The discussions

Transfer data and then apply formula


Hello, I have a rather large spreadsheet which records the data from a number of different branches on each separate worksheet (labelled as "branche...

3 replies Last reply on 9 Jul 2015 by

Copy formulas across workbook


Hello, I want to copy Excel 2007 formulas from one workbook and past to the other workbook without the workbook name in the pasted formulas. Can ...

Last reply on 8 Jul 2015 by

Macro to copy/paste specific range every 3 rows


Hello, I am beginner in VBA and now have an Excel sheet with about 4000 rows, where I could need a macro. I already recorded a macro for the fi...

2 replies Last reply on 7 Jul 2015 by

Need urgently to find a macro in excel report across sheets


Hi, Anyone a solution? I need a macro that will do the following: 1. Search for a word, a number, ... across all the worksheets in the workbo...

6 replies Last reply on 7 Jul 2015 by

Error trying to populate new worksheet using macro


Hey everyone, I've been working on a macro to create a new worksheet based on the information entered into a column of a "data" worksheet which pop...

2 replies Last reply on 30 Jun 2015 by

Add string only if a text is present in a cell


Hello, i have this string =CONCATENATE(MID(B5;1;1);".") i use to have the initial of a name like this: from "Name" to "N." but some fields have no...

6 replies Last reply on 30 Jun 2015 by

Copy cell from another sheet where cell is value...?


Hi, Is it possible to copy a cell from sheet 1 to sheet 2 where (for instance) sheet 2 A1 is same value as a cell in sheet 1? What I have is: sh...

2 replies Last reply on 30 Jun 2015 by

Macro for filling data from specific cell to another


Hi all, i need help with creating macro to fill data from specific cells in column to another specific blank cells in other column. screen shot i...

4 replies Last reply on 30 Jun 2015 by

Error: embedded excel spreadsheet


Occasionally I have an error with my embedded spreadsheets- it is "Microsoft Office Word can't start the application required to open this object. An...

Last reply on 28 Jun 2015 by

Lost basic11n.msi


Hello, I cannot open MS Office Basic Edition 2003. I keep getting a message that says, "Missing BASIC11N.MSI file" I am missing the installer file. ...

6 replies Last reply on 27 Jun 2015 by

Need to recover a pst file having a password.


Hello, I am in need of a soft utility which can be used to change/ recover the password set on a pst file in outlook. I have a user who has forgo...

3 replies Last reply on 26 Jun 2015 by

Transferring data automatically in same worksheet excel


Hello, I'm finding a difficulty in transferring data from a number of cells to a table automatically. What I'm trying to accomplish here is that w...

1 reply Last reply on 25 Jun 2015 by

Need value as per given criteria


Hello, There is a range given on one column and on the other column there are points. Ex: 200 - 180. 10 points 179 - 160. 9.5 points 159...

6 replies Last reply on 23 Jun 2015 by

Adobe reader could not open because it is either not a supported


HI i HAVE WINDOWS 7 AND WINDOWS XP AT OFFICE while opening one PDF file I am getting this error messege. Adobe Reader could not open because it is e...

1 reply Last reply on 23 Jun 2015 by

If formula for a range almost works, except with blank cells


Apologies if the title is too vague. I will if necessary rewrite it to comply with forum rules. I have posted this same question here: https://www....

3 replies Last reply on 19 Jun 2015 by

Offline address book help for exchange 2007.


Installed new copy of Exchange 2007. Keep getting following message: Offline address book definition is missing. Need help with this issue. Thanks.

2 replies Last reply on 15 Jun 2015 by

Cannot browse - ftp ok, email ok, ping ok


Hello, I have been following the thread from people with similar problems but mine is not fixed. This all happened yesterday when AVG falsely ident...

24 replies Last reply on 14 Jun 2015 by

Date format


Hello, i have a column in format like 14-02-14 and i want to change it like14-02-2014

1 reply Last reply on 14 Jun 2015 by

If condition formula required


Hello, Thank for the earlier reply. Please help in correcting the formula given below. condition is if a column is AB2>=1 it should reduce no. ...

2 replies Last reply on 14 Jun 2015 by

Excel consolidation tab


Hi all, I am wondering if it is possible to exclude one spreadsheet from being pulled into the master tab. I could name it Data. Can you advice? ...

4 replies Last reply on 11 Jun 2015 by

If cell a1 has text then cell b2 has today's date


Hello, I'm trying to find a formula that writes, If Cell A1 has text or any value, then B2 should show today's date and time. Can someone help m...

1 reply Last reply on 10 Jun 2015 by

Excel - repeat rows a specified number of times


Hello, I'm aware of the post here But I wo...

Last reply on 9 Jun 2015 by

How to repeat rows by x number of times


Hi Does anybody know how I can repeat rows in a spreadsheet (or into another spreadsheet) by n number of times specified in the cell in that row ...

7 replies Last reply on 9 Jun 2015 by

How to repair large outlook 2007 pst on windows 7


Hello, User running Windows 7, with Outlook 2007, 20 GB PST. User has two email account, 1 may be an IMAP, 1 may be POP, or both can be POP (I'l...

Last reply on 7 Jun 2015 by

Rounding function


Hello, Good day!! For the Excel rounding function normally is 4 down 5 up is it possible that rounding the digit as below request? 115.21...

2 replies Last reply on 5 Jun 2015 by

Vba to refresh all pivot tables


Hello, One of my worksheets has about 40 pivot tables. I know that there is a pivot table option to "refresh tables when opening file". But my raw ...

1 reply Last reply on 5 Jun 2015 by

Macro to add/remove rows based on highest # in group of cells


I am looking for a macro that will look at a predefined group of cells (say A1-A5) and create as many rows based off the highest one on another sheet....

1 reply Last reply on 4 Jun 2015 by

Copy specific cells to separate worksheets upon 2 conditions


Hello everyone, vcoolio has kindly written me a script to copy and paste specific cells from Sheet1 to Sheet2 if ONE condition is met (ie "Yes" is...

3 replies Last reply on 1 Jun 2015 by

Adobe reader error message at opening .pdf file


hello, I open my big .pdf file and Adobe Reader says: "The File is Corrupted or damaged hence cannot be opened". How to overcome such error mess...

2 replies Last reply on 29 May 2015 by

Pdf file not open


i am getting the following error message when I open the pdffile "Adobe Reader could not open 'xxxx.pdf' because it is either not a supported file ...

2 replies Last reply on 29 May 2015 by

Outlook archive file not opening


I have Outlook 2007 which has a 4Gb archive pst file stored on a file server, there are other archive pst's that I can open but this one wont,...

2 replies Last reply on 29 May 2015 by

Copy certain cells when an option is selected


Hello, Can anyone help me with a script to: Copy: cell A, Worksheet One to cell B, Worksheet Two; cell G, Worksheet One to cell D, Worksheet Tw...

14 replies Last reply on 27 May 2015 by

Arrow key now working.


Hi, When i use the arrow keys using excel, the columns & Rows are being highlighted. How to unlock this? Can you help me to solve this?

2 replies Last reply on 26 May 2015 by

How i can open damaged pdf files?


I have an issue with trying to open old PDF files in Adobe Reader 9 Standard. The files were created in 2000 and they need to be retrieved to be put ...

2 replies Last reply on 25 May 2015 by

Date format


Hello, I want to write date into following format like (25/05/2015) into 25 days 05 months 2015 year. Is it possible??? Thanks Configuration...

2 replies Last reply on 23 May 2015 by

Help to insert a date using a macro in excel


Hello, I have a spread sheet with four tabs. I have written a macro to copy the tabs and rename them but I need to be able change the date which u...

3 replies Last reply on 22 May 2015 by

Outlook 2007 corrupted .pst


My Outlook 2007 cant open .pst file. IT appears file was corrupted. I ran scanpst, but it couldnt solve the issue. Does anyone know third party sof...

2 replies Last reply on 20 May 2015 by

How to hide and unhide tabs according to cell criteria.


Hello, I have an Invoice that has a Rent To Own Sheet and also an Order Form attached to it. On my the Order Form tab I have a data validation...

1 reply Last reply on 20 May 2015 by

Excel vba format a range borders to crossed diagonal lines


Hello, please help me to format a range of cells like if in a range a1:c10 if any cell eg: c1 contains a value c then format diagonal lines wit...

4 replies Last reply on 17 May 2015 by

Outlook 2007 data file repeatedly corrupt


Looking for possible causes for corruption. Window 7 32 bit all updates, Office 2007 SP2 and all updates, POP3 mail account, 5.68 GB pst file, ...

1 reply Last reply on 12 May 2015 by

Conditional formatting: 3 range of numbers


Hello, would like to seek advice from some of the experts here. I want to do conditional formatting from column O6-O21. If percentage is a...

2 replies Last reply on 10 May 2015 by

Reformatting a date in excel


Hello, I could really use your help with Excel. How can I change a date formatted like this...03/12/ just reflect the month and year...0...

4 replies Last reply on 8 May 2015 by

Get a percentage in microsoft excel


Hello, I am trying to get 10% of a number in another cell. rather than doing it in my head, I was hoping someone would know the formula. If you do,...

Last reply on 7 May 2015 by

How to use name range..please help to solve this issue..


Hello, i have a excel work book which has few name ranges eg namerange1, namerange2, namerange3.. how i can display the resultant like if column e...

4 replies Last reply on 7 May 2015 by

Exam layout help


Hello, I want to display a classroom layout on sheet 2 using a list of names from sheet 1 I'm sure it's possible, I just don't know where to sta...

8 replies Last reply on 1 May 2015 by

Conditional formatting cell if every cell contains "yes"


Hello, I want to A2 (surname) and B2 (forename) to turn green if every cell in range C1:F1 equals "yes". At the moment it is highlighting A2 & B2 i...

2 replies Last reply on 1 May 2015 by

Compare 2 sheets -> summary differences


For an ongoing school project values of test subjects are changing over time. I would like to create a quick overview of these changes. Examples ...

4 replies Last reply on 30 Apr 2015 by

Conditional formatting for a particular column


Hello, I need to perform conditional formatting on a particular column, which should display the numbers entered into it, in 3 decimal format. ...

11 replies Last reply on 30 Apr 2015 by

Copy & paste based on specific condition


Please provide me the macro coding for the below scenario. I have four columns in my sheet 1 say Date,Name,Reference and Rate. When I am entering the...

53 replies Last reply on 29 Apr 2015 by

How to search for a value in a range if found run a procedure.


Hello, I am trying to get my spread sheet to run a Macro I have that is working nicely (that copies the row and pastes it to another sheet in the ...

4 replies Last reply on 29 Apr 2015 by
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