Daemon Tools Lite: burn an ISO image

This tutorial will show you how to burn an ISO image file to a CD or DVD using Daemon Tools Lite.
How to download and install Daemon Tools?
Download Daemon Tools Lite.
- Double-click the downloaded file (DTLite4454-0316.exe) and follow the installation wizard instructions
- Installation Tip: choose "Free license" and refuse the installation of a third party of "TuneUp utilities", "MountSpace" or other toolbars.
How to burn the ISO image?
Insert a blank CD or DVD into the optical drive.
- Run Daemon Tools Lite.
- In the main window, click on "Add Image." In the window that opens, select the ISO image you want to burn. It will then appear in the "Images" menu of Daemon Tools.
- Right-click on the ISO image and select "Burn Image to Disc".
- Accept the installation of "Astroburn Lite," which is the burning tool for Daemon Tools Lite.
- The ISO file will be displayed in the "Astroburn Lite" main window. Then click on the "Start Burn".

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