found on your workstation http://nicolas...
My flash drive with lots of shortcut folders
Good day! My flash drive was plugged into one of the computers in an internet cafe. Now, when I plugged it into my laptop, all I saw were shortcut ...
Recycle bin cannot empty !
SolvedHello Everyone, I Tried To Empty My Recycle Bin But The Files Are Going Back ! Maybe It Cause By Viruses ! , What Should I Do?
Hotmail will delete my account without a reason..
Hello forum readers.. recently i've been trying to access my outlook account. but a message shows up from the 'trustworthy sender' saying that they wa...
Help win7 virused
My laptop is running win7 and got virused. No task manager even I press ctrl+shift+del, corrupted explorer.exe and no cmd even I run on safe mode. Ple...
Pendrive attacked virus
hi my pendrives attacked by virus and am able to see only shortcut icon and am unable to get my data can anybody help me so that i can recover my impo...
How to remove shortcut virus on computer
SolvedHi, Everyone ! I have a shortcut virus on my Flash drive ! Then I tried to fix it using "Attrib -h -d -r /d /s Drive:\*.*" but it will return ...
Dell laptop having issues after startup and login
Dell laptop inspiron 15 that after login, the screen turns black and won't let you do anything, someone please help, this is only a few months old!
How to recover winmend hide folder file
Hi, Dear Sir I am using windmend software to hide my file since 2-3 years, I was hided my folder using this software from my external HD, but be...
Files are hidden in external hard drive
SolvedHello, HELP ME PLEASE, win 32 agent i have a win 32 agent that made all my folders on my Seagate 1tb external shortcuts i am trying to use c...
Internet explorer/flash player
I have a recently developed a problem that affects my video viewing. I am using WINDOWS 7. Most of my issues occur while I am using FB. I get a popu...
Viruses counter attack how to clean shortcut from pc
How to Clean Shortcut from PC ?
Windows 7 start up welcome screen, log on extreme slow
Hello All, At my office, A computer was attached by White Screen Virus and I was kill it out and work it fine now.. But remaining more problem that ...
which is the one best virus protection?
Computer hang
what should i do if my computer hangs?i clean my RAM, I also clean the whole system unit, and check the fan, everything is fine. and i already instal...
My windows 8.1 is very slow
hai i am using sony vaio svf1521asnb os windows system shutdown and reboot time very slow.what problem plz help
How do i know ultrasurf is working?
Hi, how do I know UltraSurf is working?
how to get rid of V9 VIRUS IT's DRIVING ME CRAZY.
Viruses cause of high usage process ?
SolvedHello, Everyone I'd like to ask something. I'm just wondering why the CPU usage of the computer is too high though few applications were open. ...
Code 800f020b failed to installed windows
Hello, to whom may help me with this as I was installing updates for my laptop Vista and I get this code saying error found cloud not install Windows...
Shortcut virus
Hello, Dear sir please help me its not working. Any thing if i copy past its only shows short cut in my pendrive. How to come out from it. I t...
Shortcut virus
How to remove shortcut virus from pen drive
My computer won't run programs!
Hello, I rebooted my computer about a day ago because of a critical update. When i turned it back on, it wouldn't open any programs. So, i try and...
Shortcut file from all of my folders
Closedhello.. , i have been get a problem in my laptop... when i turn on my laptop.. i got so many shortcut file from all of my folders... please let ...
Internet connected but browser not working
my browsers are all down(chrome is giving me err_connection_reset) saying they have no connection but Skype is still up and running, my steam shop is ...
Microsoft essential security
Hello, i cant download microsoft essential security Configuration: Windows XP / Chrome 36.0.1985.143
Pendrive create the virus file or short cut file
Hello, Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 31.0 any file can be send to pendrive its automatic create the virus file or short cut file and no...
Pendrive shortcut folders
SolvedHello.. I am nivetha. For the past 4 weeks my laptop is having a problem. Whenever I use pendrive in my laptop,pendrve is showing shortcuts but inside...
Are these shortcuts virus ?
I enabled "Show Protected System Files" in Folder Options and found these shortcuts in User folder. Are these viruses ?
Cant access my father's pen drive.
Hi, I cant access my Father's pendrive. These are the following things which happens if i try to go to my Pen Drive: 1. when i go to "MY Compute...
Citrix and xenapp
Our IT system in my company use citrix that i have never used before. My laptop provided by My company also go through citrix and xenapp with its rece...
whenever i transfer data from my desktop or laptop to a pen-drive or USB-drive it shows like shortcuts of that folder of size 1Kb i used different pen...
Pc virus c:\... exe cannot be run in win32 mode
Solved/ClosedHello, Anticipated thanks for your aid. I appreciate it greatly. The following in a lengthy description of all the steps I have gone through in a...
All external devices i put into my laptop show shortcut links
Hello, when i put my usb,micro sd card it sonverts them into shortcut links.. i guess its fault in my laptop that every external device gets def...