The discussions

Date counting with user inputs


Hello, I'm looking for a date counting formula between two dates, where the user defines the total number of days, and Excel will tell them which ...

3 replies Last reply on 15 May 2014 by

Excel macro

Hello All, I am trying to create a macro with formula. I need help in there. I have to get a formula for a column for more than one sheet. The formu...

3 replies Last reply on 15 May 2014 by

Set up a macro for quarterly reports i produce

Hi, I was wondering if someone could help me... please! I would like to set up a macro for quarterly reports I produce. I would normally downloa...

1 reply Last reply on 15 May 2014 by

Setup userforms assetmanaging

I have the following issue, am totally unfamiliar with UserForms, but need help with next. I have an excel file which works well, now I have some ...

17 replies Last reply on 15 May 2014 by

Create file xls based on colums & populate data with criteria


Hi, I need a macro that create some new file (txt or xls it doesen't matter) starting from an existing xls. The existing xls named "Arretrati" h...

4 replies Last reply on 14 May 2014 by

Master password


Hello, Please give me na master password Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 34.0.1847.114

Last reply on 14 May 2014 by

Using date and if

=IF(B3="",09-01-2014,)*DATE(YEAR(B3)+G3,MONTH(B3),DAY(B3)) This is my failed furmula. I am trying to write a formula that will take the date in B3...

3 replies Last reply on 13 May 2014 by

Macro: cut/paste entire row into new sheet based on cell value

Hi there, I'm struggling to create a working macro that finds a specific value in a column and then, only if the condition that the cell's value eq...

1 reply Last reply on 13 May 2014 by

Product key of ms publisher


I want to know the product key of Ms publisher downloaded from your website.

1 reply Last reply on 12 May 2014 by

Macro: add one month to all the cells with date data in workbook

Hello, Need help in a macro that will add one month to all the cells that contains date data like 2/3/2014 will become 2/4/2014 Thank you. ...

7 replies Last reply on 12 May 2014 by

Macro for comparing 2 sheets in excel and removing duplicates

Hi, Kindly help me out with Macro for " Comparing 2 sheets in excel and removing duplicates in sheet 2 by replacing duplicates with blanks" so orde...

7 replies Last reply on 12 May 2014 by

Combine,match and align 2 excel sheets.

I want to combine two excel sheets. First excel sheet has patient ID (below 18 years) and their gender, age and race.Second one has patient ID (above...

1 reply Last reply on 8 May 2014 by

Change value to an alternative value

I am wanting the instructions to design a formula so that each time a value eg $90.00 appears in a cell that the system will automatically change the ...

1 reply Last reply on 8 May 2014 by

Macro - help please - newbie on macros

I am new at this macro stuff and I would like to learn more. A project I'm doing now is for staff assessment forms. I already have a working macro for...

3 replies Last reply on 8 May 2014 by

Compare and sort random data between different sheets

Hello, In one sheet I have 200 Names and their phone numbers ( in 2 columns) . In the 2nd sheet, I have 100 names ( those belong to original 2...

1 reply Last reply on 7 May 2014 by

How to return date in excel

Hi , pls give me answer for this question A B C D E F 1 GUE...

1 reply Last reply on 7 May 2014 by

Auto filling bill number and date


hi i need a macro for my office use the condition is like this sheat one input ...

16 replies Last reply on 7 May 2014 by

Unable to send pdf via email function in adobe reader

Hello all, I encountered this error message "Either there is no default mail client or the current mail client cannot fulfill the messaging request...

1 reply Last reply on 7 May 2014 by

Counting unique values in a given dataset

I am using Excel 2007. I have to track the number of visitors to various farmers markets by zip codes on a given market day. I have all of the zip c...

4 replies Last reply on 6 May 2014 by

Excel facing a problem with automation

Hi everyone, I am currently facing a problem with automation of Ms. excel for my work and would highly appreciate any kind of help in this case. ...

1 reply Last reply on 6 May 2014 by

Creating lists that are conditional on info in other cells

Hi there, I'm new here so I'll try and explain as best I can. This is probably really easy but I can't quite find the correct formula to do it, I ass...

1 reply Last reply on 6 May 2014 by

How to extract dates that a person is absent in a month?

How do I extract the dates that a person is absent during the month and the dates extract to be in a single cell? Thanks!

1 reply Last reply on 6 May 2014 by

Hide rows macro

Dear Sir i have some Record in Sheet1 Parts Name Parts Used in Section parts Used Quantity if my parts used Quantity is 0 then Row will H...

1 reply Last reply on 6 May 2014 by

Conditional format

Hello, Configuration: Windows XP / Chrome 34.0.1847.131 Hello, I am trying to set a conditional format using different columns and I can'...

1 reply Last reply on 6 May 2014 by

Add one month to all the date...


Hello, Sub Sample() Dim ws As Worksheet Dim lRow As Long, i As Long '~~> Change this to the relevant sheet Set ws = ThisWork...

Last reply on 5 May 2014 by

How to insert multiple conditions in a formula?


I have 2 cells, and I proceed like this with a formula and basically, if cell A2 meets a condition, then cell B4 shows the word "Good" =IF(A2>=100...

2 replies Last reply on 4 May 2014 by

Excel - shortcut key print preview


Hello, What is the short cut in excel 2003 for print preview. Please give me solution. Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 3.6

12 replies Last reply on 4 May 2014 by
Hafiz Pakistani

Can you give me pdf-xchange viewer pro serial number?


Hello, Can you give me PDF-XChange Viewer Pro serial number? I will be very appreciated. Mr. Chao Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 34.0.18...

Last reply on 1 May 2014 by

Multiple results with simple criteria?

Hello! Here's what Tab A looks like: Cap Type 220 N 3993SNB34 180 N 7113038KH34/32 220 N WS450BKXL 100 N ED303BK38/32 180 N 874OG36/32 ...

1 reply Last reply on 1 May 2014 by

Insert word in cell based on value in another cell?


CONDITIONAL FORMATTING for cell A2: if value in cell C3 is > than 500, then insert word "alert" in cell A2 what would the formula look like? I ...

2 replies Last reply on 1 May 2014 by

Conditional formatting of entire column


Hello, I have two columns in excel 2010 which are generated by sensors measuring the same thing. In theory the 2 columns should be the same...of c...

4 replies Last reply on 1 May 2014 by

Round up formula for time


Hi All. I need an excel macro to populate a cell with a time slot based on the previous column which is a datetime value. e.g. if column A is 1-Apr-...

2 replies Last reply on 1 May 2014 by

Formula for percentage calculation

Needed a formula in A which will be then pulled down throughout the column. Wanted the result in A where B multiplied by C & D and deducting the val...

3 replies Last reply on 1 May 2014 by

Formula assistance

Excel..... I have a spreadsheet for shipping products. When I enter the amount shipped, I would like for that days date to appear in the next column...

1 reply Last reply on 30 Apr 2014 by

Microsoft office accounting 2008


Just become a member with Kioskea. I downloaded Microsoft Accounting 2008 from your website but need a product key. Can you help?

Last reply on 30 Apr 2014 by

The value of a name


Hello, I've been playing a lot of dark souls 2, and I'm trying to make a spread sheet to have the value for armor (to start). I plan on making ...

2 replies Last reply on 29 Apr 2014 by

Excel conditional formula

Here is my need. I have a visit date that I want to prepare for 3 weeks in advance. So if I have a date of 5/23/14 for the visit I want a cell to show...

4 replies Last reply on 29 Apr 2014 by

How to find positions with repeated marks

Hello, Sir i have problem with finding positions of a class having equal marks can any body help me please. Configuration: Windows 7 / Interne...

1 reply Last reply on 29 Apr 2014 by

Adding rows based on users selection

Hello, I want add rows with say Y1,Y2,Y3...Y10 based on what value the user selects from the drop down i.e. Say a user selects 5 then in the o...

1 reply Last reply on 29 Apr 2014 by

Macro to copy worksheet based on criteria

I am fairly new to using macro's. I have 4 template worksheets and one input worksheet. Based on cell c4 in input worksheet I want to select either te...

1 reply Last reply on 29 Apr 2014 by

How automate to search and move data from one excel to another

Dear Friends, I need a excel script to search columm A data from my lslpp-report and match the phrases in column A with the data from the lslpp raw...

1 reply Last reply on 29 Apr 2014 by

Copy data from one work book to another

I am a beginner in excel so i need your help on this. The 2 work books in question are the links below.

5 replies Last reply on 28 Apr 2014 by

Can the formula counta / count exclude 0 values?


If I use COUNT or COUNTA, what can I include in the formula to exclude zero values? Thanks for any tips

2 replies Last reply on 28 Apr 2014 by

Drop down list opens new window

I would like to create an excel that has a first sheet with drop down selections $2m >$5m >$7m Depending which is selected a different excel she...

1 reply Last reply on 28 Apr 2014 by

Populate cells based on criteria...

Hello, A B C D E F ...

19 replies Last reply on 28 Apr 2014 by

Transfer data into invoice


So I've put hours and hours into this with no avail. Here's my situation...I have on "Sheet 1" a list of materials which could potentially be used dur...

10 replies Last reply on 28 Apr 2014 by

If functions

Hello , I am able to create multiple if functions ( =IF(Site1!H2="y",Site1!G2,IF(Site1!H3 ="y",Site1!G3,IF(Site1!H4="Y", Site1!G4, IF(Site1!H5="y"...

3 replies Last reply on 28 Apr 2014 by

Inserting a row when the value of a field changes


I was using this code as a start but can't seem to mak it do exactly what I want. Sub InsertRows() Dim r As Long, mcol As String, i As Long '...

2 replies Last reply on 28 Apr 2014 by

Format cell color based on date range


Hi, this is my first post. I'm glad to be a member of this forum. Based on conditional formatting, how can I select a cell and have the backgroun...

4 replies Last reply on 27 Apr 2014 by

Concatenate cells losing comma formatting

Hello, I am trying to concatenate multiple number values into 1 string text, but I am losing the Comma formatting. Here is an example of 3 valu...

2 replies Last reply on 26 Apr 2014 by
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