Best Minecraft mods: for survival, to play with friends

Minecraft "mods" are modifications for the one of the most loved and successful games: Minecraft. Those modifications have greatly contributed to the game's popularity because thanks to them players can add novelty and personalization to their Minecraft experience for free, such as color changes, new items, and new characters, among others. The mods are created by accessing and changing the source code - this is mainly done by programmers, engineers, or hobbyists.
Best Minecraft Mods
Mods are available for PC and mobile. However, they are not applicable to consoles. If you are wondering how to download Minecraft mods and then how to install them, we suggest that you check our article on the topic.
- Optifine: this is one of the most appreciated mods because it makes the game run faster and look better - find HD textures, smooth lighting, and more with this mod.
- Biomes O’Plenty: with 80 biomes and 12 sub-biomes, you have to create a new world to play it. It also adds various items (such as food, armour, tools).
- Journeymap: this mod maps your world in real-time and shows you mobs’ progression. You can also mark points of interest.
- Rope Bridge Mod: if you are too lazy (or just annoyed) to jump all the way down from a mountain just to climb another one, this mod is for you - as it name suggests it, it creates bridges.
- The Twilight Forest: with this simple mod, you can create a portal to a forest-like dimension that is full of new mobs.
- JurassiCraft: the name says it all, doesn’t it ? Create a prehistoric world filled with plants and dinosaurs by extracting DNA from fossils.
- Chisel: if decoration is your thing, then this mod is just for you. It offers texture options for the most common blocks.
- Pam’s Harvestcraft: this produce-laden mod will bring the necessary balance and variety in your diet - it adds crops, fruit trees, bushes and fish.
- Just Enough Items: if you loved the Not Enough Items, then you will adore this one. For those who have hard time remembering things or that aren’t familiar with some items, this mod allows you to check their uses and recipes.
- Galacticraft: explore the solar system, go on rewarding missions, visit planets with their own mobs.
- Vampirism: with this mod, you can become a vampire and benefit from all the advantages that come with it, such as speed and strength.
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