The discussions

Simple point of sale

I have a relatively simple task that I'm hoping I can accomplish in excel. I'm putting on a college fundraiser selling four items and I have a list...

Last reply on 25 Apr 2014 by

Vba to put formula into cell

Hello, In a effort you keep you guys challenged. And obviously improve my VBA writing skills...I really appreciate all the responses I have had up...

Last reply on 24 Apr 2014 by


Description: 1. I have an excel workbook containing multiple sheets (about 28-33) eg. Book1 and the worksheets are labelled eg. 01-March DS, 02-Marc...

Last reply on 24 Apr 2014 by

Vba macro to export data to a new workbook

Hello all, Trying to create a macro in VBA but getting some problems starting with it. If you can help it would be great! Going to summarize wha...

Last reply on 24 Apr 2014 by

Vba - criteria lookup and the removing formula from cell

Hi, Could someone help... I have written some code but cant get it to do exactly what I want, and think I have over complicated the problem. Ce...

Last reply on 24 Apr 2014 by

Filtering data from 1 sheet to another


Hello, I have the following problem. Kindly help me with the same: Problem statement: I have data pertaining to projects, milestones and tasks ...

Last reply on 24 Apr 2014 by

If row is checked copy it onto next available row on 2nd sheet

Hi Excel Folk and Friends of Michael, I have sheets and sheets each day of potenital 'buys' - when I get one I like I have to copy it onto another sh...

Last reply on 23 Apr 2014 by

If formula using dates and texts

I want to write a formula which will show either Q1, Q2 Q3 or Q4 depending on the date I the next cell (written as 01/01/2014).

Last reply on 22 Apr 2014 by

Using a selected criteria to copy cells into new sheet

Hello, I have written a spreadsheet that is basically a dashboard for data... I have hit a small snag as usual the business wants to over compli...

Last reply on 22 Apr 2014 by

To show blank record when no data while copying


Hello, I have three sheets sheet1(Active) ,Sheet 2(Inactive) and Sheet3(Total). I have written code which would copy data from Active sheet ,th...

Last reply on 22 Apr 2014 by

Add value to one cell if multiple other cells have any value


Hello, I'm trying to create a spreadsheet where: if A1 has any value, 10 is added to the total sum in G1 if B1 has any value, 20 is added to t...

Last reply on 21 Apr 2014 by

Change content of one cell based on content of another

Hi! I'm looking for guidance on a formula/macro/etc that would enable me to have content of a cell changed based on the content of another cell in the...

Last reply on 18 Apr 2014 by

Collect data from drop-down list from multiple workbooks.

Hello! I have a question. Let say, I have workbook 1 (WB1), workbook 2 (WB2) and workbook 3 (WB3). All basically are the same workbook, just that ...

Last reply on 17 Apr 2014 by

How to go to a particular cell while input its content in a box

Hello Trowa & Experts, I have an excel data sheet with columns 250 odd. Column headers have numbers like 100,101,102,103 and so on till 250 plus....

Last reply on 17 Apr 2014 by

Conditional formatting for cells depending on other cells ranges


First off, I am not even sure if i worded my question correctly, so sorry if i have. What i want to do is... have for cells b4:b7 to have on green ce...

Last reply on 16 Apr 2014 by

Macro extracting data from different sheets within a workbook

I need help creating a macro to copy data from multiple sheets within a workbook into one master sheet. I have tried several times and remain unsucces...

Last reply on 16 Apr 2014 by

How to see if a particular cell in a table has date data or not


Hello, I am preparing a tracking tool to measure the life of an item. The table has Installation No Date 1 ...

Last reply on 16 Apr 2014 by

Formula calculate daily income in excel

I'm using excel to calculate my income and expense on monthly basis using sum() but I need to calculate daily basis. my data as follows A1 = 1-Ap...

Last reply on 15 Apr 2014 by

Highlight the linked cell depends on drop-down list choice


Hello, I have a question. Let say I have a table containing number 1,2,3,4 and 5 in A1:A5. In another worksheet, I have "Student" in A1 and "Asses...

Last reply on 14 Apr 2014 by

Conditional formatting: merged cell color


Hi, This is probably an easy solution but for the life of me cannot get this to work. I have a situation whereby I have a line of information th...

Last reply on 14 Apr 2014 by

Pdf to msword converter

I a want freeware program to convert from pdf to ms-word

Last reply on 14 Apr 2014 by

Calculating due date based on multiple criteria

Criteria 3 products, choose one classification, one category, all time frames are different Products: HBX, Flex, NYM Categories: Complaint, Gvn...

Last reply on 14 Apr 2014 by

Duplicate values at the bottom, not at the top

Hi , The below formula gives me the results for AT column at the top of each duplicated code in column AJ. How could I make it to give me the results...

Last reply on 14 Apr 2014 by

Array formula to nest several optional values from same cell

Hi, All the OR statement formula below refers to the same cell AL2362. How could I make an array formula to put all the OR values in one without r...

Last reply on 13 Apr 2014 by

Counting cells containing only numbers

Hi all, counting cell containing only numbers Is there a formula to count only cells containing any numbers in general? Moreover, is there a formul...

Last reply on 13 Apr 2014 by

Copy data from current work to another

Hi I am using the below code to copy data from Current Work To Another Sub RunMe() Dim lRow As Integer lRow = Range("A1").End(xlDown).Row R...

Last reply on 13 Apr 2014 by

Compare three columns contain same characters


I have three columns of form security access in an application for different classes. The security characters may be in any order. I need to compare...

Last reply on 11 Apr 2014 by

Still learning

I have an excel invoice made up with guest details. I need to place information into another spread sheet, this gets rather tedious to do every day, ...

Last reply on 10 Apr 2014 by

How do i automate my excel worksheet

Hello, I have a workbook that contains two worksheets, sheet 1 is my budget worksheet and sheet 2 are the invoices paid. I want to take sheet 2 and h...

Last reply on 10 Apr 2014 by

Excel: partial matches in 2 different cells


Hello, I've been mulling over this all afternoon and need some help. Here is what my sheet looks like: K L 3 ...

Last reply on 10 Apr 2014 by

Copying the entire row using vba

Hi! I need a code that will automatically copy the entire row to another sheet (same file) when a condition has been satisfied. See the sample be...

Last reply on 10 Apr 2014 by

Can't send emails from outlook

I'm unable to send emails but able to receive. I've followed the protocol that others have suggested but a window keeps appearing that my password is...

Last reply on 10 Apr 2014 by

Highlight cell if the finish date of a task is less than x days

Please could somebody help me with this problem. I have a spreadsheet and i would like make some cells to go yellow if the finish date of a paticular...

Last reply on 10 Apr 2014 by

Function or macro to read cells in a column and color them

Hi Guys, I need to write a VBA macro or a formula/function, which actually reads the value and color of cells in column and in turn color other cel...

Last reply on 10 Apr 2014 by

How to calculate number of days between dates

Please I need ideas of how to get the number of days between to sets of dates in an excel column. The preceeding dates all the way to the end of the l...

Last reply on 9 Apr 2014 by

Outlook won't open word attachments


Hello, I have Microsoft office 2003 and Windows XP home. When I try to open an email attachment that is a word document Outlook crashes. This happens...

Last reply on 9 Apr 2014 by

Vb code to email at file save is nnot auto-running

Hello, all, I hate to rehash this old message, but since Microsoft never stops messing with things, I suppose threads like this will never die. Ma...

Last reply on 9 Apr 2014 by

If date range, then % commission.

I am trying to create a formula that will look at a group of rows and calculate a percentage of a particular date range of money. The rows have a dat...

Last reply on 8 Apr 2014 by

Formula that allows it to calculate the sum of

Hi ! I'm looking to create a formula that allows it to calculate the sum of.. =SUM(D3*E3+D4*E4+D5*E5+D6*E6)... but it needs to do this from ro...

Last reply on 8 Apr 2014 by

Determine percentage via formula


Hello, can anyone help me determine a formula that will give me a percentage? If N11 is 2500 and I11 is 84, I need a formula that will help me determi...

Last reply on 8 Apr 2014 by

Vba - insert pictures into excel

Hi there, I am trying to write code to insert pictures based on the file name in column B4, with the picture to be displayed in Column C4. This con...

Last reply on 8 Apr 2014 by

Help creating macro

Hello, I hope someone can help me since I don't have the knowledge to do it. I'm trying to build a macro that check the value in an excel cell ...

Last reply on 8 Apr 2014 by

Copy data from two columns to third columns on a condition

Column A1 containing the current day =today() From B4:B33 the dates from the beginning of the month till end of the month From C4:C33 the first ...

Last reply on 8 Apr 2014 by

How to calculate percentage of savings

Sir, Im going to invest in a gold saving scheme .12 months scheme 100 per month at last they are giving 50 as free .how to calculate the percentage...

Last reply on 8 Apr 2014 by

Excel invoice w/data from spreadsheet 1 and update spreadsheet 3

Good morning experts, I sincerely hope that you can help me out. Currently, we use an Excel template to write invoices (a modified Excel 2010 ...

Last reply on 8 Apr 2014 by

How to calculate the average of a range day by day?

Hi all, How to calculate the average of a range day by day? A is the column for the day, and the average should go at the top of each day. I've done ...

Last reply on 8 Apr 2014 by

Change the rows font colour based on one cell

Hi I would like to create a rule to change the whole rows font when something is put into any cell in column V - who do I do this?

Last reply on 8 Apr 2014 by

Two values to find on the same cell


Hi, Can the below be shorten up? It's basically to count if "dr" or "ba" are in cell E2180; =IF(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("(dr)",E2180)),"1",IF(ISNUMBER(SEA...

Last reply on 7 Apr 2014 by

Date convert in text

how to convert date value into text, what we can convert that value. For e.g. 2/2/2013 than convert into second February two thousand thirte...

Last reply on 7 Apr 2014 by

Where can i get ms office publisher for free


Hi, any body can help me, where I can to get MS office publisher for free?

Last reply on 7 Apr 2014 by
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