Reset Gimp to default settings

Reset Gimp to default settings

Gimp is a great graphic design and editing tool that offers various useful tools. You can customize the tools and change the selection when you wish to. However, if you want to reset or revert back to Gimp's original preferences, you can do this by following these steps.

Why do you need to reset Gimp to default settings?

Gimp is a customizable graphic editor. You can personalize its tools, make some of them visible and some not, adjust them and save your preferences for later, so you can easily access your favorite tools. However, if you'd like to start over and change the tools selection, you can easily reset Gimp to default. Read on to learn how to do it. 

How to reset Gimp to default settings?

  • Open Gimp.
  • Click on Edit > Preferences.
  • Go to the Default Settings tab.
  • Select Reset to Default.
  • Confirm by clicking on Reset again.
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