The discussions
If statement using date to change row colour
SolvedI have a sheet with the following header row: Reference Client MAWB / BoL Date logged Date completed Days to resolve Logged by Caller type Error ar...
Excel 2010-vb macro formula into many spreadsheets
SolvedHello Everyone, I am new in VB programming and I am trying to write a macro in Excel. Basically, I have written a formula in Excel which enable me ...
Automate the sheet in order to calculate costs
I have an order sheet and 3 reference sheets. I would like to automate the sheet in order to calculate costs and for selling different types of produ...
If function using dates
SolvedHi I am trying to write an IF function for an escalation calculation and need some help please. What I want to achieve is to have a date filled ...
If function using dates
ClosedHi I am trying to write an IF function for an escalation calculation. What I want is to have a date filled into cell B13 (22 February 2014). The I...
Data comparison
ClosedI have a database compiled in my office of current students in a college program for a particular semester AND a database from administration with the...
Macro syntax error
HELLO THERE NEED HELP TO RESOLVE AND MAKE THE BELOW CODE WORK IN EXCEL(MACRO) ActiveCell.FormulaR1C1 = _ "=IF(RC[-2]=""10X"",""Acquisition on do...
Change the column
Hello, I have to do the same thing as you but instead of using the column B, I have to use the column A. I tried to change your code but I didn't...
Excel cmd button to transfer data from source to another.
Hello, Can someone help me with my problem. Is there a way to create button to transfer data from source sheets to any other sheets in the same wo...
How do i change the result of a formula to normal text or values
SolvedHello , i have a formula which calculates my working hours for each day " =C9+(B9>C9)-B9 " ... when i try to sum all the hours resulted from that for...
If formulas with dates
Hi all, I have a large spreadsheet that contains revenue information tied to sales deals. Column A contains the expected deal closing date and c...
Data sorting
Hi Folks, I need your help in data sorting. Basically I just want to automate the data to be sorted to another table, Names from table1 to table...
Excel mmyy format in order
SolvedHello, I have a data set and a column currently with a selection of dates in MYY and MMYY, eg. 909 (Sep 2009) 1011 (Oct 2011) 1212 (Dec 2012...
Macro adding a row and numbering it in excel
Hi, Please could someone help I am trying to record a macro that will add a row below and number A2 with a number say 1, 2, 3 etc. I also need to...
Date format
Hi, can i have solution for this question how to change date format this case to 21/11/13 to this 21-Nov-13. Thank you............
Hi, I want to setup a Macro to cary these 2 rows and coloms when I hit the Macro button in excel. Can any one help me. I am staeting with E7:F7. T...
Office 365 activation key ?
ClosedHow & where to get office 365 activation key? I am unable to use it now its been six months i started using Office 365 but suddenly it sopped working....
Excel formula help
SolvedHello, I would like to request some assistance with a formula I have been trying to figure out. I know it's a simple one, but it evades my mind. ...
Apply conditional formatting rule if value is true?
Hello all! I have been searching for this answer for many days now, and I am getting quite frustrated. I'm not sure if it will work or not, but here i...
Inserting photos or image into a pdf
I have PDF complete office edition 4 and I am trying to update a flyer that we created a few years ago but the program wont let me change or insert a ...
Track office log in and log out timings
Hi Team, Thanks for providing me an opportunity to be a part of the wonderful Team. I would need a Macro to track the shift timings of the emplo...
If cost is 18.66 what would be 0.6% of it (calculation method)
Solvedand if basic pay 65000rs what would be the 2.5% of it(calculation method)
Copy data from one sheet and putting it below a particular cell
I have a excel with 3 sheets . My requirement is to pull data from sheet1 ,sheet2 and put it into sheet3. There would be two headings in sheet 3 1...
Moving information from 1 set to another based on an if
I have two worksheets. 1 is Proposals 2 is Projects When a row in Proposals is given a Project #(a cell in that row) I need the cells in that row to ...
How to move data from one sheet to another
I have an excel spreadsheet, and I need a macro , in sheet1 I have several values of 7 numbers in a cell, example 1|2|3|4|5|6|7| up to 93|94|95|96|97|...
How to formula the table
Table 0 to 1000 value is 2 1001 to 2000 value is 3 2001 to 3000 value is 4 3001 to 4000 value is 5 4001 to 5000 value i...
Conditional formatting with dates
Hello, Your help would be greatly appreciated I have a cell with a date in it (A1). I want that cell to change colour if the following criteria is ...
Date issues
Hello, i have the following problem with excel 2010 on windows 7 pro. i select col A and format it to Date yyyy-MM-dd i enter 2014-01-08 in A...
Data import from a notepad
Hello everybody. Hope you are doing well. please help me in the following situation. Suppose i have a notepad file where there are some company rec...
How to convert arabic pdf file into arabic word
Hi all of you I would like to help me which software to convert Arabic pdf into Arabic word and you know most software convert pdf file into word do...
Need macro help
Hello; thanks for viewing this question.... I need help creating a macro, with detailed instructions on how to put it into excel and actually make ...
Microsoft office 7
how i will download free Microsoft office.
Solvedsum a column if two other columns contain a specific text each so sum (if (A1:A20=1 and B1:B20 = "A", C1:c20)
Add video in windows 7 ms office powerpoint?
how to add video in windows 7 ms office powerpoint?
For need a help.
can't support file format of office software.
Copy data from current work to another
SolvedHi All, Please can you help me with the VBA code which copies columns from current active workbook to another closed workbook at the end of rows.....
Excel column linking query
Hi, I would like to know how to link one column with another therefore having the second column recognise it at the same. eg Typing a name in colu...
Excel 2007 - conditional format using calendar months
I'm have a workbsheet that has a bunch of dates that show when people have completed their annual training. What I'm trying to do is take the train...
hi may i get a free version of google earth
Conditional formatting from another cell by range
SolvedHey, I need helpppppppp i want to change the color of a cell based on the range value of another cell eg. i need a1 to be red if b1 is < 70%, Y...
Hi, am trying to correct a formula. Each time am using this formula: =IFERROR(VLOOKUP(B15;'Liste des Prix Net'!$A$1:$B$8;2;0);(P15/Q15)*(L15/1000)...
Auto sheets .... with common data?
Hello, I would like to have a new sheet generated on open of workbook with sheet name generated in sequence (i.e. main sheet has common data the...
Macro to move mail from inbox to folder
Hello, I am looking for a macro that will move an email item from the inbox of a mail account to a folder in that mail account's inbox. The tri...
How to attach a work book
Hi Sirs, I was asked from a forum member to attach the sample file When I failed to attach as desired. Pl help me regards ansharma
Excel formula
SolvedI need a formula to compute one equation if one criteria OR another criteria is met, and a different equation depending on another criteria If nu...
Can sent email be edited.....
Hi, I am using office 2007 outlook, just want to understand is it possible to edit an sent email item. If an editing is done in the sent mail then ...
Copying simple form data into new databse
Hello, I'd like to create a simple form that I can then copy into a spreadsheet and will update another workbook for data. My form is very straight...
Compare and return the oldest date
I have a shared workbook comprised of a full report sheet and sheets for individual employees that is being used as a weekly report. Employees enter ...
Excel if help
Hello, I am looking for a function I think an IF statement for some accounts. I want to say IF ( The value in column B="Tom") THEN (Add the v...
Comparision of excel sheets
I just want to ask for your help by providing me codes / references to compare the data in two worksheet, which it means to compare the data in sheet ...