The discussions
Is it possible to use 5'-2 1/2" in a formula instead of decimals
Hello, please a need some help. is it possible to use 5'-2 1/2" in a formula instead of decimals or converting it into inches with a decimal? Any ad...
Ms office
Hello, I need this software
Write text in adjacent cells if one cell value is ___?
SolvedHello, My knowledge of excel is very basic, but I am interested to know if I can find an easier way to enter information. I'm a tea manufacture...
How to convert date of birth to word in excel
Dear sir, I have placed my date of birth 25/04/1977 in one cell in excel and I need the result as "Twenty fifth April Nineteen Seventy Seven "as in...
Word docs converted to notepad after win 10 upgrade.
We had important info stored on word documents on desktop. Somehow when computer upgraded to windows 10 those documents got converted to notepad and ...
Vba formula; automatically update multiple workbooks from master
Hello, I am trying to help a friend with his restaurants. There is a MASTER list with all the food/drink items. There are 7 locations. Each...
Duplicate row
Hello, How would the formula look like for the following: Sheet 1 has 100 rows Sheet 1 has 6 columns Row 1 has headings Formula would go o...
Compare the values of two worksheets
Hello, I want to compare the values of two worksheets say sheet1 and sheet2 (col1) and want to add all the values col2 of both sheets in anoth...
Unable to move arrow keys in excel
Hello, am unable to move arrow keys in excel, please help me
Cell format based on conditional formatting
Hello, Can anyone help me figure out if excel 2010 allows for cell formatting based on text? I have two columns, and in Col A, I have text that re...
Date and if function
Hello, Thank you for your time! I want excel to determine the date on multiple conditions. If the given date in A1 is 29-Nov-1980 and one of t...
Add "x" years to date when it has certain words
Hello, I need help trying to add 5 or 10 years to a date if another column has this "word" or that "word"... Hopefully I explained myself corre...
Help! need to copy only some columns in rows that have x condtn
SolvedOK, Full disclosure, I am a Novice Excel user at best.....I have a Google Sheet Workbook that contains Google Form Responses (the Sheet name that thes...
Searching out phrases in what-if scenarios
Hello, I am having a hard time figuring out this What-If formula. I have my employees make notes in Cell A. So A1 might read "The customer came in...
Use of '@' in formulae
SolvedHi, I have received a spreadsheet with cells in column E containing the following formula [@[Retail Price]]/[@[Pack Size]]*100 Where the "Reta...
How do i change date format in (
SolvedHello, How do I change the date format from (dd/mm/yyyy) format to ( format? And how can I get today's date in dot format (
Open office
I have Windows o.S. in computer. Will be able to install Open Office Keeeping Windows OS?
Is this possible (if with dates)
Hello, I need some help with what to input into Excel for a function I'd like to see. What I'm looking at doing is: Lookup all dates on "s...
If function using dates
Hello, I'm trying to write a function that will use an divisions data and turn it into manageable data. They record in their spreadsheet an en...
Need to extract data from a cell in a macro enabled sheet
Hello, I created an invoice for my business with a macro to run so that every time I click on a certain cell it will save that sheet into a new work...
Conditional formating question
SolvedHi I need help with changing the color of a cell based on the Text values in the cells below it. So say B1 is the cell i want to change. B2-B7 has ...
If formula with dates
SolvedHi, I would like to set an IF formula which flags me if someone has been working with us as temp for more than 12 weeks... so I have start date and en...
Excel formula question.
I have these cells info. CBSA ; RCMP EC ; FO ; HCAN ; NATRES ; ND CRA ; PSC ; PWGSC ND ; PWGSC ACOA ; CFIA ; CRA ; CSC ; FO ; HRSDC ; PWGSC ...
Copy row from one sheet to other based on 2 conditions
Hello, Any assistance would be very much appreciated I'm just getting into macros and coding. I'm trying to copy a list from sheet 4 and input the...
Search 4 worksheets, copy rows to 5th
Hello, I am using Excel 2010. I am new to the forum and have a very basic knowledge of VBA. I am trying write a macro that takes info provided...
Moving data
Hello, this is driving me mad and im sure its simple. i have 2 sheets in 1 workbook. if column F on sheet 1 contains the word "YES" i need it to ...
How do you make a vba function in removing a specific value in a
How do you make a VBA function in removing a specific value in a cell. Example: remove "#, " and ", #" #, 1, 2, 3 1, 2, #, 3 1, 2, 3, # Res...
Excel, if column terms match text in range b equal to or less th
Ive been racking my brain, the attached photo illustrates roughly what Im trying to do, top and bottom images illustrates a collection if 12k pictures...
Copy answers from 1 sheet to another based on condition - vb
I want to copy description mentioned in particular cell only when the adjacent cell (i.e. adjacent column cell) says 'YES' . I want to copy this descr...
Auto. transfer rows of data to a new sheet based on 1 variable
Hello, I'm currently working with some data that needs to be broken for better viewing purposes and presenting to non-data minded people. It's goi...
Creating master spreadsheet for mailing information
SolvedHi there, So I am creating a workbook, for work, for our marketing, and I need help. We are completely revamping what has been done before and I wa...
Macro only for alphabetic sheets
SolvedHello, I would like to request for a Macro which will run only for those sheets where Names started with Alphabets from A to Z Thanks & Regards...
Compare and combine two sheets into one
Thank you in advance! I have one excel spreadsheet with rows of customer contact information and the account they are associated with. I have an...
Vba coding vlookup to single workbook from different tabs
Hello, I am trying to pull data through Vlookup to master sheet from different worksheet which is having a different tabs for different client. ...
Comparing data
I have two sheets with data, for example product name, quantities sold and price. All product names on sheet 1 may not be there on sheet 2. So what i ...
Two lists of names that are jumbled up
Hello, How are you all? I have two lists of names, one has all the names (A) e.g. Michael Luis Stevens, the other does not or the name is jumbl...
Excel vba to open a eula script when opening a spesific workbook
SolvedHi Everyone I am busy designing a training pack with formulas in a excel workbook using MS Excel 2013 and have it already password protected using vb...
Vba macro copy and paste loop help
I need to create a macro that allows me to copy and paste a set of formulas/values down a certain number of times. For example, if I had the following...
Conditional formatting
Hello, Can someone help in figuring out a formula. If in the spreadsheet I enter under the condition column "good" or "bad" I need the next column...
I need your help with macro's please
Hi there, I have been doing some reading up & watching YouTube tutorials regarding Macro's that will copy data from one sheet to another if certain c...
If value in column a exists between values in column b and c
Hello, Looking for assistance on the following: I want to know if value 302000000 (column A) exists between value range 382777400 (column B) and...
Copy all rows with specific name to new sheet
SolvedDear Friend, Am having a Excel Timesheet with following columns SITE - EMP NAME - EMP ID - EMP JOB TITLE - DATE - TIME IN -TIME OUT - TOTAL - NOR...
Vba to change cell colors and highlight rows
Here is what I have going on. I have a spread sheet, across the top are the dates of days that my crew works and the first column is everyone on the c...
Converter for pdf to word document
SolvedHello, I would like to know how to get the software for converting PDF documents to Word documents.
Macro that will allow tab 1 's information to be copy to tab 2
SolvedHello, Please help. My Excel Workbook has two tabs. Tab 1 contains all project information such as project number, customer name, project name, co...
Transfer a row of data from one sheet to another same workbook
SolvedHello, I am trying to transfer a row of data from one sheet to another in the same workbook but my code is not working could anyone help me thanks...
Booklet design software
Please, I am looking for a simple booklet design software that I can easily manipulate. thanks
Compare two cells in excel and if matches need to print its adja
Hello, I want to compare two cells in excel and if matches need to print its adjacent value in next column. for example: I need to compare colu...
Convert number to letters in excel
SolvedHello, I have to define the numbers to their associated letters and based on the combination of numbers the next cell should show the letters. ...
Convert date of birth into words
SolvedSir, Kindly help me in changing date of birth into words. Example:20.03.2001 as twenty march two thousand one