The discussions

Pdf file alwasy opening in word


Hello, What to do to disable my attachment file in pdf to open in Word application?

5 replies Last reply on 28 Mar 2017 by

Trying to create a multi-column formula.


Hello, I need help making a formula. I will do my best to describe. The letters (A-I) refer to separate columns. A-B=C to be divided by D the res...

9 replies Last reply on 28 Mar 2017 by

Excel problem


Hello, I want a formula in which, If I enter the number in cell, the name of that number should appear in adjacent cell. Ex: Emp No Name 1 ...

3 replies Last reply on 22 Mar 2017 by

Recover user id of irctc


Hello, recover irctc user id , i forgot it , so help me Configuration: Windows / Chrome 53.0.2785.101

2 replies Last reply on 22 Mar 2017 by

Excel find word in series of cells and add


Hello, My colleague wants to has a spreadsheet with many columns and rows. The spreadsheet setup is something like this: Cells under column A ha...

3 replies Last reply on 17 Mar 2017 by

Highlight one value in a dropdown menu of three responses


Hello, I have a template where we are asking for responses with a drop down that includes Y, N, and N/A. We want to highlight all N answers in yell...

2 replies Last reply on 17 Mar 2017 by

Code to move rows into another sheet based on certain values


I'm having trouble figuring out how to do something! I have a sheet (Sheet1) with customer details on it (columns A-D will have data in). I want to be...

1 reply Last reply on 17 Mar 2017 by

Search a list of names at one time in excel


Hi, I have a huge list of names (list A) which I need to search with another list of names (list B) and see if any name in list A is in list B . Is i...

8 replies Last reply on 8 Mar 2017 by

If a cell contains any text then add a value (with dates)


I am looking for help with a formula that will allow me to add up the number of times a certain date is a Monday. I am using =COUNTIF(A1:A30,"*Monday...

7 replies Last reply on 7 Mar 2017 by

Macro to increase a cell reference by 11


Hi everyone I want a macro that on open will increase the cell reference in a cell by 11 each time the book is opened i.e. Cell C18 has =Sheet2!H2. T...

6 replies Last reply on 7 Mar 2017 by

How do i change a word doc into pdf or similar file format


Want to send off a resume and they do not accept my covering letter in Word format, how do I change it to PDF or similar please

2 replies Last reply on 6 Mar 2017 by

Conversion of dob to full words


Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0 I want to to convert dob to word like 5/6/2014 to fifth June two thousand fourteen please tell me...

9 replies Last reply on 3 Mar 2017 by

Data auto change on multiple status in one column


Hello again, Few days ago i am looking for a command that can use to change data status in one same column. Example : 'Activated' change to 'Expired...

10 replies Last reply on 3 Mar 2017 by

Question on vba code


Hello, can someone explain this code to me? I have this file that has a macro button transferring all the information(KPI's to be exact) from a data...

2 replies Last reply on 28 Feb 2017 by

Formula help - if cell contains a number, +1.


Hi there, Just a simple one for you guys! I'm currently making a spreadsheet to tally up sickness days and occurrences. I currently enter how many s...

3 replies Last reply on 28 Feb 2017 by

Covert date of birth


Dear Sir I want to convert date of birth in excel like below mentioned Example : 11/07/1982 then it should be reflect as Eleventh July Nineteenth...

2 replies Last reply on 27 Feb 2017 by

Need help with macro to generate monthly overview


Hi all! I have been trying to build a Macro that allows me to generate a new worksheet with the information from a Master Sheet where i will key in t...

12 replies Last reply on 27 Feb 2017 by

Conditional formatting


I am trying to format column 'O' if the value is greater than zero but where column 'P' does not include "SBNAS735" or "SBTDP443". Help! System Conf...

3 replies Last reply on 27 Feb 2017 by

Transfer data from one sheet to another


Hello, I require some assistance please. I looked at a few answers on this forum, but I am stuck as my VB keeps on giving errors. I wish to automa...

3 replies Last reply on 24 Feb 2017 by

Date formats


Hello, Can you tell me how to change the format from Sep-01-2015 to the format 2015-09-01? I have tried the format tab under the Date section and Cu...

3 replies Last reply on 22 Feb 2017 by

Complicated auto populate possible or not and if so how.


Hello, I'm using excel to schedule for my business, I have all the customer information on the first sheet and would like to auto populate the other s...

9 replies Last reply on 22 Feb 2017 by

Copy row by x times where value x is cell value of the range


I need to scan each value in a column A and use the value in that column to copy the current row x times to another sheet. The second sheet is to be u...

3 replies Last reply on 21 Feb 2017 by

Iso 27005 risk value


Hi All, I have the following problem: I have two cells that have a text value which can either X or M or H X value is 0, M value is 1 and H value i...

5 replies Last reply on 21 Feb 2017 by

Copy a row from one worksheet to another, based on criteria


Hello, I'm trying to copy rows from my "master" worksheet to another sheet based on criteria in column A. Can I do this? Please help, thanks...

15 replies Last reply on 20 Feb 2017 by

I want to send 120 e-mail with 120 attachments


Hello, I have excel file for salaries. In this file I have all the data for each employee (120 employees) including their e-mails as well. I want ...

35 replies Last reply on 19 Feb 2017 by

Totaling hours by code


I'm looking for some excel help please :) I have an excel sheet that I would like to have totals for employee hours, sorted by the code that is enter...

7 replies Last reply on 17 Feb 2017 by

Change data status in one same column


Hello, i am looking for a command that can use to change data status in one same column. Example : 'Activated' change to 'Expired' when it due. ...

4 replies Last reply on 17 Feb 2017 by

If statement -


Hello, I'm attempting to create an IF statement. IF a type = 1 then add the total of a corresponding cell to the total amount. =SUM(IF(B24:B51="1...

3 replies Last reply on 16 Feb 2017 by

Lookup across whole workbook (muliple sheets)


Hello, I would need your help with my problem in MS Excel. Here is the description: 1. I have an Excel workbook containing multiple sheets (ca. ...

6 replies Last reply on 10 Feb 2017 by

Autofill master sheet


I am trying to automatically fill in a table (with whole rows from A-N) on a master sheet (sheet 1) based on whether the data in column H of the table...

1 reply Last reply on 9 Feb 2017 by

If cell contains a certain text, add the numbers of another cell


Hello, I am trying to do my finances in an easier way, and would appreciate it if anyone can help me with the below question: B2=Supermarket , C2=30$...

1 reply Last reply on 6 Feb 2017 by

Need formula for comparing differences of two columns.


Column A and B both contain numeric values. I want Excel to look at both and give me the numeric difference between the two in a new column C. I reali...

3 replies Last reply on 4 Feb 2017 by

Copy activechart properties to cell (from graphics)


Hello, I hope someone could help me. Working with graphics in excel, I generate dispersion plots from some datas, later I add the trendline, display...

2 replies Last reply on 2 Feb 2017 by

Copying conditional formatting with formulas accross rows


Hello, I am trying to copy the color formatting along with the formulas across the entire row but the colors don't change based on the formula. Exam...

2 replies Last reply on 2 Feb 2017 by

Multiple if formula in one cell, date comparison


Hello, Would please help me to find the proper formula for this below if R6 is Action date if S6 is Target date T6 is Number of days to close the...

3 replies Last reply on 2 Feb 2017 by

Convert number to assigned names and joined with another names 


Hello, Please anyone can assist me on the below issue. that if I want to have a result as per the below if 1=Biju , 2=Daisy, 3=Mahmoud.... Cell...

4 replies Last reply on 1 Feb 2017 by

Macro for merging data from multiple sheets


Hello, I want to copy data of 2nd columns from all the sheets to different columns of single excel sheet. Is there any macro code available for per...

5 replies Last reply on 31 Jan 2017 by

How to convert date into text.


Hello, how to convert Date to words in excell in large for Tc use e.g 05/01/1992 To change five January,Ninteen Ninty Two System Configuration: Win...

1 reply Last reply on 30 Jan 2017 by

Function button: unhide cells between values and hide all other


Hello! I am new to macros and this one is proving to be a bit of a challenge for me. I am building a template that contains several sections. What ...

2 replies Last reply on 25 Jan 2017 by

Automatically transfer data from one sheet to another


Hello, I have a workbook with several worksheets (Master, Pending, Lost, Sold, and Bidding). I would like to be able to have certain line items base...

5 replies Last reply on 22 Jan 2017 by

Range of numbers


hello, I would appreciate help on the following problem :- If cell R1equals any number in the range 12 to 31 then I wish cell b1 to equal 2. Is ther...

3 replies Last reply on 21 Jan 2017 by

Add incremental number based on conditions in excel


Hello, I have a column that contains variables (for example; days of the week) and I am trying to add an incremental number in the second column bas...

3 replies Last reply on 20 Jan 2017 by

Outlook can receive but not send with certain wifi networks


Hello, I moved my PC to a new home and found that my Outlook can receive but not send when connected to the home's wifi. When I set up a hotspot on...

1 reply Last reply on 16 Jan 2017 by

Generate excel workbooks based on excel list


Hello, I need to generate several hundred identical excel workbooks using a macro. I'd like to standardise the file names based on a list in Excel...

23 replies Last reply on 16 Jan 2017 by

If then


Im trying to write a formula that returns a yes or no. I have to check if product is or isnt in warranty and need to know if a date is greater than o...

1 reply Last reply on 14 Jan 2017 by

Email with multiple attachments through vba


Dear All, I need to send the multiple emails via Outlook through VBA. Column A Row 2 = Name of Person, Which must be Displayed on .Body Column B Ro...

9 replies Last reply on 10 Jan 2017 by

If and is text or is not blank


Hello, Can somebody help me with this formula...I want the excel to display a computation, if A2 is a Seller, and A2 has a value, then compute Price...

5 replies Last reply on 5 Jan 2017 by

Conditional formatting range of date cells based on another cell


Hi There, There is lots of stuff to do with CF when using today's date but not a for specific date entered in a cell so I was hoping someone might be...

7 replies Last reply on 5 Jan 2017 by

Search for a keyword. add value from another cell.


I'm looking for something that's very difficult to search for. I balance my checkbook in excel. Each row has a spot for Date/Comments/Withdrawl/Depos...

2 replies Last reply on 3 Jan 2017 by

A if(istext) formula that needs a trimming, please help?


Hello, Am really struggling with a IF(is text) formula, it works its just really large and I need to be able to trim it a bit as I need to replicate...

1 reply Last reply on 3 Jan 2017 by
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