The discussions
Hacking and phishing
Solvedhello, first once that sort post receiving i. me coming post this. ''I am a hacker who has access to your operating system. I also have full access to...
System software
Hi Please all files on my pc is opened by VLC the amazing thing is that I tried to check the properties of the file and then change the program to op...
External hard drive infected with ransomware
Hello, My external hard disk infected with ransomeware ..litar I am not able to open files because all file names having extension. .litar Pleas...
How to delete autorun.inf
Hello, How to delete Autorun.inf folder in usb
Upgrade the antivirus
Hello, How to upgrade or update the antivirus on window 10?
Pen drive show empty even when data exists
Solved/ClosedHello, i am using transcend 4 gb pendrive.when I insert this pendrive in any computer,it shows the occupying space.but when I open it .it shows it ...
Files on flash drive changed to shortcuts
Solved/ClosedHello, I caught a virus on my flash drive at work and it appears to have changed all my file names to short cuts. I believe I've cleaned the viru...
File "c:\google\googleupdate.a3x" error
Solved/ClosedHello, I'd like to ask you about an error in my Toshiba laptop. It appears that Windows, after booting, shows a panel Line 0 (File"C:\Google\googl...
Pen drive displaying only shortcuts
Solved/ClosedHello, My pendrive is showing only shortcuts in it. I copied the content but it is showing all in the form of shortcuts. Though, it is showing occ...
Help me to delete ntuser.dat file
Hello, can anyone help me to solve problem?as i have via cmd prompt it always says being used on other process ..and thank you
Files on flash drive changed to shortcuts
SolvedI used my hard drive in school and when I came back and connected it to my laptop, all the files were turned into shortcuts. The laptop said to scan ...
Pen drive folders hidden because of virus
Solved/ClosedHello, I am new to this forum and like to ask help to you; Folders in pendrive were changed to hidden by virus attack, unable to change to visible...
Pendrive shows only shortcuts
Solved/ClosedHello, Files, images, folders in the pendrive are not opening. It's displaying the shortcuts. How to open those files. Can that be possible? ...
Removable disk (8gb) shortcut virus
Solved/ClosedHi, Anytime I plug in my USB drive to my laptop, a shortcut named Removable Disk (8GB) will be created and all files and folders on USB drive will ...
How do i remove “error #268d3” pop-up virus (microsoft support scam)?
Hello, I am facing the problem in my Microsoft support scam. So, I want ask you How do I remove “Error #268D3” pop-up virus in my computer.
Hot to delete autorun.inf
SolvedHello, How to delete autorun.inf file from my computer.. I HAD DONE ALL THE ABOVE THINGS BUT ITS NT REMOVING THE FILES PLZ SUGEEST ME.........WAT T...
Shortcut virus on flash drive
Solved/ClosedHello, all my folders in my flash drives are converted into shortcut can I clear the virus .is there any antivi...
Virus in my pendrive
Hello, Sir can you tell. Virus in my pen drive has changed my folders into files ho can i change back into folders my all data in these folder if ...
How to recover my data from an infected external hard drive?
SolvedHello, My external hard drive was infected with shortcut virus making it impossible to open folders.
Decrypt files infected with datawait
Hello, is there a solution tp decrypt my infected files with DATAWAIT? i formatted C but all my files are in external HDD please help
False pop up saying my computer is overheating
Hello, I have a problem, and I can't find anything about it on the internet. I have Windows 7 OS, and basically what happens is that suddenly a p...
File extension changed to .datawait
ClosedHello, my file extension are changed to .DATAWAIT how to solve it to normal
File extension changed to .datawait
Solved/Closedhi my jpeg and cr2 file change extension like(sample.jpeg.datawait and sample cr2.datawait) i already format and reinstall windows and make new...
Icons changed to notepad shortcut
SolvedHello, My system was attacked by a virus or worm and it made my computer icons look the way it is in the picture above. I have alre...
Shortcut virus attack
Hello, My system got attacked by a virus which made all my app shortcut to appear like notepad documents and any time I try opening it ,it sh...
.datawait virus
Hello, Hi ,.DATAWAIT virus which is recently attacked to my server shared folder/ network shared folders. and those attacked files are encrypted ...
Forgotten password of smart watch
ClosedI have DZ09 smart watch. I changed the password of my smart watch, but I forgot my password. I will try so many passwords but yet it doesn't unlock. P...
Datawait extension
datawait extension... [REMOVED for proliferation in wild! DO NOT LINK TO YOUR INFECTED VIRUS FILES!]
Datawait format problem
Hello, System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 70.0.3538.77virus
Hello, 25/11/2017 · Datawait file type format Good day. Please am facr serious problem with my pc files, after activation of Windows the whole of my...
Datawait file type format
ClosedGood day. Please am facr serious problem with my pc files, after activation of Windows the whole of my files changes to .datawait format. Please I ne...
Wifi repeater: data being stolen?
Hi everyone, A few months back I got a cheap WiFi Repeater from eBay (find pics here I...
Laptops automatically starts downloading software
My laptop is working really slow and I don't know which software is taking more space. My laptop automatically starts downloading software.
Icons change to google chrome icon without program
Hello, Why do the icons including those which are "none opened or started" and many non-relevant icons get access by #googlechrome to be changed to ...
Regarding to remove virus from pc
ClosedHello, Please let me know how to remove virus from my pc using attribute command.suppose I have to virus from C drive.after entering the command...
Pen drive stopped showing the files
Hello, i have an hp pen drive 8 gb. while i was working it suddenly stop showing the files. i tried unhidding it and the run command. but when i i...
Shortcut virus
Hello, How do i remove shortcut virus on my laptop ?
Nothing worked
Hello, Autorun exterminator won't open after i press run, I've extracted it already. And when i do the attrib command, i just keep getting acc...
I want remove virus from sd card
Solved/ClosedHello, Good evwning,I have problem in my mmc card it is 16aGB there is many virus I downlod many application but I can't pleas advice me how can I...
All my icons change to internet explorer
Solved/ClosedHello, Does any one can help me? I have met a problem, all my icons of the program listed in start menu have change to internet explorer icons. I...
Files/folders on all flash drives i insert turns into shortcuts
Solved/ClosedHi, if you know any of this or how to solve it, please help me. I've recently got a virus on my flash drive and all my files in it turned to shortcu...
How to find hidden files on usb pendrive
Solved/ClosedIn my pen drive all the files are hidden.How to open or show that files?????please help me.
Computer applications aren't working
hello, i have an old pc with win 7 installed on it. i also have latest iobit advanced sys. care still my pc work slow. not even a single app fr...
How to delete autorun virus
please send me solution how to delete auto run virus in my drive
Unable to see files & folders in my pen drive
Solved/ClosedHello, I can't see my files and folders in my pen drive after scanning with "Advanced Options - clean files" with nod antivirus software. Although...
Files on external drive changed to shortcuts
Solved/ClosedHello, My external hard drive has some virus because of which all files are showing as short cuts. Please guide me.
Solved bbb
Closed1. We consider a DES-based encryption scheme, which operates on 16-bit blocks of plaintext and uses sub-key of length 12. A sketch of the encryption w...
Suspicious pop ups and programs suddenly installed
ClosedWhile I was watching a movie on Netflix yesterday, a group of apps and programs began to install on my laptop by itself , and suddenly , pop ups star...
My pen drive folder not visible
Solved/ClosedHello, my pen drive folder not visible, please help. System Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 6.0
Files hidden in the pen drive folder
Solved/ClosedHello, my pendrive is showing empty folder but there is content inside how to show the content other than hidden/unhidden method, CMD method...