The discussions
Facebook is not getting connected
my fb is nt getting connected in my laptop. i can open all the other sites except fb. It is leading to some other sites and says that my attemt is wro...
Wallpaper black, icons gone, everything in harddrive left
Hello, Today when I logged on to my computer the screen was stuck on "preparing your desktop" for a good minute, it never even shows that message b...
Flash drive virus
my flash drive do not show hidden folder
Flash drive has files, can't see them, wants to format
Hello, I have a flash drive that has all my work data on it (about 14GB of data). I always make sure to use the Safely Eject Drive button before e...
Open my emails
Hello, is preventing me to read my yahoomails Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 29.0
Solved/ClosedMy laptop HP, windows 7 is showing this error message when I try Chrome or other browsers. Had downloaded one program for protection last night, whic...
Command not working
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0 The command attrib-h-r-s/s/dh:\*.* is not working.. its showing not recognised... what to do
Trying to install kapersky
Hello, I have pruchased and renewed kapersky and am trying to install on my windows 8.1 computer but it says I have cA etrust suite personal and ha...
Update antivurus for avast
I want to update antivurus for has been should I do it?
Shortcut virus on pen drive
Solved/ClosedHello, my name is Iarap . i have a shortcut virus in my pen drive but when when i clean it in my friend window 7 laptop it is clean but when i inser...
I rebooted my pc and now i can't open websites ?
Hello guys I rebooted my computer last night I have windows 8 and my computer was kinda slow so I decided to reboot the system for complete , it took ...
Computer making pendrive's shortcut in pendrive and hiding rest
Hello, When I inserted my pendrive in my laptop and opened it through my laptop i saw only a shortcut file with the same name as that of the pen...
Hello, my name is akiman aime jean baptiste, plz can you help me when i plug into my desktop a flash drive all files and folders become shortcuts bu...
Computer turns usb files into shortcuts
Hello! Whenever I insert a usb in my laptop, the files turn into shortcuts. I've tried fixing it using my laptop but the shortcut files will disappear...
Hello, my pendrive is FAT. please what about my pendrive working?
Plz solve the shortcut problem all over computer and pendrive
Hello, Hey it is giving a message "The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process. Configuration: Windows 7 / ...
Facebook account your computer needs to be cleaned
Solvedwhile I open my facebook account I got two errors.First one is that this webpage was blocked by extension and another one is that your computer needs ...
Folders and files hidden in micro sd
Hey guys I plucked my sd card into my pc and autorun virus attacked it hiding all my folders and files, I had this virus from long back so I just foll...
Worst virus ever
Hello, I can't remove the shortcut virus on my computer... it is the combination of two viruses and it is really hard to remove even we go a lot of ...
Laptop do not switch on
Hello, i have problem with my laptop, when i start it then it do not start and then a sentence appeared on the screen that " THERE IS ERROR IN THE...
Recover files from password protected .flk extension
Hi Friends... I am in a big trouble....I have saved one folder using .flk extension and now I forgot the password and now I can't open the folder. ...
Ilivid virus infection
ClosedMy sister in law's old Toshiba Satellite was left at home for me to use for she has a new laptop now, worse thing was, being excited to surf the net f...
Folders getting shortcut
SolvedHello, evrthin was normal until ma fren inserted her drive to ma laptop and it seems she had some kinda virus which is makin all da files and fol...
How to delete autorun.inf
Hello, when i try to delete autorun file, a message appear that "the file is open in datacardmonitor " Configuration: Windows / Chrome 41.0.227...
Pc screen
Hello, When i switch My compaq pc on,, it displays a slideshow of some weird pics.. Nothing else happens and nothing else can be seen.. If i pres...
How to recover hidden data.
Hello, i had a folder of memory size 123GB on my external hard disk (seagate plus) . i was just moved that folder to a new folder. then when i ope...
How to download graphic card & directx
hello how do I download graphic card & DirectX
How to stop being hacked
Hello I been hacked 20 times and when I Login to Gmail ,outlook and Xbox live it says incorrect password when I write my passwords on a piece of pa...
Hello, what is meant by pendrive letter Configuration: Windows XP / Chrome 41.0.2272.118
Explorer.exe not starting properly
Hello, i am having trouble with starting my laptop. whenever I start my laptop, first it starts, after logging in a black screen comes up, then I ...
Possible virus hides files without changing attributes.
Hello, My main box runs Windows 7. I just noticed that files in my removable drive started disappearing. As I hovered over the main folders I saw ...
How to remove folder shortcut virus ??
Solved/Closedi inserted any external usb or memmory card in my computer , when I opened the external sd card, useb, memmory card....... the folders going to shortc...
External hard disc infected
Hello, My hard disc completely filled with virus. As soon as connect my hard disc to laptop if i open there is nothing inside it is empty. i have ...
My pen drive data lost
Hello, i m lost my pen drive data so pls help how to restore my pen drive data Configuration: Windows XP / Chrome 41.0.2272.101
Media player activates with any .exe file
Solved/ClosedI have updated Java and somehow it attached itself to the Windows Media Player. So, any file on my computer is useless as it brings up the media playe...
Help me get into my hotmail i havent used 5 years
Hello, help me get into my hotmail i havent used 5 years Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 41.0.2272.101
Computer turn off
my cpu turn off sumtym while i am working on it and it takes tym like 2 hours to turn on please help me out i even changed my hard disk
Failed to download
Hello, I have download auto run-exterminator to get my missing documents in flash drive. but , when i open it was failed open. what to do for this...
To show shortcut in pendrive
Hello, frnd c:users>prashanth>attrib -h -r -s /s /d g:\*.* after press the enter it shows like 'attrib' is not recognized as an internal or ext...
Attrib -h -r -s /s /d g:\*.*
Hello, I have a problem where my external hard drive keeps making shortcut folders. I have tried the fix where I go into the command prompt and p...
Regsvr.exe virus
Hello, i am facing a big problem, almost all the computers i am working with are now virused with regsvr.exe autorun.inf newfolder.exe because of the...
Pc hangs too much
SolvedHello, My pc did not start and gave out beeps, so I looked for solution and found it..... just pull out one RAM because it did not start with cleani...
How to remove shortcut virus from my laptop and external drivers
Hello, how to remove shortcut virus from my laptop and external drivers email me ***@***
I can't update avira free antivirus the last version manually
Hello, I can't update avira free antivirus the last version manually help me please Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 25.0
Pc slow
hi guys,my pc is still slow and it freezes sometimes.i did the following humanly possible.i have a dell and i got an app from dell to solve matter.i d...
Pendrive shortcut virus
Hello, my pen drive is affected by shortcut virus .I downloaded a remover but it does not perform why Configuration: Windows 8 / Internet Explo...
The 'save to' desk top option is not working
Hello, the Desktop option no longer shows up when I try to save anything. Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 41.0.2272.101
Hello, ' hi! above the steps i was used but i can't remove that virus in "autorun.inf" how to delete.......???? Configuration: Windows 7 / Fir...
Why the shortcut will occur in our laptop?
Hello, why the shortcut will occur in our laptop? is it any problem for the shortcut? Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 6.0