The discussions

Auto generate serial number in excel based on column


Dear All, I would like to auto update Serial Number based on column D in excel using excel formula. like: Thanks Raj

4 replies Last reply on 15 Sep 2020 by

How to copy the column value into rows


Dear Experts, I would like to copy the team name according to the image shown below. For your reference i differentiate 3 combination but I wou...

9 replies Last reply on 14 Sep 2020 by

Rearranging data


Hello, We work on a lot of data which is not structured the way we are supposed to use it. Am looking for a script in excel to search for a word in...

1 reply Last reply on 10 Sep 2020 by

Auto generate serial number in excel based on input value


Dear Expert, I want to auto generate the S.No in column A5 based on input value. I have to enter the No. of record in column C3(Ex: 3).The serial ...

14 replies Last reply on 7 Sep 2020 by

Keep the data even after the date change


Hello, i have 2 sheets one is for the data called employee cost which is having a calculation of employees EOS and the other sheet is a report she...

1 reply Last reply on 1 Sep 2020 by

Multiple rows to one row


Hi, I have data supplied as - And require it to be copied to this format- How can i do this without multiple copy and pasting. Than...

2 replies Last reply on 27 Aug 2020 by

If function with dates


Hello, I am trying to get a function to see if a pt needs to have an appointment made. I have been trying the 'if and function' to see if ther...

1 reply Last reply on 20 Aug 2020 by

Fixing complicated error populate data in listbox based on combobox and textbox


Hello, actually theses codes works very well in specific workbook i copy theses and adjusted what i need ranges names ..etc but it s...

10 replies Last reply on 7 Aug 2020 by

Problem search data by selected combobox & datepicker tools


hello i no know why this doesn't work this code and there is no error it should when i select from combo box it should show d...

5 replies Last reply on 23 Jul 2020 by

How can i unmerge cells, delete empty col and rows, relocate cells and combine?


Hi dears, first of all, I have to thank every one who read this message and he try to help me. its a complicated matter to me. Actually, I re...

10 replies Last reply on 16 Jul 2020 by

Is it pointless?


When I am writing an important document, I always upload a copy to Google Drive every half an hour because I am afraid of loosing it, although everyth...

3 replies Last reply on 14 Jul 2020 by

How to unlock a password protected word document


How to Unlock A Password Protected Word Document

Last reply on 7 Jul 2020 by
David Webb  

Count cells containing text per row


Hello, I am trying to figure out and if statement to add 1 if there is text in a row so that at the end of the row I will get a total for each time t...

1 reply Last reply on 22 Jun 2020 by

How to hide/undie picture based on a cell a1=1/0?


Hello, can anyone help me how to hide/unhide picture 1? if A1=0 then hide picture 1 if A10 then show picture1 thanks

1 reply Last reply on 18 Jun 2020 by

Transpose data from vertical to horizontal


Hello, this the code doesn't work i would transpose as what in existed in picture the result from e: h i hope somebody ...

4 replies Last reply on 16 Jun 2020 by

Copying formula for multiple worksheets


I use ASAP utilities to insert multiple worksheets using a template. I'd like to create a formula that automatically inserts sequencial numbers. Ex:...

3 replies Last reply on 11 Jun 2020 by

Adjusting code divide data of table into tables in each sheet


hi, my code really works but the problem when i add a new data it doesn't copy to the multiple sheets because the first time ...

6 replies Last reply on 28 May 2020 by

How can i blink data in textbox on userform based on condition


hello i got this code from the internet about blinking in textbox by command button but i would do this without command button it's directly ...

3 replies Last reply on 28 May 2020 by

Excel - how to count numbers in brackets


Hello, I would like to know how to count the number of elements(digits) in the brackets after a word. exemple Bimbia(1,2,3,6,7,8). in the Brackets...

1 reply Last reply on 18 May 2020 by

Fixing sum an subtract among sheets


hi, i search so much in the internet to fix my code to work but no answering so far i have 6 sheets it suppose copying data from a2...

15 replies Last reply on 14 May 2020 by

Corrupt files


Hello, I have been using a document for 2 years now, and a couple of days ago, I had gotten my entire laptop updated to Windows 8.1. Since then, all...

2 replies Last reply on 3 May 2020 by

Best mbox conversion software


Last few days I have suffered to the conversion of MBOX files. Can anyone suggest the best way of MBOX conversion? Which is easier and Saves my all MB...

2 replies Last reply on 21 Apr 2020 by

Conditioning one calc cell on another


Hello, does anyone know a way to make it so that a cell in Open Office Calc cannot be left empty, or at least that there will be an error message if ...

7 replies Last reply on 16 Apr 2020 by

Vba function code to highlight odd and even numbers


Hello, I am trying to write a VBA Function code to highlight Odd and Even numbers. But not having much luck. Can anyone help me, please? I would ...

3 replies Last reply on 16 Apr 2020 by

Help: need formula to find missing text comparing 2 cells


Hello guys I have the same issue. A2: The price includes VAT B2: The price In the next column, I want the following value (the text difference...

1 reply Last reply on 14 Apr 2020 by

Vba: color cells in table based on multiple condition


hello i do code by loop but it doesn't completely work i appreciate if somebody help me why it occurred and give me the alternative ok let'...

2 replies Last reply on 24 Mar 2020 by

How to specify macro for current active sheet


Hello, this is a very basic question, I am sorry to ask. I have created a macro in excel that I want to run in the current worksheet that is selecte...

18 replies Last reply on 20 Mar 2020 by

How do i scan and then search a document


I would like to scan the table of contents from a large number of magazines. What format should I use to save this document? What software will allo...

3 replies Last reply on 20 Mar 2020 by
David Webb  

Excel make cell flash red


Hello, In Excel I can make cell red when formula is greater than 4 but how do I GET CELL TO FLASH Office 2003 And can you in same spreadsheet li...

13 replies Last reply on 13 Mar 2020 by

Inserted row should paste in 7times in next sheet based on the date


Hello, i have a template and from client a workbook will i should compare and paste the data if any new row der i should insert in template file an...

3 replies Last reply on 9 Mar 2020 by

Vba to reference newest sheet


Hello, Im a complete beginner in excel and the vba process. I'm trying to make a macro create a new sheet, copy the style/structure from a pre-det...

1 reply Last reply on 5 Mar 2020 by

Macro to select multiple columns by columns specific headings to delete dupes


Hello All, I have been struggling to find a code that allows me to select multiple columns by name to then delete duplicates in those specific colu...

2 replies Last reply on 3 Mar 2020 by

Macro to compare 2 sheets and copy differences


Hello, I’ve been working with this macro to compare two worksheets and copy the matches to a third sheet. Not knowing vb very well can someone show...

2 replies Last reply on 15 Feb 2020 by

Combine cell text


Hi, I am after an easy way to combine text in several rows into one cell. The number of rows that need combining will vary from 2- 10 (Would be...

4 replies Last reply on 11 Feb 2020 by

Copying data from one excel sheet to another.


Hello, Newbie here. Okay, I have an Excel workbook that houses a form on the first sheet. What I'm trying to do is to automatically copy the da...

Last reply on 10 Feb 2020 by

Copy rows from excel to another sheet once a date in a specific field is filled


I have a current spreadsheet that lists our customers, job names, and delivery dates for the materials. I would like to have those lines copy automati...

16 replies Last reply on 3 Feb 2020 by

Cells copying and pasting in a empty cell of another sheet


Hello, One Excel file has 2 Sheets. First sheet called "source" and second one called "Bestand" In sheet "source" one cell (a1 for example) must...

1 reply Last reply on 30 Jan 2020 by

Punching time


Hi again! I have this task ofcalculating the punching time of our agents. I have 4 sheets in one excel. "Deliveroo Data" This is where the orders ...

16 replies Last reply on 24 Jan 2020 by

Yahoomail ads


If I follow these instructions, will I still see the yahoo ads and "news"? I was planning to open an Outlook account and just forward Yahoomail to it...

1 reply Last reply on 22 Jan 2020 by

Date am and pm but need the date to change


Hello, I have 12 workbooks, what I am trying to figure out is I have the date and time in one cell. But I has it 1/1/2020 00:00 then them next lin...

2 replies Last reply on 14 Jan 2020 by

Copy x rows y times and then insert customer id on each set of x rows


Hello, I have a set of criteria, 56 criteria as of now, and I have to check how many criteria each customer meets. In one tab I have the list of the ...

1 reply Last reply on 14 Jan 2020 by

Transferring data autonomously to another sheet with certain text


Hello, I want to copy the words "Pending" and "Candidates" from my main sheet called 'Test Project' to my new sheet called 'Pending Test'. Bot...

2 replies Last reply on 17 Dec 2019 by

Populate data from a column in one worksheet to a cell in multiple other sheets


In a workbook, I want to be able to copy all the cells in column B of sheet "Raw Data" into multiple copies of an existing template sheet correspondin...

4 replies Last reply on 11 Dec 2019 by

Using if to compare time values


Hello, So basically I have a huge column of time values (00-00-00 format) and I am trying to write a code that takes the time in one cell (B) an...

3 replies Last reply on 10 Dec 2019 by

Find out date filling cells


Hi, First of all thanks for your help I have a big excel file which I have been filling it for the last 2 years. There is a way to find out the da...

5 replies Last reply on 6 Dec 2019 by

Microsoft word icon changed to unknown program


Hello, Recently my microsoft word (program) icon changed from the classic picture to the unknown programs icon. I wanted to know how to get the re...

Last reply on 6 Dec 2019 by

Convert tamil pdf document to word


Hello, how to convert a tamil font pdf file to word file with tamil font Still problem exists when i convert a word file the letter are not ...

2 replies Last reply on 26 Nov 2019 by
Aoife McCambridge  

How to hide text in a excel cell and display it when needed


Hi friends I have doubt in excel. I have a column called 'Status' and want to show the text either as 'Pending' or 'Completed' depending on the ...

1 reply Last reply on 25 Nov 2019 by

Seperating time from text


Hello, I have a task in my office that i can't get done and it is very impossible to finish within 1 week as these are 14,000+ orders. The sheet ...

1 reply Last reply on 25 Nov 2019 by

Vba: delete empty rows based on value of cells


Hello, my code works transfer my invoice from sheet1 to sheet 2 but my problem i would adjusted my code to become delete rows from a19: e32 i...

15 replies Last reply on 4 Nov 2019 by
Results 151 - 200 out of a total of 2,608