The discussions

Power point problem

Hello, I just downloaded a microsoft office powerpoint program to my computer a second ago. But for some reason when i try to open it and start a fres...

2 replies Last reply on 24 Aug 2009 by

Word document

Hello, I have an ACER Aspire 3680 laptop withe VISTA. It has OFFICE XP installed but i can't open a word document from my email

2 replies Last reply on 24 Aug 2009 by

Forgot my password and id

Hello,please send me my password and ID becouse i have forgotten please send me i wanna usde it know please

1 reply Last reply on 24 Aug 2009 by

Copy rows from sheeta,b&c and paste in sheetd

Hello Experts, I am a novice in using VBA or Macros in excel. I need a help in copying all the available rows from Individual Sheet say A, B & C ...

1 reply Last reply on 24 Aug 2009 by

Cant open ms 2007 word

Hello, could anyone help me how to solve the problem if i load MS Word 2007 and it cant. it was then asking me to open it in safe mode. what wa...

1 reply Last reply on 24 Aug 2009 by

Vba code correction!

Hello, Does anyone know how i can amend the below code to printout a notepad file instead of a word document?? Sub PrintWordDocument() Dim wrdA...

3 replies Last reply on 24 Aug 2009 by

Can't open attachments

Hello, I can't open attachments in my hotmail account, I have never had this problem untill yesterday

1 reply Last reply on 24 Aug 2009 by

Using an alternate outlook 2007 account

Hello, I have 2 emails addresses one with SBCGlobal.Net and one with Sometimes I have some difficulty to use my SBCGLOBAL email address b...

1 reply Last reply on 23 Aug 2009 by

Word doc

Hello, i have a doc that was sent to me in word perfect, i have microsoft office - when i open the doc now it is in code, how do i open it as a word ...

1 reply Last reply on 23 Aug 2009 by

Hi plz send me my password


1 reply Last reply on 23 Aug 2009 by

Forgot my password

Hello, I Have Forgotten My Password And My Alternate Email Address. I DO NOT have a secret question.! What should i dol??? If you know plea...

1 reply Last reply on 23 Aug 2009 by

For finding my password

Hello, Can anyone help me ...I forget my password of gmail account i.e chavan.varsha9 nd cannot access...if anyone gives a details of findout ...

1 reply Last reply on 23 Aug 2009 by

I have display problem

Hello, sir I have a dell inspiron 1521, with windows vista. The problem I am having, is when Iswitch on the laptop after 5 minutes one window is op...

2 replies Last reply on 22 Aug 2009 by

Forgot my email password

Hello, i forgot my email password and alternte address...plz help me

2 replies Last reply on 22 Aug 2009 by

Mother board

Hello, i have lost my mother board cd so i need that driver cd

1 reply Last reply on 22 Aug 2009 by

.jpg to .doc

Hello, how to convert .jpg/.jpeg file into word document file using key board keys please inform about it me

1 reply Last reply on 22 Aug 2009 by

Ms excel install

Hello,i have windows 2002xp professional in my pc .ihave downloaded ms excel 2007 from internet.but i am unable to install.please give your advic...

1 reply Last reply on 22 Aug 2009 by

Lost password for hotmail

Hello, I have lost my Hotmail Password. I tried clicking forgot my password link, there when i entered my username and charachters and clicked on ...

1 reply Last reply on 22 Aug 2009 by

Need ttne code for row selection

Hello, i have created a macro in which i have some specific rows to be selected ans pasted in some other sheet but.but htis macro runs fine for this ...

1 reply Last reply on 21 Aug 2009 by

Conditional formatting excel 2007

Hello, I´m trying to get a whole column coloured, depending of the value in H$. This with only the use of Conditional formatting (no visual basic)...

1 reply Last reply on 21 Aug 2009 by

Need help on excel macros

Hello, I am not a techie and I have very limited knowledge on Excel Macros. I have two worksheets. Worksheet 1 - Employee information like E...

1 reply Last reply on 21 Aug 2009 by

Countif formula


Hello, I have one excel file in that Colom "B" has the "pending or Closed" Status and Colom "C" has "Sevirity 1, Sevirity 2 and Sevirity 3" I wa...

2 replies Last reply on 21 Aug 2009 by

Problem with msoffice installation

Hello, Does it matter if i try to install MS OFFICE 2007 into Windows xp sp3???? Could that be a possible reason for it not to run set up?? That seem...

1 reply Last reply on 21 Aug 2009 by

My password has stolen?

pls can somebody help me,my pasword has broceken, how i can protect my pasword from hackers,pls can you help me. than k you

3 replies Last reply on 21 Aug 2009 by

Sony vaio change vista to xp

Hello,i have Sony Vaio notebook but speed is slow i want to change vista to XP.plz help me

1 reply Last reply on 21 Aug 2009 by

Simple excel formula

Hello, I am trying to enter a simple formula into excel: IF F6>=0 THEN G5=F6 Cell F6 and G5 are on different pages in the same workbook.

1 reply Last reply on 21 Aug 2009 by

Hide macro excel 2007, run with a button only

Hello, I am using excel 2007 and I wish to stop users runing macros except via macro objects in work sheets. Ie so other users can't access the macr...

1 reply Last reply on 21 Aug 2009 by

Count values depending on dates

Hello, I am trying to count selected values in one column depending on selected date values in a second column. Example: The first column con...

3 replies Last reply on 21 Aug 2009 by

Macro to sort files with file extension

Hello, I have sheet a with 46 rows and 1110 columns(this might vary). The cells contain filenames with various file extensions like .zip, .tif, .ex...

1 reply Last reply on 21 Aug 2009 by

Excel: deleting cell range (multiple sheets)

Hi, I have been trying to figure out how to clear the contents of specified cell, say Range (A12:U12).Select ActiveCell.End(xlDown).Select Se...

1 reply Last reply on 20 Aug 2009 by

Ms word 2000 print preview incomplete

Hello, I'm unable to view my complete word document in the print preview. only 3 quarter of the page shows. when this document is printed, its bec...

2 replies Last reply on 20 Aug 2009 by

Date calculation

Hello, I've created a spreadsheet (excel 2003) for the purpose of tracking work order activity. It would be great if I only needed to update one ce...

1 reply Last reply on 20 Aug 2009 by

Can't access shortcut to outlook express

Hello, I have a shortcut to Outlook Express on my desktop. I just installed Microsoft Office Suite 2007( I previously had just Microsoft Word). Now I...

1 reply Last reply on 20 Aug 2009 by

Mass mailing service @ very low price.

Hello, Increase Your Sales Conversion - Generate Repeat Sales - Up-sell and Cross-sell Products and Services - Gain Valuable Feedback from your ...

1 reply Last reply on 20 Aug 2009 by

I phone softwear

Hello, i have china made i phone but i dont know how to download softwear of iphone so can you help me plz

1 reply Last reply on 20 Aug 2009 by

Password forgotten

Hello, my friend Jasmin Kauswala has a gmail id. her ID is also has the same id in orkut.She has forgotten the password of gma...

1 reply Last reply on 20 Aug 2009 by

Using if/vlookup statement to verify a value

Hello, I have 2 columns in an Excel spreadsheet, Column A and Column B and I am trying to verify if the data that exists in Column B, also exists i...

2 replies Last reply on 19 Aug 2009 by

Macro to test null values

Hello, I have a spreadsheet where if I enter a numeric value between 3000 and 7000 (excluding values between 6000 and 6500) it checks to determine ...

1 reply Last reply on 19 Aug 2009 by

Take a single cell and divide it into rows

Hi Everyone! I am new here and need some help. I have Microsoft Excel 2003, not all that experience and have never used Macros. I am designing a da...

1 reply Last reply on 19 Aug 2009 by

Row data in columns

Hello, Dear Sir, I have Data Like 324 Platinum Gold Silver 325 platinum Silver 326 Gold 327 silver 328 329 platinum 330 Gold I wa...

1 reply Last reply on 19 Aug 2009 by

Our internet explorer.....

HeLLo,my name is Jewel, our internet explorer are not opening the friendster website, what can I do????

1 reply Last reply on 19 Aug 2009 by

Browse button

Hello, i m new to vb script..actually in VBscript i want to create a browse button in the input box inorder to browse my files stored in the lcation....

1 reply Last reply on 19 Aug 2009 by

Color change

Hello, 1. how can i have a cell change format if the result value is zero?? 2. how can i have other cell change format in reference to the first c...

1 reply Last reply on 19 Aug 2009 by

To retrieve the particular cell value


Hello, Can you please provide me with a macro VBA code In "Sheet1" i have values in 'A' and 'B' columns. Sheet1: A B 1 Name ...

5 replies Last reply on 19 Aug 2009 by

My email password is hacked

Hello, someone has stolen my email and i have been using it more than ten years and also i forgot my secret question pls i need...

1 reply Last reply on 19 Aug 2009 by

Wrong admin password

Hello, when stasrting a new gateway computer we put in new admin passwrd and now computer says password is wrong and wont let us log on

1 reply Last reply on 19 Aug 2009 by

Forgot password

Hello, I need my password sent to me I forgot it please send it to my I no longer have the email

1 reply Last reply on 19 Aug 2009 by

Copy row from one worksheet to another

Hello, I have 11 worksheets in one workbook. First sheet is "Master", Second is "New BB" ,Third is "New LB, Forth is Steelers and so on(football tea...

3 replies Last reply on 18 Aug 2009 by

How do i lookup a number value?

Hello, I have the following problem. I have a column with a list of diagnosis (A) and coding numbers for each diagnosis (B). I have other columns w...

1 reply Last reply on 18 Aug 2009 by

Formula for date and time

Hello, how to covert a cell which consist of date and time in GMT to Pakistan time along with the date.

1 reply Last reply on 18 Aug 2009 by
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