The discussions
Security question
I've been trying to access my yahoo email account for the past days and have not been able to because i forgot the answer to the security questions.Bu...
Password and security answer forgotten
Hello, sir iforget my password and security answer please help me Mail Id removed by moderator for your security.please help me
For got yahoo secret question
I for got my yahoo password and with one secret question i know only one secret question. can any one help me how to access my account with one secre...
Not able to start yahoomail
please tell me the solution.
Want to recover my account
Hi, i forgot my password as well my 2nd sec ques ans so pls help me how to recover
Forgetting password and security question in my previous email
i own deleted for security reasons bu your friendly neighbourhood,i forget my password and security question and i have important mail t...
Yahoo log in
Although I have entered my yahoo ID and password, he asks me one secret question which I don't remember the answer. I also can't log in to the alterna...
Password and secret answer
i've forgotten my yahoo password and secret answer
I forgot my yahoo security question
Closeddear adim i forgot my yahoo e mail security question. i have lot of data since when i was make this e mail i need it back as soon as plz any one can ...
Forget pass word and security question
my son forget his yahoo mail pass word and security question, we tried to open it several time caused blocking the account what shall do help me. than...
Reset password,but mobile wrong country code
Hello, i forget my password and try to reset it .i didnt know my seecurity qesttion becase I set it long time agoo. but I gave my no in my security ...
Yahoo email problem
Please, help. I tried to access my yahoo account and i'm ask to answer my private question which i don't know the answer any more. Also the alternativ...
I cn't access my yahoo acoount
hello there.. i have just registered with this forum and i think i may get out of an issue in which i have been stucked. what i want to ask is i cn...
Yahoo password
SolvedHello, I forgot my yahoo password & sequarty question Plz help me Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Forgot password and secret question
Hello, I forgot my yahoo mail password and secret question answers of yahoo mail . pls help
Can't download attachments on my yahoo email.
Solved/ClosedHello, I have been unable to download any attachments from my yahoo emails. The statement "The requested URL was not found on this Server"always po...
How can i change my sequrity question answers?
Hello, In one day I login on YAHOO MAIL then I see 175 mails,all that mails was FAILURE NOTICE and every mail was a different id wrong...ok I clean al...
Mr said
Hello, My name is Abdulkadir Said I used to check my email and I forgot the password so I would like to sort me snd get back on my email. V Dd ...
Yahoo mail
Hello, Dear sir i am danish habib i have used yahoo mail from last ten years now i forgot my security question and i cannot open my email how to reset...
Forgot security answer
Hello, i have forget my yahoo password security question i want to reset py pass word pls help me Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 12.0
Email attachment
Hello, I am trying to open an attachment and it downloads at the bottom. After it appears to be done downloading, I double click it and a screen...
Making trials
Hello, l try to copy& paste but l didn't get it right thanks. Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 19.0
Alternate account
SolvedHello, i regesterd my email account to my former employer since ileft 7years ago yahoo is sending me to riccover my forgoten security answer for ...
I forgot my password
Hello, i forgot my yahoo password and secret question also, plzz gudie me how i can resolve the problem and get back to my account. Configurat...
I forgot the secuirty questions answers
Hello, hello, I forgot my yahoo mails security questions answer. 1st questions answer I dont remember. please help yahoo. Please help me as my ...
Password reset
Hello, i want to my yahoo Account password reset i forgeted my Security Question and elternate email so may i got on my cell phone - Configur...
Forgot password yahoo email
Hello, i forgot my password yahoo, i try to get the password but its must enter 2 secret question or enter the alternate email..but, i fo...
Forgot pasword an security answer
Hello, Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Explorer 9.0 i forgot my pasword that i just change a couple week ago an i can answer only one que...
Forget answer to my security question
Hello, I forget my security answer in yahoo id please solve this problem Configuration: Windows XP / Chrome 25.0.1364.97
Yahoo account locked
Hello, my yahoo account is locked for 3 days and I couldn't access the mail. I have forgot the security question answer and alternative email i...
About my yahoo mail
Hello, There,I hv forgotten my Yahoo mail password and security question. me. Mahbub
Ingoing mailing servers are for my yahoo
Hello, I would really like to find out what my ingoing mailing servers are for my yahoo account, as well as my out going servers .Please point me in t...
Forgot my password and the secret questions
Hello, I really in a big trouble now.I totally forgot my yahoo password maybe because I rarely use it.When using the "Password Helper", I was stuc...
Password and security
Hello, please help me. i cannot open my account because i forgot my password and the answer to the second security answer,,, Configuration: Wi...
Secrete answer for my yahoomail
Hello, how do I recover the secrete answer for my yahoo mail secrete question . I am failing to log in
Forgot password.
Hello, I want to thank you for your time! I'm an American teaching in Vietnam, and I recently changed my Yahoo password, by the request of yahoo ma...
Forgot my security questions
Hello, I have forgot my security questions creayed at the time of opening Yahoo account can u help me Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 1...
Yahoo password & security questions
Hello, hello, I forgot my yahoo mails security questions answer. 1st questions answer I know. Second questions answer I dont remember. Few days ...
Email account hacked
Hello, i have had an email account for along time now its asking to answer secret question but i dont remember it i cant get into my ...
My pasword
Hello, i forget my password & secret quetion answer all so plz help (Where did you meet? ) this is a first question Configuration: Windows 7 /...
Forgot yahoo password,
Hello, i forgot my yahoo password , security questions , alternate e mail address and lost my mobile no also.. PLease help Configuration: Wind...
Help for my yahoo password
Hello, Dear sir/madam I have forget my yahoo passwords and security question also So please held me I was saved more database. Configuration:...
My yahoo a/c has been hacked even my secret questions r changed
ClosedHello, Some miscrant has hacked my yahoo account and has also changed my secret question, further has been sending emails to all my contact list...
Account has been hacked
Hello, my yahoo account has been hacked and i hvnt remember the security questions.. plzz help me.. Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 24.0.13...
I can't get back my yahoo account?!?
Hello, How I can get back my Yahoo account if I forgot my password and security answers? Thanks Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 19.0
Recover my yahoo account
Hello, sir I lost my security question and alternate id and phone can I fix it this problem.please sir guide me.access my yahoo id. Co...
Do away with security questions
Hello, I am Churchill, I am having problem with logging in becuase I forgot my Security question answer. Please help Configuration: Window...
I've been hacked......
Hello, My account was recently hacked and so I changed the password, but on my phone I still keep getting Failed Login Attempt notifications every...
I forgot my password and security answer
Hello, I cant access my yahoo mail for about 5 month now, I can answer the first question but I cant answer the second question which may lead to re...