The discussions
Missing video file on wd elements external drive
Hello, I've recently moved to MAC and my hard drive full of movies and videos seem to have files missing. When I hook my hard drive to another c...
Keyboard 2wsx four letter not in working
Hello, my wired keyboard 2wsx is not in working. ho can i solve this. i've ei capitan os, plz help me. Configuration: Mac OS X (10.11.6) / Chro...
Mac book pro keys doesn't work can't log-in. please help!
Mac Book Pro Keys doesn't work can't Log-in. Please help! Barbara
My "." key doesn't work
Hello, I got a Mac Computer and when I used it this morning, I found out my period key doesn't work. Found this somewhere, followed them all, b...
Wd my passport not connecting...problem
Hello, My Western Digital is not getting detected which was working 1 week before. Suddenly this was not detected and following is happening after...
Macro to match two sets of data
Hello All I need help to write macro to compare two sheets, sheet1 and sheet2 on same excel book and display the result on sheet3. My headings wil...
Wd passport lights up but does not connect
Hello, WD hard drive lights up but is not being detected, it works fine before, but now it automatically disconnects. It connects for seconds then...
Transfer music from youtube into usb
hello how do i transfer music from youtube into usb
Cant delete folders and files from usb
Hello, whEN i try to dElEtE filEs from my usb thE option to dElEtE it wont EEn comE up, hElp pls. ignorE thE random uppEr casE problEm... my kEy...
Hello, i/have/a/problem//my/space/bar/setting/appears/disturbed/and/now/gives/forward/slahs/instead/of/space//similarly/my/delete/key/does/not/work/...
Outdated websites
Hello, I have downloaded several antivirus programs that claim to work using mac os x 10.4.11 only to find out that it is only with later versions or ...
Hdmi power saving mode
I have a Macbook. I use two other monitors for work. They are the same LG monitors, for some reason one work and the other one is telling me HDMI Pow...
My 'o' key is also my shift key
Hello, OFOr sOme crazy stupid reasOn, everytime i type the letter O it appears as a capital - and alsO activates my shift key. the same thing is h...
Iphone music to computer
ClosedHello, When I connect my iphone to this new computer, doesnt put my music from iphone to computer, how can I do that?sa Configuration: Windows ...
My z does not work on my macbook air
Hello, my z does not work on my mac. My mac writes the z without me doing anything. but when i want to write it myself i have to click the keyboar...
Need help with my ibook to reset it
Hello, Which one is the comman key so I can reset it and how can I get it to hook up to wifi without a Ethernet cable cord Configuration: iPho...
Page reloads repeatedly
Hello, Configuration: Mac OS X (10.10) / Firefox 42.0 My wireless router provider page,, reloads over and ove...
how can I download garageband from the internet for my Macbook pro -- Ubong
Macbook air can't locate my pico mp3 player file
Hello, We in the past purchased a PICO mp3 player and haven't attempted to put music on it before. We recentlly got a MacBook Air and have tried to ...
Picture download
Can I download pictures from a Galaxy 5 to a Mac
Excel short cut
Hello, i want excel short cut Configuration: Windows 8 / Chrome 49.0.2623.87
Can't remember admin password
Hello, I created a new account, but I can't view all my files. I have to get to those files. What do I do now since I do not know the password? T...
Typing error
Hi, Whenever I type with a certain keys i get numbers instead. I have a Apple laptop and I have tried using shift, restarting, and messing with the c...
My mac doesn´t find nothing that is connected with usb
Hello, Yesterday my Mac didn´t regonize a camera, today it doesn´t regains the memory stick. It does´t find it. I can not find it in Untilities ei...
Force delete stubborn files
Hello, Configuration: Mac OS X (10.11.3) / Safari 9.0.3 I have been trying to delete some old 'corrupt' Windows files from my MAC, but I am s...
Macbookpro install flashplayer
i need to install flashplayer on my macbookpro
Can't see data on usb stick
SolvedHello, I have put folders onto a USB memory stick, then tried accessing the folders and the content has disappeared? It is a lot of work that I have...
Erased os and installed an update that's not compatible.
I installed snow leopard and I don't have enough memory to run it. I erased my old OS and have no backup disk, admin password, or any clue on how to e...
Flash player to apple ipad pro
Hello, l am trying to down load adobe flash player to my apple ipad pro can ya tell me how can l down load it to my ipad pls Configuration: Win...
Ibook g4 is loading with a blue screen that flash grey as well.
I just wouldwould like to see if someone could help me find a way to reboot my system it is I don't have the CD it was a gift . It flashes blue and gr...
Hard drive only works with mac os
Hello, One day i used my hard disk on MAC computer and i forgot what the computer ask me and I press something i forgot. Know my hard disk only wo...
Hello all, can anyone help? I am having an issue with my mac, I was using it fine yesterday. Today I woke up turned it on for work and boom, dn...
I can't view boot camp on my mac
Hello, Like the title says I can't view boot camp on my mac. Can someone help me please. Configuration: Mac OS X / Safari 533.17.8
Unable to get the at symbol
SolvedHello, shift+2 wil not bring up the at symbol Configuration: Mac OS X (10.11.1) / Safari 9.0.1
Dns probe finished no internet
Hi everybody, I would like to thank you in advance for helping, me normally I figure everything out for my self but I am really stuck here, So I got...
Uninstalling ask
How do I uninstall "ASK" from my Mac?
Ios app converting the dialed number automatically
I am working on an iOS app and writing code to make calls from that app. It is working fine for non toll free numbers, But for some number such as f...
My macbook pro very slow and lost all my desktop icons
Hello, my laptop very slow and lost all my desktop icons Configuration: Mac OS X Snow Leopard (10.6.8) / Chrome 42.0.2311.90
Safari 9
ClosedBonjour a tous, Comment faire pour epingler les onglets dans safari 9 svp ? -- Sent from CCM Live forum for iPhone/iPad
Installing whatsapp on macbook pro
Solvedcan you tell me the way ho to install WhatsApp for MacBook Pro?
Url bar missing
Hello, Please Help I can't get url bar to show on safari. chook Configuration: Mac OS X (10.10.5) / Safari 8.0.8
How to convert wmv to mov on mac os
I have a movie that I need to edit in order to do a project and its in WMV. So, I need to get it into MOV in order to edit in iMovie. Do you know wher...
Download mac window media player
Hi this is jasmine. Could you help me to download Mac window media player? I try myself but I couldn't get it. Thank you Sent from CCM Live fo...
Apple mac help please?
Hello, I have forgotten my Administrator password, and cannot perform a number of installations. For example, I cannot connect my new HP printer. Ca...
My external hard drive cannot be connected to other laptops
Hello, i have a Mac OS X Snow Leopard (10.6.4) and i have a seagate hard drive. it is connected well to my mac but when i connect it to any other ...
Download chrome at my mac
SolvedHello, how can i download chrome at my mac Configuration: Mac OS X (10.9.5) / Safari 7.1.6
Unable to type on keyboard
I have a Apple Wireless keyboard that will not accept typing. It makes a thunking sound as if it's typing a letter but none appears. I think it may be...
Can only connect to google
Hello, im having connection problems, I can use google to search but I cant connect to any other websites. I recently downloaded a VPN application but...
Linksys wrt 120n
Ever since a recent power outage I've been unable to connect to wifi using my IPad. All blue lights on router are blinking. Tried resetting to no avai...
Wifi symbol says connection timed out but wifi works
Hello, i just got my new macbook pro retina and i've been trying to connect to the wifi. the wifi works and i am able to surf the net but the wifi...