Google Meet camera not working: how to fix it

Google Meet camera not working: how to fix it

Sometimes you join the meeting on Google Meet, but your camera doesn't work. To avoid confusion it might bring check if everything works the way it has to beforehand. Read this article to get your video working fine.

Why is the Google Meet camera not working?

There are many ways in which your Google Meet camera might not work. For example, there could be no video, a blank screen, an error message, or no sound when you launch the video. It may be due to several reasons:

  • Google Meet doesn't have access to your camera.
  • You haven't enabled your camera.
  • You need to update Google Meet.
  • Your internet connection is weak.
  • You have multiple cameras and the one you need is not activated.
  • Other apps that use your camera are blocking Google Meet. 

How to fix camera issue on Google Meet

1. The first thing you need to do is check your internet connection. It has to be quick and stable. Then, restart your computer, iPhone or Android that you use for Google Meet.

2. Ensure your computer camera is activated.

  • To activate your Windows camera, go to Windows > Settings > Privacy > Camera and slide the button to the ON.
  • To activate your iSight Mac camera, you need to open any app that uses the camera (for example, PhotoBooth or FaceTime). Do so, and you'll see the green light next to your camera when it is activated. 

3. Make sure that Google Meet has access to your camera.

  • If you use it on Chrome, allow Chrome access to your camera by going to Menu (three dots) > Settings > Privacy and Security > Site Settings > Camera. Activate the Sites can ask to use your camera and Sites can ask to use your microphone options.
  • On Android devices, go to Settings > Apps and enable the Google Meet app to access your camera. On iOS devices, go to Settings > Privacy > Camera and allow access to the Google Meet app.

4. Make sure that other apps don't use the camera at the same time. To do so, close all of the apps running in the background.

5. Check if Google Meet is using the correct camera. To do so, open the Google Meet app or join the meeting and tap the switch camera icon to select the right one.

6. If none of these work, update your Google Meet app, relaunch it and join the meeting again. This should do the trick. 

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