Shortcuts to insert in Excel

You can use keyboard shortcuts to format the Excel document to your specific requirements, making data entry much quicker. In this article we'll provide shortcuts to insert names, functions or data.
How to insert a name
- CTRL + SHIFT + F3: Create names automatically from the labels of rows and (or) columns.
- CTRL + F3: Set a name to a cell range F3: To paste a predefined name.
How to insert a function
- ALT + =: This allows you to insert a Sum formula automatically.
- SHIFT + F3: This allows you to insert a function into a cell using the wizard function.
- CTRL + SHIFT + ENTER: To enter a formula in matrix form.
- CTRL + A: After typing the function name, the wizard displays the function in question.
- CTRL + SHIFT + A: After you type the name of the function, lets you add the necessary arguments for the creation of the office and the necessary brackets.
How to insert data
- CTRL + K: You can insert a hyperlink.
- CTRL +, (comma): Inserts the current date.
- CTRL +: (colon): Inserts the current time.
- CTRL + ENTER: Used to insert data in all selected cells.
- CTRL + DELETE: Delete all text to the right of the entry cursor.
- ALT + ENTER: To enter a new line in the same cell (wrap in a cell).
- ALT + Down Arrow: Display the list of AutoComplete.
- SHIFT + F2: This allows you to add or edit a cell comment.
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