The discussions
If function return false
Hello anyone, I need help on my formula. I use an IF formula but if the cell shown zero it returns false. the formula is like this =if(L7=0,0,...
Conditional formatting: column a based on text values in columnb
Hi, I am trying to figure out a way to use conditional formatting to highlight the cells in column A based on the specific text in column B. I ...
Help comparig data in two different excel spreadsheets
Hi. Im a little overwhelmed. i have one spreadsheet that i keep that has my 125 contracts and task orders on it. example: row 1 contract number ro...
Multiple processors for excel
I work with very large spreadsheets in Excel on a Mac and I often have to wait for Excel to execute things like sort and fill. I'm hoping too solve...
Auto generate invoice number save and clear
I'm new to this site. I'm using excel 2013, I want a macro to auto generate invoice number, at the same time when I save it should copy and clear th...
If... then
Greetings all, I hope I can explain this correctly as this is my first time asking questions on a public forum. All me to set the stage. A = ...
Format fill colour based on another cell
SolvedHi I would like to format my excel page so that the rows alternate between two fill colors based on whether two cells are equal or not. Here is an ex...
Calculating text to result certain text result
hi, if I enter S into cells a1 & b1 & c1 I need cell D1 to result 'CO'. if either cells a1,b1 or c1 has NYS entered into either cell or all 3 cells I ...
Transfer cell data from one workbook to another workbook
SolvedI am using two workbooks to track account spending for quarterly reporting. Workbook 1: Day Expenses Workbook 2: Monthly Expenses WB1: I have fo...
Question about my if statement
Hello, I have an excel file with portions of addresses and i want to take the city state and zip code and put it in a separate cell. For that i u...
Date format change in excel
SolvedHi, I have an excel worksheet with a date column in the format m/d/yyyy h:mm:ss AM/PM. How can I change it to the format d/m/yyyy h:mm? I tried the '...
Applying conditional formatting to rows that vary
I need to have AA turn red when the date is out of window of AB and AC. I have dates in column AB and AC the dates are all different in each row. I...
Date formate
i have 2 date formate example 06/11/2004 07-01-2004 and i want 1 formate and i useing this function =text(CellAddress,"DD/MM/YY") and text(...
Numerical value is range of cells has a text value
Hi guys, This is for a holiday rota. if any sell has a 'h' in it I would like to total up the h's in a cell at the end as a numerical value of how ...
Sum range if 2 conditions met
Hi, I have arrange of numbers which I would like to sum in a certain cell, only if a column contains certain text and another column contains another ...
How to freely download softwares?
Hello, Please help me in downloading IDM, Mavis typing and Adobe reader free of charge. Thank you!
Classic menu for word 2010 or 2013?
SolvedCan you clarify? Will "Classic Menu for Word" work for Word 2013 or just for 2010? I see both on your download page.
If function for date ranges
I need to know how to do an if function: If D2 is >= 9/1/2008 and E2 is
Formula help to add columns that contain text
I want to add the total of Column A (going to be text) and Subtract Column D if there is an "x". How do I do that formula? Anyone able to help? Exa...
Libreoffice calc
How do I turn off the spell check in LibreOffice Calc? Trying to type in Wittenberg, and it keeps changing it to Gutenberg . Went in to Tools, and O...
Hi all can you help me with the formula i require below
Im looking for a formula that will look at a number in row b and if that number is 1 will add 1 day from the date in row c and put it in row e, and if...
How can rename multiple files once
Dear sir, PLS tell Mehow can rename Multiple Word ,Excel Etc Files Once Regards Santosh
Excel - creating reminder pop up based on criteria
Hello, may you please help me in creating a reminder to pop up for every 5 hours once for a cell range having text equal to "pending" I was able t...
Downloading pdf conversion
I would like to know if it is possible to download and install pdf converter to my laptop. thank you.
Help: return day of the week
SolvedHello, I have checklist sort of form that I am printing every month to let them sign for task everyday. from C3 - AG3 it is numbered 1-31 and un...
Excel - repeat rows to a specific number of times
SolvedHello, Hi Does anybody know how I can repeat rows in a spreadsheet (or into another spreadsheet) by n number of times specified in the cell in...
How to copy sheets from one work book to other
Dear Team. My query is Iam having two workbook in d drive as 1.xlsx and 2.xlsx i want to copy two sheets from 1.xlsx and paste in 2.xlsx ...
Macro to add down a column
Hello all, I need a macro that will sum numbers down a column until it gets as close to 8 as possible. ex: 1 .5 .5 4 3 .5 3 2 so a ...
Nested formula with 'or' statement
Hi, I have formula IF(ISBLANK(A3)," ", C3-TODAY()), which works absolutely fine but and i want to include another argument on it so that if value in ...
Sumproduct gives me error
Hi, I am using the below formula, but it gives me error. Any ideas why is that? I really should work same as the countif formula but instead it giv...
Find text in one cell, add different in another cell
Please be aware, I don't have much hair on my head to begin with and really don't have much to pull out either.. I'm frustrated. I've tried every ...
Moving columns based on text
Suppose data is like this: 3 3 OPG 4 5 2 5 3 MCG 0 4 3 0 4 ELG 4 2 4 7 5 CTG 4 2 1 I want a macro ...
How to do recursive searches in excel
Hi, I have two worksheets. I need to be able to traverse a column in the first sheet and for each cell, compare it to a cell in the second sheet. If ...
Cell auto filled with dots
SolvedHello, I sow it once but not sure where and can't work out how to do it. Basically, if I write things in excel, I need it to be auto filled with do...
Automatically transfer data from one sheet to another
Hello, I have a workbook in sheet1 details of materials issued to dealer for job work Sheet1 Columns: Dealer name, Date, Challan No, Item, Qty, etc ...
How to copy data from one excel table to other
I have two sets of excel tables. The master table has got several columns with heads defined. Similarly, the row heads have also been defined. Now...
Error in date formate
find attachment of date format issue resole the error please let me know
Getting it set up
I get the program open and I start the process to get email to this new laptop and it fails. HELP!!!
Vlookup problem?
I have 4 Column A,B,C,D A=date B=MarketValue C=Results D=Numbers when i use the vlookup formula in other sheet it not working =vlookup(A2,Shee...
Deleting rows with no data (in a range)
Hello, I have a sheet that I have been working on..all working fine, however I have one last bit that I cant seem to get right. Worksheet - "Fr...
Total and avg. data from another worksheet based on day of week
I am doing tracking for my employer. I have a sheet (Sheet 1) that I input data for every day of that month(i.e. 1st-31st) in the adjacent column I li...
Adobe acrobat free download
How can I get a free download?
Insert date from one sheet to another sheet ?
Dear Sir I have Two Sheets one Name is FirmDate and Other Event i want i put one date in Event and 260 Dates FirmDate uper of Select date in i...
Excel how to question
Hello, I did not intend to offend anyone when i originally posted this message, I am new to forums and was not aware of the policy. I do apologize. ...
Macro to rearrange data
I would like to enter a data as shown in the sheet 1 pic below and want it to be stored as shown in sheet 2. Can someone share how to code using macr...
Conditional formatting special
Hi, I'm trying to create a conditional formatting to highlight the column if the cell in row 4 ="S". I can do it one column at the time, like the ru...
If formula
hi all Please help me with this. Any help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance. if date in column A which refers to a text in column B..(A1 date...
Auto select print area and prints
can anybody explain the Macro for auto select print area and print with a Print button in any cell i've a sheet with receipt. and i want to print r...
How to delete strings of words from a range of cells
SolvedI have a list of website for which some start with www. and others start with http://. I have been trying to remove the "http://" from all the cells a...
Need formula for automatic date update in same cell
SolvedHi all, I was wondering if anyone knew of a formula that would allow excel to change a date in a cell automatically once a certain date had passed?...