The discussions
I forgot my security secret answer for yahoo recovery password
Hello, Please help to able me to get back access to my Yahoo mail. How to reset my security answer for Yahoo. Seems like there is no alternative ...
Change my old number for my old yahoo mail
Hello, please help me change my old number for my old yahoomail. my yahoomail password i forget it. Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 47.0.2526...
Adding contact id's to my yahoo messenger
Can anyone please tell me how to add Contact IDs to my Yahoo Messenger account? Thanks in advance. Thank you
Recovery of my yahoo password
Hello, I forgot my password, kindly would you assist me. Configuration: / Opera 9.80
Recovery email
Hello, I still know my login details but security wants me to verify via my alt email address, which i no longer have nor remember. Is there anywa...
Password issue
Hello, hello sir. i have faced a problem . i can't access my yahoo id because i forgot my password and My mobile number has been changed So how...
Doesn't give me an option for changing my password
Hello, I can't into my yahoo account ***@*** I can't get past get past the signing in I put my email in and it tells me to try later doesn't give me a...
Forgot my yahoo mail password
Hello, Please help me I forgot my password and all communication faiiled with you! Up until yesterday I still received the odd email and could even ...
Yahoo pasport
Hello, dear sir i forget my pasport but log in my mobile and face book i change the mobile nom can i get the pasport from my new mobile Confi...
I can't access my email account
Hello, I haven't been able to access my yahoo email address for 2 hours now. The log in page doesn't recognize my email and password. When I click...
Can't access the yahoo e-mail
Hello, I am trying to access the Yahoo e-mail, and get the following message "Sorry, we were unable to proceed with your request. Please try ag...
Forgot password and answer to security questions
Hello, I have forgotton my yahoo password and answer to security questions, please let me know how can i reset my password:if ***@*** Confi...
I cant access into my yahoo account
Hello, Please help me to have access into my yahoo mail account Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 49.0.2623.110
Cant log in
Hello, I cant log in into one of my yahoo account.The other one work fine but the second one not.When i try the helper it says "oops something wen...
Forgot yahoo mail password
Hello, Please help to open my email it's been long time I didn't open so please
I lost my number
Hello, please help me i lost my number and now to enter in my yahoo mail its required to send a message to my lost number , now i dont know what sho...
Don't have my phone number anymore or that alternative email
Hello, I am trying to get into my email I don't have my phone number anymore or that alternative email is there any thing else ???? Configurati...
Forgot my yahoo password, misplace my phone and cant remember th
Hello, i forgot my yahoo password, misplace my phone and cant remember the alternative email i used please can you help me cause i have a very impor...
No e-mail
Hello, my e-mail has frozen so I am not getting the e-mails being sent on how to fix it, I have access to web sites. Can anyone help Configurat...
Password recovery
Hello, I forgot my password to this email address ***@*** and i do not have access to my alternative email address as it was a student email account...
Forgot password and phone number
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 28.0.1500.94 I forgot my password and my number has changed and I can't log in please help
Information is required
Hello, Since six months I have not used my email but, know my password and yahoo Id,the thing I am asking Is while I was creating Yahoo mail I wa...
Account login
Hello, i know my yahoo mail password but i lost my mobile number what iam given for mail now its asking verify with mobile number the code will ...
Lose password
Hello, i forget my yahoo password Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 49.0.2623.110
Forgot my password
Hello, I can't remember my password and the mobile number which you have is incorrect can I have the code send to a different mobile number which is...
Forgot password
Hello, i forgot my yahoo email password Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 28.0.1500.94
Retrieve yahoo account
Hello, I cant remember my yahoo email, can you please help? Configuration: Windows 7 / Mozilla 11.0
Unable to get into my account
Hello, I could really use some help. I'm trying to get into my yahoo mail and I don't have access to my mobile phone . I would like to know how do I...
Forgot my yahoo password & i changed my number also
Hello, how can I reset my yahoo mail password. Actually I have forgotten the old password & changed my number also. Answer me ASAP , its urgent please...
Cant access to my email
Hello, my email address is ***@*** and my Malaysian hand phone number that is connected to this email address is not use by me now.Im living in Ir...
Altenate email and mobile number not functional
Hello, I have problems signing in because I have long used my account,when I try to sign in now it requires for verification process for which t...
Forgot my yahoo password and do not have alternative email addre
Hello, I forgot my password.also I am no longer use my mobile phone number which was linked to yahoo account. also I did not update my alternative...
Help me retrieve my yahoo password and change my phone #
Hello, i forgot my password to yahoo and my phone number is changed please help me get into my account. you can reach me at ***@*** my phone# is del...
Forgot my password in my yahoo
Hello, Please help me recover my yahoomail Configuration: iPad / Safari Indeterminable
Add alternate email and. .
Hello, need direct link to add alternate email and new phone number, since password is forgotten Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 49.0.2623.105
Locked acct.
Hello, Pls help me recover / unlock my yahoo account. Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 49.0.2623.105
Lost password and answer to secret question
Hello, please I want u to help me ,I can't remember my password and I can't also remember the answer to the secret question.please help I have importa...
Just can not open my mail
Hello, I really dont know how to access my email nor do I know the position of me mail they send me code and then I try and no success
Yahoo password forgot
Hello, Dear team i have forgot my yahoo password and alternate mail id nd phone number. pls provide my password.. Configuration: iPhone...
Don't know alternative email
Hello, i am sufiantarek .my yahoo id is ***@***. when i go to my yahoo mail open it but want alternative email. but i forgot my alternative mail and p...
Cannot access my yahoo account!!!
Hello Sir, i recently lost my phone,and now i cant access my yahoo mail.I would be able to get through if they asked me the security questions,but ...
Vicious circle
Hello, I opened a new account and sent first mails usuning this account. Next time when I tried to sign in again it was impossible. However Yahoo w...
I forgot my password plz help me
Hello, Plz I forget my password & i can't access my email or phone number. Plz I it's really important for me to have a new password Configu...
Yahoo mail changed mobile number
Hello, I changed my cell phone # & can't access my email with my new phone???? I can still access yahoo account with my iPad, ***@*** Please he...
Lost password and security answer paid 9.95 for password recover
My email password stopped working last sunday and the security questions i dont remember. I think someone hacked into my account. I paid 9.95 to pass...
Password problems
Hello, I am having a problem with my login. It keeps telling me that my password is incorrect. when I click on forgot password it asks me if I have...
I forget my yahoo password and security question so how to acces
I forgot my yahoo id and security question answer i didnt use it for long time but i use same id for facebook so i can i access for my yahoo account c...
Cannot access my yahoo account
I have not logged into my yahoo account for a couple of years and I decided to use it again and it won't let me log in I know my I'd and password they...
Forgot password and alternate email is not in use anymore.
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 49.0.2623.105 I have forgotten my yahoo password and the alternate email is not in use anymore. I am ...
Help me to open my email
Hello, Please help me i forget my password and secrut qusion. My email is ***@*** email have many things important for me please help me