Clean Android RAM & storage: check, apps cache data, Chrome

If your Android device is slow or just glitchy, one way to improve its performance is to clear its RAM. Here we will talk about how to do this, and will also give other ways to make the operation of your device easier and free up more storage.
What happens if I clear the RAM of my smartphone?
This relatively simple process will close your current applications and then restart and reboot them, removing any errors that may have occurred. In this case, none of your files and documents will be erased. However, we only recommend using this process in cases where your phone is really slowing down a lot for no apparent reason. You should not resort to this operation during normal phone operation, since the Android system by default has a special LRU function that clears application data in cases where there is not enough memory.
How to clear an Android phone's RAM?
To clear an Android phone's RAM:
- From the home screen of your device, press and hold the Home button.
- Wait for a few seconds, and then tap the pie chart icon that appears.
- Next, select the RAM tab, followed by Clear Memory:
Disable Unnecessary Apps
Applications installed on your device take up space on your memory. Check whether you really need all those numerous applications that you once installed. They work in the background and slow down your device. You can simply disable the ones you don't need. To do this, follow these steps:
- Go to your device's main settings and open the folder "Apps & Notifications".
- Open "Apps Info" and you will see a list of all the applications on your phone.
- From the list, select the application you want to disable.
- After that, click "Disable".
Manually clear app data on your smartphone
You can manually delete cache data for individual apps, thus optimizing your device's storage and functioning; to do this do the following:
- Go to your device Settings (app icon with gear):
- Scroll down and find the "Apps" folder > "Manage Apps".
- The amount of data stored by this application will be displayed next to the "Storage" folder. Click on it.
- Click on "Clear data" and then on "Clear cache".
How to delete website data in your Chrome browser on an Android phone?
The Chrome browser installed on Android smartphones collects data from numerous sites that you visit. You can periodically manually check which sites have data stored in your memory, and delete data from sites that you do not use. This is also good to do if you want certain sites not to track your activities using cookies. To do this, follow these steps:
- Launch the Chrome browser.
- Click on the three vertical dots in the upper corner of the screen.
- Go to Settings.
- Scroll down to the "Advanced" section and go to the "Site Settings" section.
- At the top of the menu list you will see the "All Sites" section. Click on it and you will see a list of sites you visited. Select the site whose data you don't want to store and click on the trash can icon to delete it. It is important to understand that if you delete site data, your login information for that site will be deleted, as well as data that helps personalize your experience on that web page.