The discussions
An a it minimizes our screen and puts -a in the search field
Hello, EVERY TIME WE TYPE An A it minimizes our screen and puts -a In the search field. Please help don't know what my daughter hit Is it my...
Caps lock & tab
Hello, my laptop keyboard caps lock & tab not working, please help me. Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 49.0.2623.112
My keys don't work
I have had this keyboad for less than 2 months now but now I have 2 keys that don't work!!! please help me guys I really want to keep it !!! In s...
Some keys not working
Some keys especially the four arrows and the buttons Q,A,Petc., are not working in my dell laptop please help me....
Hello,! ...
My keys not work on my mac book
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Safari 9.0Key not workig
Numbers and letters
Hello, So some of the numbers and letters are messing up. If I press 4, r4 appears on my screen. This also happens if I press r. It occurs with a ...
My laptop keyboard not work properly
Hello, my laptop keeyboard d0es not work properly if I press some letter no can appear what would I do?? thanks Configuration: Windows XP ...
Problem with keys
Hi How is your day I have a problem with keyboard keys for @ symbol its printing " symbol, and for " its printing@ symbol Both are working in vi...
Using fn to type
Hello, I am having to hold down the fn function to type the correct letters Configuration: Windows / Chrome 46.0.2486.0
Acer aspire how do you highlight a file on laptop using touchpad
Hello, How do you highlight a file on laptop using touchpad and keyboard please. trying to highlight words on Word for windows so can copy and pa...
Keyboard not working and how do i shut off blue keys
Hello, My keyboard is not working and how do I get the blue keys to stop working. Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 49.0.2623.105
Keyboard typing wrong
keyboard is typing both numbers n letters when i type only letters.EX- 0p 4 only p;1q 4 only q..plss help
Keyboard is not working
Hello, Hi my keybord is not working so even iam not enter into my laptop how can I solve Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 43.0.2357.93
Left button (not touch pad, the actual button) broken physically
Hello, Dell Laptop Inspirion M731R-5735 The Actual button clicks weird. It still functions on the screen, like it will still click, but it feels ...
Laptop help!!!!!!
Hello, the space bar and enter key on my laptop are not working I have a pc and I have tried firing off and on my sticky keys and my toggle keys a...
My keys are broken
Hello, when ever i press the "T" key is looks like this Tyyyyyyyyyy... and its stuck like that intill i press any key. and the "Y" button dosnt work...
Keyboard replacement will not type
Solvedreplacing a logitech wireless keyboard with ivation wireless (IVCKLEDBWIRELESS) will not type
Splilled coffee on my dell wireles keyboard
SolvedI plilled coffee on my Dell wireles keyboard and a few keys stopped working. recently I tried running water over it and letting it dry but theyare sti...
Two of the keys are reversed
Hello, My Z key and my X key are reversed on my key board. Configuration: Mac OS X Snow Leopard (10.6.8) / Chrome 49.0.2623.87
How to restore keyboard if the key appear different
SolvedAnswer: press window key+x, choose device manager, then click key board. expand the keyboard. go to keyboard and right click. go to properties, choose...
Keystroke give result of 2 consecutive keys
Hello, My Microsoft keyboard systematically takes two consecutive keystrokes when I hit one. It is impossible to use. I just changed the battery. ...
Keyboard types random characters
Well not totally random - hitting any key repeatedly will cycle through all the characters in qwerty order. EG. Pressing 'q' will first display an 'a...
Number keys and arrow keys are not working
Hello, Hi everyone, I use compaq mini laptop, my number keys such as 1,2,3,4,7,8,9,0. and my down and right arrow keys stopped working after reinsta...
Types 7#'s before signs/letters back to sentence start mid sente
7Why does a number appear after 7I enter a capital or signs for example 7& as you can see in this sentence. I am writing as you can see in this...
Keyboard and mouse dont work at login screen
SolvedHello, I would appreciate any ideas on this one. My keyboard and mouse do not work when I get to the windows xp login screen (or in once windows ...
When i press spacebar, after the space it always appears a ^
I tried with an smc reset and pram but didn't work reset you can see the screenshot of the keyboard setting thanks to all
Some keys doesn't work for a while and then they work
Hey there, I have an Acer aspire 5775G I have win 10. Recently some keys on the keyboard stopped working, and then they work again after few restart...
Keys and spacebar don;t work
I have a Acer Aspire snid-13222097116 The B,V,Z and spacebar do not work. This computer is only a 1yr old. It use to be my Moms but she doesn't use it...
Keyboard error
helo, My Asus laptop produces a wrong when enter "space and '@'
Need the left hand arrow key board short cut on the enter key
Hello, Do you know how I can get the left hand arrow key from the enter key on a regular keyboard?
The function of my laptop's keyboard buttons has changed
So whenever I try to use the keyboard some of the buttons would open a browser. An example would be pressing ENTER. If I press F my pad gets locked a...
My space bar is on consistently
Hello, My spacebar is always on, i can't type without holding delete and was wondering if anyone knows how to fix this
Hello am using windows 7.. My keyboard got locked
Marvo k282 gaming
so i bought new keyboard 6 days ago name marvo k282 was work fine until today i wake up and saw my keyboard is weird num lock dont work when...
Keyboard for @ comes up as " on the asus x553m
Hello, The keyboard for @ comes up as " on the Asus X553M Configuration: Windows XP / Chrome 48.0.2564.116
Acer aspire v5-431 keyboard not working properly
Hello, Letters A,X,C on my keyboard is not working, I tried different kind of methods just to fix it but it didnt help.. please help Configura...
Asus x553m keyboard buttons stopped working
Hello, My ASUS keyboard buttons stopped working for -no- apparent reason, I have rarely used them. How can I manually make the keys work without a t...
Hello, what is a 'softkey' ?
Key errors
HI, I use an xp desktop at work and now my keyboard has started to mis-type . eg spacebare is typing an i and back space doesnt seem to want to work
Problem keyboard
Hello i have problem , my windows 7 for desktop have problem can't typing letter example : i type letter A it display but type it again so fast it no...
My toshiba satellite c850-b907 loptop keyboard is not working
Hello Sir/Ma'am, Kindly please help me I have problem to my toshiba satellite c850-b907 keyboard is not working .. Thank you!!
Fn keys problem
Hi, I have a Toshiba Satellite L50-C (windows 10) My problem is that for some reason i now have to press fn + f1,2,3 ect. I could recently press fo...
Spacebar not working
Hello, I am having a problem with my spacebar on my keyboard.......I try many solution on the internet but it is not working........Please give me...
Reverse keyboard with the number keys on the left
Hello, Does anyone make a reverse keyboard with the number keys on the left?
Strange issue on keyboards
I have strange issue on my lenovo z370. The 'H' button is keep pressing and it make a disturbing sound on desktop. When i change it to notepad so i kn...
Laptop keyboard two keys not working
Hello, pls I need help on my laptop.there is this two keys which is not working on my toshiba laptop.they are the down key and the '2' key at num po...
Can't adjust brightness and volume
Hello, I formatted my acer ASPIRE V3-471G laptop. After formatting its fn key not working. I can't adjust my brightness and volume Please help me ...
Some keys work as function keys.
Hello, I've been struggling for hours to get my keyboard to work properly and after several attempts I've given up. My problem is when using the S key...
Cursor moves to the line above mid sentence
Hi, I have a Sony Vaio (few yrs old) I want to clear the memory/preset keys. I can be typing away and for no reason my cursor moves to the line above...