The discussions
How to calculate no of days between dates
Hello, How to calculate no of days between one constant date not written in excel sheet i.e. 31-03-2016 and other dates which is written in excel ...
Hiding rows when validation list is changed
SolvedHello, I have a excel sheet where have two sets of product line. I would need only details for one set of product line visible if i select it in ...
Userform to export data to another sheet
SolvedHello everybody, Please could anyone spare his/her scares time to help me, I'm new in this forum and I hope to be an expert in excel. Your contribu...
Counting and stop counting days in a cell
SolvedHello, I need to create a formula for a cell involving number of days between dates. First cell - counts the number of days before and after du...
Match columns and assign a value from 3rd column
I have a list of ticket buyers from a recent event, including their zip code. I have a separate spreadsheet with every California zip code and it's...
Excel userform question
Hello, I have spreadsheet with a button on it that opens a userform. This userform will populate data to the same sheet the button is on. How do I...
Vlookup formula help please
Solved=IF(PaymentDetails!$B22="","",VLOOKUP(PaymentDetails!$B22,AppMember,4,FALSE))*E22 Please everybody, how do I write this formula so as not to return...
Vba excel 2013 pleae help
Hello, My question is and if this can be done. Say I have a date entered 3/15/2016 and have information in my excel file. Then I have to enter a...
How do i get the sales tax to pop up???
Hello, how do I make it so I cant type in a city and have it so the sales tax automatically inserts itself in? Thank you Configuration: Windows...
Conditional formatting one cell based on another excel 2016
Hello, I want to conditionally format one cell in a row based on another cell in the row. i.e. If cell F1 has a value greater than 2009 I want cel...
Need a formula to sum a column with #value error
SolvedI need a formula that will sum column i8 to i65536 in cell m7 ignoring #value error. Any help? Thanks.
Auto copy/paste data if criteria (same value in 2 cells) is met
SolvedHello from Barcelona, just signed up ... my first question ... excited :) I have 2 tabs. Tab 1 shows in column B the employee number and in col...
Creating a macro that will create a new sheet and copy data from
Hello, I want my macro to 1) create a new sheet and 2) copy data from another sheet onto the new sheet. For some reason it (my macro) will create...
Duplicating data from one line on sheet 1 to sheet 2
SolvedHello, I'm looking for help, I have data in one box on sheet1 one that when I update that data I would like for it to automatically change in a bo...
I downloaded Microsoft Publisher for free yesterday and do not like it. I want my old Microsoft 2007 word program back but Publisher has changed all m...
Display a range of cells if a condition (text) is met
well, i am regular for excel. now i need a help, if a cell value, is a particular text, then i want to display a range of cells at a particular loc...
Colour changing in rows determined by text in 2 different cells
SolvedHello, i would like to change the colour of a number of cells in a row if column P contains any text, however the colour it changes to depends on the...
Converting numbers to text
hi I need to convert numbers / date of birth in excel pl suggest / advice thanks
Date formate
Hello, please help me, i have software date format {15/03/2016 5:26 PM} and i need convert to this format {Mar/14/2016} Configuration...
Town/city to lookup county
Hello, I have a spreadsheet that what i am trying to accomplish is that when an address is typed into a column it will look up and match the town a...
Transfer data between sheets in excel
SolvedHello, This involves an attendance sheet. A tab for each month with columns for weekly attedance and a total for the month and a summary tab contai...
Related to outlook
Hi, I am not able to send and receive mails on my outlook 2007.Whenever I am sending mails to anyone i received the mail from system administrator ...
Compare values of two separate sheets and returning value
Solved/ClosedHello, Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 43.0.2357.81 I'm currently working a spreadsheet trying to match values from Sheet 1 Column B with...
Using an if statement to compare dates
Hello, I'm trying to compare two dates by referencing two cells. I tried something like this IF(B2>C2, "past due", "on time"). I know to ...
How to have my results in different sheets in one workbook?
Good day I trust you are well? I was hoping you can assist me with the following and will be most grateful for any help I can get: I have to cr...
How to invoke vlookup function in excel vba.
Hello, Please, I need a visual basic code that can actually invoke or call a V Lookup function in Excel to query data in two separate worksheets an...
Recording macro to duplicate page and rename to numeric value
SolvedGood day I am trying to record a macro that duplicates a page and renaming it to another file name but need to follow in numeric order. I have a...
Need to find a data in a column and copy below cell data or add
SolvedHello , Please help me to solve this, it will be very grateful column A column B column c 1......................... .........2 2.................
Compare 2 worksheets and update one of them
I am a beginner Excel user and I hope I can get some help here. I am about to purchase a retail business. I have a copy of the master inventory list. ...
Help needed on saving then clearing content except selected rows
Hi I am writing a spreadsheet for my ward for TCI list which has admissions, discharges and transfers. I want to be able to save then clear the c...
Autopopulating data from one main sheet to multiple sheets
Hello, I'm making a workbook for my coworkers to easily know what specific person they need to work with from month to month. I have created a "Mast...
Transfer data from multiple sheets to one sheet.
Hi all, I'm kind of new to spreadsheets. I have 3 sheets each with the same columns. Column 1 has a type and column 2 has serial numbers, column 3 has...
Sending problems
Hello, I am having a problem sending emails from my Outlook. I get it returned in my inbox with the error 554 5.7.1 and it says authentication failed ...
Count days in excel
Solved/ClosedHello, How can count dates between 2 cells in excel, 1jan - 2jan to count as 2 days. with =NETWORKDAYS(A1,A2) not count the weekends. Thanks F...
Excel- how do i auto transfer rows of data to another worksheet
Hello all, I am after some help with excel. I am a PE teacher and need to find a way to cut down the processing time for our athletics carnival sco...
Combine of column
SolvedHello, How can we show value of more than two column in a single column but in two rows. please reply at the urgent.
Compare values in two columns and return the value from third
Hello, I've a table containing four columns. If the values in the first two columns match to particular value (eg. A1="xxxx" and B1="yyy"), I need t...
Comparing two excel worksheets
Solvedplease, I need a macro code that can actually compare two worksheets and flag up the differences using same color to show the dissimilar rows. Be...
Populate 2 tables at once but one table only if text match
ClosedHello, I have 2 tables in separate sheets, I am using a userform to populate table1 and I need a formula to populate table2 as new data it's entere...
Date function
Hello, I'm using a function =date(year(j2)+(m2),month(j2),day(j2)) BUT.. I want to be able to type in words like NIL, NO, and DEFER in to cell M2...
Carry forward formula
ClosedHello, I'm trying to find if there is any formula to carry forward a figure to another spreadsheet on a daily basis. the cells were not at the sam...
Drop down list and auto copy data based on date in cell to anoth
Hello, I need help fast. I'm not the resident expert my boss think I am apparently. Excel 2010. I imported info from a Word Perfect document whi...
Copy paste macro needs tweak
SolvedHello, I'm new to VBA, and would appreciate any help with this Macro. It copys the mouse input, but overwrites the last paste. I need it to (after I...
Vba tricky question
Hi All, I am working on excel and I need some help with VBA/macros. Basically, I have a variable called Y and I have a table of set values, call...
If column a contains any text or if column b contains any text..
Hello, I'd like to achieve in Open Office Calc IF column A contains ANY text then ADD "XYZ" into cell G12 OR IF column B contains ANY text t...
Snapshot for pdf editing
Need free or Microsoft Office PDF editor
Compare two csv files
ClosedHello, I have two csv files which has member details. I just have to compare both the files and confirm if its similar. Any way to do it through e...
Printing numerous copies
Hello, I have a seguential numbering macro that numbers a 2 part EWO - I want to be able to run more than 1 set at a time - how do I do that? C...
Sending data from one spreadsheet to multiple speadsheets
Hello, I am fairly new to VBA and have been searching for a solution for my problem but as yet have not managed to find one. I wish to send da...
Conditonal format a because of values in another cell
SolvedHello, i am trying to figure out how i can format a cell to show green when above a figure and red when below the figure simple i know but here co...