How to burn a CD with Nero: in Windows 10

If you have plenty of old CDs or DVDs that you'd like to copy so as not to lose the data (audiobooks, movies, recordings etc), the Nero program will be very useful to you. You can both copy and burn the discs using the software. Read on to find out how to do it.
What is Nero?
Nero Express and Nero Burning ROM are parts of a Nero Multimedia Suite that was designed to copy and burn CDs, DVDs and Blu-Rays. If you have music files on your CD and you’d like to copy them or burn a new CD with selected files, Nero Express will prove very useful.
The program interface is simple, and you don’t need any special add-ons, just a computer with a CD-ROM. Nero allows you to create an audio CD from your music files, even if they are in different audio formats.
If you do not have Nero installed on your computer, download the most convenient option here and install it on your PC.
How to burn CDs using Nero?
If you need to burn a CD with Nero, follow these simple steps:
Insert a blank CD into the CD ROM, open Nero (Start > All Programs > Nero > Nero 10 > Nero Express) and choose Audio Burning.
In the new window that opens select the recorder on which you want to burn audio and choose the files in the right tab.
When all the files added are listed (you can modify the list), click on Next button.
In the window Disc Label you can create a disc label. If you don't want to do this, uncheck the box Print Label and click Next. You will now get the Final Burn Settings that you can adjust:
- Select the current recorder: the drive containing the blank CD/DVD.
- Select the number of copies.
- Check the Data verification feature.
- Enter the title and artist name.
- Then click Burn.
How to copy CDs using Nero?
To copy from one CD to another using Nero, the instructions are similar to those above.
Open Nero Express by going to Start > All Programs > Nero > Nero 10 > Nero Express. In the main window, choose the type of compilation: Image, Project, Copy > Copy Entire CD (or DVD). Enter the source disc and click Copy. Type the selected file name and select the storage location in the Save to tab.
Once the process is done, Nero will automatically open the CD/DVD Drive tray. Remove the source CD and insert a blank one.
Click on the Burn button to copy the recorded data on your blank CD and wait until the process is successfully finished.