The discussions

Need macro coding


Hello, I NEED SOULTION. i HAVE DATA LIKE BELOW FORMAT. A B Apple Apple Apple Apple ...

Last reply on 10 Oct 2011 by

Excel - select last 25 records


Hi I have a spreadsheet that is entered into daily a list of actions taken in a department. This needs to be printed weekly and displayed. Obviously t...

1 reply Last reply on 10 Oct 2011 by

Auto update master sheet

Hello, I am trying to prepare a master sheet. My problems is as below:- There are 4 different work stream owners and all of them have access to...

3 replies Last reply on 10 Oct 2011 by

Excel - removing different rows in 2 sheets


Hello, I have two worksheets containing a different number of rows. I want to delete all rows in sheet 1 that have a value in column A that c...

4 replies Last reply on 10 Oct 2011 by

Help require to find correct formula

Hello, Received one issue on 22-Sep-11, the turnaround time to solve this issue is 6 working days therefore the Expected date of Closure is 29-Sep...

7 replies Last reply on 10 Oct 2011 by



Hello, i want to highlight a cell if there is no value in the cell. I am using the isblank funtion in the excel but how do i set the color code ...

Last reply on 10 Oct 2011 by

Compare columns and copy


Hello, I need a Macro to do next : i have 2 sheets Sheet1 and Sheet2. In Sheet1 column A has a variable range of values i.e. A2 : A... Column B is e...

2 replies Last reply on 9 Oct 2011 by

Dont know the password


Hello, I've got one Dell Inspiron 1440 Laptop that I've bought from my friend. The problem with that computer is when I start what that's appear a...

Last reply on 8 Oct 2011 by

Need to find correct formula in excel- urgent

Hello, Received one issue on 29-Sep-11, the turnaround time to solve this issue is 6 working day. In my case A1-9/29/11 and TAT for its closure of...

1 reply Last reply on 7 Oct 2011 by

Excel filter with macro

Hello, I have a excel with different criteria , in which i have to filter according to three criteria's . * And finally i have to pick a ce...

1 reply Last reply on 7 Oct 2011 by

Require correct formula in excel

Hello, Received one issue on 22-Sep-11, the turnaround time to solve this issue is 6 working days therefore the Expected date of Closure is 29-Sep...

2 replies Last reply on 7 Oct 2011 by

Convert the fraction to month and year

Hello, I need to convert 05/10 to Month and then Year. i.e., for Example it should come as May 2010. Please give an idea to get the above...

1 reply Last reply on 7 Oct 2011 by

Creation of dropdown from dynamic list in vba


Hello, I have been trying to make a Macro that can create a dropdown list from a dynamic list in column A. So far I've come up with the followin...

3 replies Last reply on 7 Oct 2011 by


Hello, Would be very thankful if You could help. I have 2 columns with country names i need to find which country is most used and sort it DESC ...

1 reply Last reply on 6 Oct 2011 by

Vb .net

Hello, Configuration: Windows XP / Safari 535.1 i had created an employee database , but i cant able to retrieve datas from the table so...

1 reply Last reply on 6 Oct 2011 by

Printing the adjacent value of matched cell

Hello Sir, I was stuck into finding the value of matched column next cell value, Here is what my question actually is Hello, I have 2 co...

2 replies Last reply on 6 Oct 2011 by

Avg multiple cells in multiple sheets - excel


Hello, I need to average multiple cells across multiple sheets, but not all are in the same column/number. I need to average B35,D35,F35 in Sheet 1...

2 replies Last reply on 6 Oct 2011 by

Create dropdown from dynamic list


Hello, I'm trying to make a Macro that can make a dropdown list from a dynamic list in column A. So far I've come up with the following code: S...

Last reply on 6 Oct 2011 by

Cndtnl fmt a1 based on a2 based on a3

Hello, I have reduced my question to this simple example. I am trying to set up a conditional format in Cell A1 based on the results in cell A2. C...

3 replies Last reply on 5 Oct 2011 by
T Bennett

Apacer password


Hello, Good eveing,i forgot the password numbers of my mini sd 2GB from mobile phone. So,i wanna to how i can unlock this SD card. Can u help m...

Last reply on 5 Oct 2011 by

Macro to insert data to changing cells


Hello, I'm trying to write a macro in excel for inserting input text to a specified cell. I have already an InputBox specifying the text to be put...

2 replies Last reply on 5 Oct 2011 by

How to insert 3 logical condition in excel,07


suppose in column g5 there is some values ranges 5 to 50, when g5

Last reply on 5 Oct 2011 by

Can;t type any pass words in


Hello, I can get to all web sites, if they are in my history. just can;t type into site address bars. just a line comes up blinking??? Configu...

Last reply on 5 Oct 2011 by

Change date format in excel

Hello, Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 6.0.2 My spreadsheet has date in cells as: 7/1/2003 but displays as Jul-03. Need to have date in c...

1 reply Last reply on 4 Oct 2011 by

Master password for dell studio 1535


Hello, To all the wonderful voluntieers on here,can some one please with all respect help me get the master password for my lock dell studi...

Last reply on 4 Oct 2011 by

Excel merge text files


Dear Forum Members, As I am not a VB expert I have copied some codes and edited to suit for my purpose. My idea is to combine many .pyc files in a f...

8 replies Last reply on 4 Oct 2011 by

Master password


Hello, i need i master password for my dell studio 1535 which is locked and i can do anything about it. Configuration: Windows 7 / Internet Exp...

Last reply on 4 Oct 2011 by

Get columns from one sheet to another


Hello, i have one sheet with values in number of columns. Its columns may not change but its rows will increase. I would liketo get some o...

Last reply on 4 Oct 2011 by



Hello, I have 2 columns with country names i need to find which country is most used and sort it DESC and by A-Z (most common used countries are m...

Last reply on 4 Oct 2011 by

Copy rows and paste in a single column

Hello, I have multiple data rows and columns in excel format 0.00111 0.00111 0.00111 0.000018 0.000018 0.000018 0.000017 0.0000...

1 reply Last reply on 4 Oct 2011 by

Jump to cell

Hello, I have two columns A and B. Suppose i write 3 in Cell A1, then I want the cursor directly jumps to cell B3 and value 3 is filled in the c...

3 replies Last reply on 3 Oct 2011 by

Excel text to columns converting pm to am

Hello, I have a spreadsheet that has 9/11/2011 1:33:03 PM in the display bar, 09/11/11 13:33:03 PM in the cell. When I perform text to columns to...

3 replies Last reply on 3 Oct 2011 by

How to remove powor on password of my g five


Hello, How to remove powor on password of my g five mobile,plz help me. Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 8.0

1 reply Last reply on 1 Oct 2011 by

Forgot username, password


Hello, i have a dell inspiron 1545 and i cant log in i forgot username/password. please help, how can i remove password. WINDOWS 7 ; service tag...

Last reply on 1 Oct 2011 by

Compare two excel columns of differant size


Hello, i am having two excel columns of differant size..Both the columns contain mobile numbers..i have columns A containing all the mobile numbe...

6 replies Last reply on 30 Sep 2011 by

Macro help - search for text in excel


Hello, I've been trying to wrap my head around how to do this but haven't had any luck -- I want to search for text in excel in a spreadsheet of 40...

Last reply on 29 Sep 2011 by

Excell mess

Hello, I want a price from Column E if it has in Column F (next to it) the number 1 to go to Column Named GRoup 1 if it has number 2 tou go to Group...

1 reply Last reply on 28 Sep 2011 by

Better looking charts for office 2010

Hello, I'm looking for better looking charts for Office 2010. Currently my charts look really ugly and unclear. I'd like to get them look like this...

1 reply Last reply on 28 Sep 2011 by

Copy paste rows in excel across worksheets


Hello, I'm trying to create an excel macro that will copy a sequence of rows from 2 different worksheets and paste them in a third worksheet using t...

3 replies Last reply on 28 Sep 2011 by

How i use the pasword?

Hello, hi plz tell me how to use pasword?

1 reply Last reply on 28 Sep 2011 by

Word files converted into pdf, cannot be open


Hi, Many of my word files have converted into PDF file. On the other hand those files cannot be opened /viewed. What can I do now to convert those fi...

2 replies Last reply on 28 Sep 2011 by
Anonymous User

Forgot the password


Hello, I have a Sony vio laptop that my grandpa gave to me however he seems to misplaced all the cd's that come with it and he has forgoten his passwo...

Last reply on 28 Sep 2011 by

Data validationin logical function

Hello, i am running EXCEL 2007. i am trying to make an if statement that accomplishes something like, If c1=b1 then d1 = pick a choice from the da...

1 reply Last reply on 27 Sep 2011 by

Stop uploading all mail.

Hello, Dear Sir, I had a Microsoft outlook Configuration in my PC, but due to some problem in PC i Formatted all the things keeping all All the...

1 reply Last reply on 27 Sep 2011 by

Excel conditional formatting vba

I am trying to format excel to do the following If A1 is "Bad" B1 to G1 Cell color is Grey If A1 is "Good" B1 to G1 Cell color is Green If D1 is ...

4 replies Last reply on 27 Sep 2011 by

Msn recover password

Hello, Configuration: Mac OS X / Safari 533.21.1 I forgot my msn password and secret question what can i do thanks

1 reply Last reply on 27 Sep 2011 by

Excel if formula text vs numbers


Hello, I am trying to run an If formula that if the cell range contain text then use Counta but if cells contain number use Sum. At present I'm us...

2 replies Last reply on 25 Sep 2011 by

Seach for all worksheet and copy the name


Hello, I'm trying to see if anyone can help me with this, I do have a master excel file that get info from other excel files, currently I have to d...

8 replies Last reply on 23 Sep 2011 by

Excel list of names

Hello, I need to type a list of names that I would like to automatically show up in a few other areas of an excel spreadsheet? Is there a way to...

1 reply Last reply on 23 Sep 2011 by

Excel-transfer from sheet1 to sheet2

Hello, I am using Sheet one as a list of materials I have ordered for our company. Once a material arrives, I change the "Status" column from "Ope...

1 reply Last reply on 23 Sep 2011 by
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