Can't connect wireless internet
- This page can not be configured while wlan is off.
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47 responses
i have a toshiba laptop and my wireless wifi reader is ON, but its not reading any of the wireless connections available on the "connect to" page and it just totally stopped it doesnt detect any wirless coneection at my house, school and work. So please help??????
I had the same problem, but it was because my Wifi was switched off (because my wife was using the computer... she always manages to do stuff on it that takes ages to fix! Love her lots though!).
Anyway, you can switch it back on easily. On some computers there is a switch on the computer itself (usually a desktop) while on others it is often one of the F buttons. You normally need to press Fn and F4 or perhaps another F button. The little pictures on the F buttons may help you work out which one it is.
Anyway, you can switch it back on easily. On some computers there is a switch on the computer itself (usually a desktop) while on others it is often one of the F buttons. You normally need to press Fn and F4 or perhaps another F button. The little pictures on the F buttons may help you work out which one it is.
I am not sure if I am repeating what someone else posted, because I didnt read through everything, but I was having the same problem... I could see the connection for my modem, but it would not allow me to connect to it.
After lots of tinkering with all the settings, I just unplugged the router and the modem, let them reset, then replugged them in. After that the connection picked up. I dont know what but, thought I would share my success. Good luck!
After lots of tinkering with all the settings, I just unplugged the router and the modem, let them reset, then replugged them in. After that the connection picked up. I dont know what but, thought I would share my success. Good luck!
I am using ASUS A42F.. I just bought it last few weeks and it can detect and connect wireless that time.. suddenly this whole it cant.. and I used to try at lots of places that provide wireless services.. But still cant detect any while my frens' laptop able to connect to the wireless..
Check on the asus that you havent accidentaly switched off the wireless connection. My asus has both a manual slider switch andan f2 key operation
Yah me to my ps3 or itouch cant find my internet for some reason not even my laptop can, but the internet works fine on my desktop we have windows 7 at&t 2wire and my wirless light is not on but it s connected properly.
if u are using windows 7 or win vista then u have to do some setting on your laptop , first open your wireless lancard by clicking right click .then disable ip ver6 and link topology mapper & discover .then select ip ver 4 and set ip add manual ,ip add :- subnet mask :-, gateway :-, then ok ...close the windows .Then open Run-regedit-ok.
In registory editor open HKEY-LOCAL-MACHINE--system-currentcontrolset--services-tcpip-parametre-interfaces,
after interfaces there is some folders just check that folder where that ip which we have set in the lan card , then after getting that folder just select that folder then go to the menu bar edit-new-DWORD 32 bit value .and set new key DhcpConnEnableBcastFlagToggle,then right click on that key then modify and set value data 1.after setting value close registry restart your machine ........
after get restart machine set that lan card ip into obtain automatically(DHCP).....
2) then control panel - search wireless utility of your laptop then disable it .......problem has solved .......:)
if u are using windows 7 or win vista then u have to do some setting on your laptop , first open your wireless lancard by clicking right click .then disable ip ver6 and link topology mapper & discover .then select ip ver 4 and set ip add manual ,ip add :- subnet mask :-, gateway :-, then ok ...close the windows .Then open Run-regedit-ok.
In registory editor open HKEY-LOCAL-MACHINE--system-currentcontrolset--services-tcpip-parametre-interfaces,
after interfaces there is some folders just check that folder where that ip which we have set in the lan card , then after getting that folder just select that folder then go to the menu bar edit-new-DWORD 32 bit value .and set new key DhcpConnEnableBcastFlagToggle,then right click on that key then modify and set value data 1.after setting value close registry restart your machine ........
after get restart machine set that lan card ip into obtain automatically(DHCP).....
2) then control panel - search wireless utility of your laptop then disable it .......problem has solved .......:)
I HAVE ANSWER for everybody with windows 7 and belkin routers....
go to web browser on any other computer which connects fine to the router.
type ip address of the router - and change protected mode to OFF and switch off WPS.
Than try again... It worked for me... :)
go to web browser on any other computer which connects fine to the router.
type ip address of the router - and change protected mode to OFF and switch off WPS.
Than try again... It worked for me... :)
I just upgraded to the N wireless router. Before I was using the D wireless router. I have 2 laptops the older works fine now. The new dell laptop with windows 7 will not connect the internet. The connection is fine. the error says cannot display this webpage. What should I try?
Please help me.
Please help me.
I 've just purchased a Gateway 15.7 dual core 500 GB netbook , out of HSN and got a pretty price on it but, it won't bring up the internet. I've treid to get in contact with the techs. from gateway. But, they say it is an made by another company and I've been trying myself and my G/F to death but can not bring it up. Am I doing something wrong?
hey. You probably switched your wireless off.
It happened to me just a while ago.
By switch, I don't mean anything IN your computer.
My switch was at the front of my computer. It was a little slider thing.
I accidentally turned it OFF.
See if yours is off too ;D
It happened to me just a while ago.
By switch, I don't mean anything IN your computer.
My switch was at the front of my computer. It was a little slider thing.
I accidentally turned it OFF.
See if yours is off too ;D
I have a similar problem where IE will not be able to display the page. I have HP mini 110 with Windows XP and it says I have a great connection and will connect with HTTP, but not with FTP. I can connect through wire, but when I connect with wireless, I can get on Google, but I can't navigate to any other page. As if I'm not getting enough band width, even when I'm right next to the router. This happens on every single wireless router I try and use. The only thing that works is an ethernet cable. I've re-installed the drivers several times, and repaired the connection but there is nothing that seems to work. Any suggestions. (this has been going on for about 5 months, I couldn't check it because I was in the D.R. and Haiti.
in that case, you have to check you computers wireless setting. Since you are unable to connect wireless on a different network.
when you go to a new location with a new wireless network, there is a new proxy that goes with it. If you can change ur proxy according to the new internet, ur internet will work fine.
you click your wireless connection icon, then you click the "properties" at the bottom part. after clicking that, you choose the "advance". you will see the "internet connection sharing". check the two boxes there in order for you to go online again or surf the internet^^
this happened to me with my laptop but I got a friend to help me out the blue
he simply:
-went to tools on the webpage (top right corner)
-internet options
-connections (5th across)
-then unconnected the proxzy server
after that it all went back to normal.
He said thast when you sometimes download somthing it can sometimes change your settings.
hope it helps you guys =)
he simply:
-went to tools on the webpage (top right corner)
-internet options
-connections (5th across)
-then unconnected the proxzy server
after that it all went back to normal.
He said thast when you sometimes download somthing it can sometimes change your settings.
hope it helps you guys =)