The discussions

Merge two macros of 2 diffrent workbooks


Hello, I have 2 macros in 2 different workbook Currently i have to run 1 st macro(!st work book),then open 2nd macro workbook then have to run...

6 replies Last reply on 7 Nov 2015 by

Remove or clear data


Hello, I am grateful if this query be solved. If user Enter any value in C2 and also user enter "Best" or "Worst" in Cell D2, how it may clear th...

10 replies Last reply on 6 Nov 2015 by

Multiple if in data validation


Hello, Its being requested please help in the below multiple IF function used in Data Validation =IF(ISNUMBER(E2),AND(E2>0,E2

3 replies Last reply on 6 Nov 2015 by

Conditional copy of cells with corresponding values


I have a list of variables in column A. I also have their values in column B. I then have column C, which has variables from the list in column A but ...

2 replies Last reply on 5 Nov 2015 by

Count formula (need help)


Hello, everyone I want to thank you in advance because I know that excel can be frustrating. I hope this is an easy one I have the following data list...

1 reply Last reply on 4 Nov 2015 by

Using if function with dates


Hello, I want to thank everyone for their time in advance. My problem is that I have a two cells/rows (78 & 87) in a column on this worksheet ...

18 replies Last reply on 4 Nov 2015 by

Macros editing


Hi Guys, I have created a macro that splits a master worksheet into separate tabs based on specific criteria then saves each tab as a separate wor...

1 reply Last reply on 3 Nov 2015 by

Refer only one column from named range


Hello everyone and thanks in advance! I have a report in excel 2010. In that i created a named range as "nmerng" which refers two columns s...

2 replies Last reply on 2 Nov 2015 by

Lookup relevant value from table


Hello Team, I have a doubt, Consider the table : Event A B C 1 3020 3420 1324 2 3005 3405 5462 3 2990...

4 replies Last reply on 31 Oct 2015 by

Copying dates in excel


Hello, I created a workbook in Excel and frequently need to copy the same date down a single column. I've always been able to simply grab the + in...

3 replies Last reply on 29 Oct 2015 by

How can i restore corrupt .edb?


Hello, I have an exchange server with a .edb that is in a dirty shutdown state. I have 2 storage groups. The second storage group will not mount d...

Last reply on 27 Oct 2015 by

If statement


Hi, Could you please tell me what I'm doing wrong in this statement? I can't find the issue :( =IF(AND(C2="Passed",D2="Passed",E2="Passed"), "Pass...

5 replies Last reply on 24 Oct 2015 by

Copy data from 1 workbook to another based on sheet tabs


Good day to all, I'm looking for a macro that can copy data from source workbook and paste it to master workbook based on specified sheet tabs. ...

8 replies Last reply on 23 Oct 2015 by

Link data from one cell to another


Hello, ok now what I am trying to do is make a simple formula that will let me take some data out of work book a and have it appear in work book B. ...

3 replies Last reply on 22 Oct 2015 by

Excel:print one enlarged page to multiple pages


Hello, Is it possible to print a enlarged page to multiple pages in excel? Configuration: Windows / Chrome 45.0.2454.101

4 replies Last reply on 22 Oct 2015 by

Entering current time in specific cells


Hi, I am using a workbook where I record the time that I give each of my students an exam. I am using a tablet and I would like to be able to touch (o...

3 replies Last reply on 20 Oct 2015 by

Comparing two columns with other two columns in excel 2003


Dear Sir, I want to compare two columns with other two columns in excel 2003. Columns are as below A B C D a 10 a 10 b 20 b 30 c 30 d 40 ...

Last reply on 19 Oct 2015 by

Excel - shortcut key for print view


Hello, I am srinu what is d short cut key in ex-cel 2003 for print viewConfiguration: Windows XP / Safari 532.5

6 replies Last reply on 19 Oct 2015 by

Create worksheets with names from a list


Hello, I would be most grateful if you would kindly help me out. I have a long list of projects and need to create an individual worksheet for ea...

4 replies Last reply on 16 Oct 2015 by

File attachment


Hello, is it possible to attach an excel file in this forum, for a better understanding of a particular posed question? Configuration: Windows ...

1 reply Last reply on 14 Oct 2015 by

Check info on two different cells...


Hello, Ladies, Gentlemen, I am working with the formula below, and it WORKS GREAT =IF(Z17="PAID","",IF(F17"CTF","",IF(TODAY()>B17+15,"PAY NOW","HOLD...

3 replies Last reply on 14 Oct 2015 by

Allow rules wizard to work without exchange server?


Hello, I no longer work for the company that had the Exchange server and I have my personal pop3 email coming into Outlook. When I try to use th...

Last reply on 13 Oct 2015 by

Auto transfer data as i marked


Hello, I have a spreedsheet where there are names, enrolment No., various subjects(1st Year, 2nd year & 3rd year) of at least 10000 students related...

1 reply Last reply on 11 Oct 2015 by

Counting action under condition of theyr value, and month when..


Hello Guys, I came here for help again :) I need to solve one issue. I've created database, which contain column with Dates(column E),and column w...

4 replies Last reply on 9 Oct 2015 by

@if formula


Hello, how do i formulate the following:- if cell B12 contains the word Meals, then I want to use the formula F12/2 else take 100% in F12 Conf...

5 replies Last reply on 8 Oct 2015 by

Conditional formating a column


Hello, I wish to conditionally format a column depending on another columns date value in excel 2010 Column A has a target date and Column B ha...

2 replies Last reply on 8 Oct 2015 by

Copy cells based on conditions


Hello, I want to make several versions of a questionnaire specific for each out of 11 types of a product. Therefore I made a button for each of th...

2 replies Last reply on 8 Oct 2015 by

Copying data from workbook to workbook using button


Hello guys nad ladies, I have a problem, i hope you can help me. I have an excel worksheet (2 columns, 7 rows) It's kind of daily statistics (email...

4 replies Last reply on 7 Oct 2015 by

Change color to different cells based on another cells text.


Hi, need some help, cannot figure this one out. I had attempted to use conditional formatting; however, it is not completely accomplishing what I hav...

4 replies Last reply on 7 Oct 2015 by

Copy row and insert n times


Hello, I have an example below, I'd like to take the first row, copy it "n" number of times, then take the next row copy it the same "n" number of ti...

Last reply on 7 Oct 2015 by

Compare two worksheets and remove duplicated data from one


Hello everyone, I am struggling to find a solution and would value input from fellow users. The Problem: I have two separate worksheets "Customer...

3 replies Last reply on 6 Oct 2015 by

Search for matches from columns on separate sheets.


Hello, I've got a problem that is stumping me, and I hope you all can help. I have two sheets in my workbook and I would like to have a formula, ...

2 replies Last reply on 6 Oct 2015 by

How to copy data between several sheets on vba


Hi, I'm still a newbie on VBA, so I could use a little help on getting some code working. I have several client used for factoring. As such, each i...

7 replies Last reply on 1 Oct 2015 by

Values from one workbook to another


Hello, I need help - I have two worksheets one with costs and formulas I want to pull the answer from the formula block from the one worksheet to t...

2 replies Last reply on 30 Sep 2015 by

I am unable to send out hotmail from ms outlook


Hello, I have configured two email address in outlook 2007. one gmail another one is hotmail. I can send email by my first one gmail account but I...

1 reply Last reply on 29 Sep 2015 by

Giving false with certain answers


Hello, I am having an issue with my formula. Certain values will give me the correct answer (A, B, C, D, F) but other values will give me a FALSE...

1 reply Last reply on 29 Sep 2015 by

Range of cells depending on a condition.


Hello, I am trying to change part of a cell reference for a range of cells depending on a condition. For example, the formulas in column A & E: A...

2 replies Last reply on 29 Sep 2015 by

Outlook express emails disappeared - can i get them back?


A user opens his Outlook Express 6 (all windows updates up to date) this morning and finds that his inbox is empty. 200-odd messages that were there ...

2 replies Last reply on 28 Sep 2015 by

Match cells in excel with all characters same except one


Hi I was wondering if it was possible in excel to write a formula to perform the following task. I have two columns of data, col A and Col B . For eac...

13 replies Last reply on 27 Sep 2015 by

Auto populate rows from master sheet to other sheets excel 2013


Hello, I'm working on a sheet to autopopulate from data that I've downloaded in Excel format. Currently, I have to recreate the wheel (spreadshee...

3 replies Last reply on 25 Sep 2015 by

Script which can check if a debit has a corresponding credit


Hello, I am new to VBA, and I am searching for a script which can check if a debit has a corresponding credit (same value bue with -/+), and highl...

11 replies Last reply on 24 Sep 2015 by

If functions with dates


Hi, I have recently become part of a restaurant management team. Previously they have used excel very basically, just manually inputting every piece ...

1 reply Last reply on 24 Sep 2015 by

Excel - compare data in two worksheets


Hello, I need help with the best way to combine information in two worksheets and identify rows where data in colum B and column C has changed on...

Last reply on 24 Sep 2015 by

Unable to convert date in excel


I am trying to change all of the dates in an excel spreadsheet to the mm/dd/yyyy format, but when I go to format the cells, it does not change, even w...

7 replies Last reply on 22 Sep 2015 by

Using a comand button to open an external software?


Hello. I'm using Excel and I need do create a comand button to open an external software, e.g. I need do order that button to open "Profis Anchor f...

7 replies Last reply on 22 Sep 2015 by

How to populate a version # change to a text sentence


Hello, Using Excel 2013 What I'm trying to do is I have for example a row that contains information about my software. And in 4 of those cells t...

4 replies Last reply on 21 Sep 2015 by

Dynamic database


Hello, i have a database sheet about spare parts in my store .. this spare pasrts are changed their counted daily , i need the formula that refreash...

2 replies Last reply on 21 Sep 2015 by

Sum different alphabets in an excel range.


some one please help to sum different alphabets in an excel range..........example.....range is ...A!:Z1 and i want to sum "P" and C...

12 replies Last reply on 20 Sep 2015 by

Opening word 2007 docs with word 2010


So I installed Office 2010, and removed Office 2007 from my computer (I had lost the product key, so it was in view-only mode, it's a long story) - ob...

3 replies Last reply on 16 Sep 2015 by

Convert mm/dd or mm/dd/yy or mm/dd/yyyy to excel internal format


I have looked at dozens of articles, but they all talk about converting different forms of mm/dd... etc. to other similar forms. I want to chart bloo...

1 reply Last reply on 14 Sep 2015 by
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