The discussions
Ipod touch
Computer not connect ipod but wil brotherl
Hello, my computer will not connect my ipod but the same compiuter will connect my brothers ipod with the same cable. i am almost ready to kill it an...
Ipod 4th gen photo 30g
Hello, I have an ipod 4th gen photo, bought a new battery and put it in, when the hold switch is off the ipod wont do anything when the hold swith is...
Switching my ipod shuffel on
Hello, Im havin problems switchin my ipod shuffel on. I have tried everyting but nothing seems to happen
Ipod won't turn on
my I-pod won't turn on and it's battery was full this morning. How do i get it to turn back on?
Water goes into my ipod
Hello, what can i do if water goes into my ipod nano 8g
Ipod wont turn for longer than 5 seconds
Hello, When i go to turn my ipod on it doesnt start for atleast 5 seconds.. then the battery wastes really quick.. when i plug into the pc i can sync...
Ipod touch
Hello, i ve never used any touch screen thing.. before n now i ve an ipod touch gifted to me ..i would like sum1 to help me..i need to download ...i ...
Want to save my pics and tunes on my ipod
Hello, My computer crashed and i lost everything. My pics, my music etc... I have been told that if i plug in my ipod now to put more music, it will...
Can't get pics from pc after moving from ipod
Hello, Help, I've recertly reset my computer and saved photo's to i-pod nano 4th gen . I've now re-syncd my i-pod wanting to move photo's from i-po...
Help me with my ipod troubles
Hello, the new itunes wont download onto my computer. i need to download it coz i got an ipod touch and my itunes that i currently have on my computer...
Ipod trouble
Hello, I recently got a new computer for christmas, because my old computer is well "old" and doesn't run well. So I downloaded itunes to new compu...
i put music on my ipod shuffle but it wont play it says to sync it with itunes. why?
Ipod sync error will erase all on ipod!
Hello, Got the 8gb Nano iPod...downloaded iTunes to my computer. I get the message that this iPod is synced to another iTunes library and if I conti...
My ipod wont turn on
Hello, my name is bree i have the ipod nano its fully charged i letf it on wen i went to bed and now it wont turn on no matter what i do can u pleas...
How do i put dvds onto my ipod
Hello, how do i put dvds onto i pods are there any free downloads or if i need to purchase softwear whats the best
I need help with my ipod
Hello, i need help i forgot the password on my apple ipod
Ipod trouble
Hello, I was wondering if someone could help me. My 7 year old sister somehow messed up her ipod and it only works when it is connected to the charge...
Why dont some videos get copied to my ipod to
Hello, I am trying to get 3 videos dowloaded to my ipod, and then a message pops up saying video cannot be copied because of its format. Wat do i do
My ipod nano turns on and off ( read message)
Hello, I was listening to music on my Ipod Nano and I turned it off correctly because I had to go,and when I took it out again it showed the apple si...
Ipod not detected on my computer
Hello, So is your computer not detecting your ipod? I have spent the last several days reading and doing some research and have found the problem and...
My ipod wont turn on
Hello, my ipod died because it ran out of battery n then i didnt use it for a month so its a month later and ive gone to charge it and it wont. it ...
Ipod touch q
can i leave my ipod on all night while in sleep mode?
Some of my songs aren't appearing on my ipod?
Hello, everytime i sync my ipod some of my songs dont appear on my ipod there still on itunes well i dont really know how to epolain this heres an ex...
My ipod does not work
Hello, my ipod wont charge or turn on if its not on hold. and when i take it off hold when its on the charger, the ipod screen fades off slowly and w...
After the hard drive crash, the ipod
Hello, my hard drive had to be reformatted and after installing iTunes i get the message "the iPod is synced with another iTunes library" from my iPod...
How to put songs stored on computer to ipod
Hello, i am trying to put songs which i have saved on my computer to my ipod touch. i have went to where it says 'sync' but it is not detecting the i...
How to put cds on the com then the ipod
Hello, I have just bought a ipod touch, I want to be able to put my CDs onto the computer so I can then transfer them to my ipod, when I have been o...
Help with my ipod touch
Hello, Are there any websites you can go to for free downloads for the ipod touch???
Hello, i got a new ipod nano for my birthday and i copied all of my pictures on to it. i was buying new songs to put on it and it deleted all my pictu...
Ipod touch
Hello, i can't get my ipod touch started
Putting songs into ipod nano
Hello, if i already have songs saved in a usb or the computer, how do you transfer those songs into the ipod nano instead of using iTunes?
My new ipod touch????????
Hello, me and my brother just got a new ipod for christmas never been used or anything!!! okay well we have been trying to put songs on it all day pl...
My ipod touch froze ughhhhhh
Hello, what about ipo d touch it froze on me and its brand new what do i do
Problem in syncing all songs in ipod..!
Heyy.. i tries to sync songs to my touch ipod it syncs nly half songs rest it says that there is a problem wid other songs.. what can i do?
Can't install ipod touch-
Hello, have tried to install iPod touch- the "install" stays grey - how can we fix this? i have Widows Vista so should be ok? Also, should we choose ...
Hello, my iPod nano 4GB silver won't turn on any more and my laptop and itunes won't recognize it. also my serial no. which is 6U734UC3YOP is not cor...
Ipod probs
My ipod touch won't turn on!
Hey guys, my names Marquessa and I've got an Ipod Touch 1st generation, i was sitting in my car and all of the sudden, my ipod freezes. So I do as the...
Sync ipod
Hello, I need help on how to sync my ipod shuffle, can someone please help me. I have no clue on how to do that, and my shuffle did not come with...
Music from ipod to iphone
Hello, so my concern is ... if I plug my iphone into my pc and allow it to sync and send my music playlist from my itunes to my iphone ...will it also...
Need help on my ipod
What is the best format for a ipod nano 8gb?
Hello, I really need a help...I want to put videos,music videos and movies on my ipod nano 8gb but I dont know how?..please someone help me...
Ipod problem
Hello, i'm apple ipod is 1 month old...and it's showing error..i've restored it to factory setting..but it's showing me the error m...
Ipod getting flat
Flat iPod My iPod touch runs flat in a matter of 2 hrs of use. Is it normal?
Ipod disconnect!
Hello, hello i`m Roger
Ipod trouble
Hello, i have my ipod and i cant download itunes so can anyone tell me how to get my songes onto my ipod
Ipod problems
Hello, I'm Mario, I was skating and I had my ipod in my hand and fell and my ipod flew down and now the screen says to connect to the computer, but w...
My ipod wont even come on !!!
Hello, my shuffle wont turn on!!. its been washed like twice by accident... even when i put it on the charger, it has yet to even come up in itunes, ...
Dont kno how to add songs to ipod
Hello, i have tryed everything to put songs on my ipod from my media center and i just cant get it how do i do it?