IE 8 cannot access any internet web pages

dumbdum - Updated on Jun 6, 2017 at 03:42 PM
 Ramrod - Dec 26, 2018 at 10:48 PM
Hello, I'm having a problem gaining access to the internet with IE, cannot up date avg 8 for virus protection. I can still go on line through Google Chrome and I'm receiving my e-mail but whenever I try to go on line through IE, I get a message saying cannot access this web page, my anti virus is well out of date. Is there some other way to update the AVG without going through IE ? I have tried down loading the update to my downloads but I don't know how to get it installed into the AVG, it says that it is a bin file, whatever that is . I have AVG 8 installed and I have IE 8 installed, my windows program is xp media addition sp3. I don't know much about computer ,only enough to get me in trouble. Has anyone had this problem ??? Help

43 responses

try to update ur IE from google chrom then ur problem will solve
Thanks - this worked for me.
Okay, so I dont know the technicalities or anything..but my boyfriend is away at college and just this week he bought the upgrade from Vista to Win7. After downloading it, the computer told him to uninstall norton because it was no longer compatible. Ever since, he's unable to use any type of internet. He's sure it has to do with not having Norton anymore because he's tried restoring the computer previous to any updates, turning everything off and restarting, unplugging his router, EVERYTHING. i'm posting this because its finals week and he needs his computer, but we have no idea what he is supposed to do? if all he has to do is re-install Norton, he's currently SOL because he can't find his CD for it, but he will be able to download the version his dad just got with the laptop he bought last week. ANYWAY...any solution for this issue? or does he just need to wait until next week when he is home to get his dad's version of 09 norton?