How to add background music to PowerPoint?

In this guide, you will learn how to spice up your PowerPoint presentations with some cool background music. You can add a music track or song to your PowerPoint presentation and play it across all your slides.
How to choose a background music for a PowerPoint presentation?
Before beginning, you should make sure that the chosen music track or song meets the following criteria:
- The music track should fall under free, fair use, or creative commons licenses.
- The music track shouldn’t be too distracting or loud.
- The music track should be in a compatible file format.
How to play background music in PowerPoint?
- Open PowerPoint and load the desired presentation.
- Go to the Insert tab > Media Clips > Sound > Sound from File and then browse for the music file on your PC.
- Once loaded, go to Sound Tools > Sound Options, click on the drop down list next to Play Sound and then select Play across slides.
- Don't forget to tick the Loop until Stopped checkbox.

- Click on the Preview button to get an idea of how the presentation will look.
- You can adjust volume of the background music by clicking on Slide Show Volume and selecting one of the available presets.
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