The discussions
I cannot access my pen drive, how to recover ?
Solved/ClosedHello, Got a transcend pen drive 4gb when connecting to usb port light blinks on the pen drive even shows in my computer after double click...
Pen drive not working
SolvedHello, My Pen drive Not Working Plz Help?? Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 8.0
How can i format pen drive using cmd prompt?
Solved/ClosedHello, I would like to know how I could format a pen drive or any drive using command prompt. Please help me!
To remove write protection of pen drive
Hello, my pen drive is write protected i have tried to remove write protection of pen drive via registry but it did not worked please help me...
My pendrive is not working
Hello, when i plug in my pendrive its asking do you want to format the disk before use and if i click the format the disk it is unable to fo...
Pen drive contents not accessible
Hello, I was using a 4 GB Kingston pen drive for a long time & this morning when I was working on it, suddenly power went off & later once same wa...
Hello, My computer is not seeing any files on my flash drive and is telling me that it needs to be formatted. I have been using this drive with t...
Can't copy files directly to pen drive....
Hey! The problem is..I cant copy stuff directly to my pen drive...i can only copy videos/music through windows media player...I had used the same SAN...
Files to shortcut
Hello, can you help me for i have followed the instruction on how to retrieve my files from being a shortcut. i entered on cmd attrib -h -r -s /...
Write protected message appears in pen drive
Hello, i am using a 8gb fission pen drive. but suddenly it became write protected. and now i want to know how i can solve this problem? please...
Pen drive not connected
Hello, i cannot connect my pen drive to my computer Configuration: Windows XP / Chrome 24.0.1312.57
Pendrive went to raw state
Hello, I tried your suggestion, but in the disk management when i am giving right click on the removable is showing only properties, in w...
My pen drive is write protect i do nat formating help me
Hello, I have 4 gb trancent pen drive when i open it windows give message pen drive is not formated and when i formate it windows gives messa...
Pen drive
Hello, how to repair loos pen drives Configuration: Windows XP / Chrome 24.0.1312.57
Unable to format 64gb transcend pendrive
Solved/ClosedHello, recently ive buyed a 64gb transcend pendrive,it was woking fine but later on I could not format it,it is ex-fat... when I insert my pendri...
How i can remove write protection from pen drive
Hello, hi i am unable find storage device manager in my pc?? where it wil get created, im just getting storage folder please help me bye
Kingston pen drive.not working
Hello, sir I have 4 gb kingston pen drive is not working . when i put pendrive into computer it doesn't show any thing .,pleause guide me to solve...
Hello, my pen driv sandisk protection how to remove thx Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 23.0.1243.2
Flashdrive problem
Hello, i cannot open my files on my flash drive. whats the problem Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 8.0
My micro sd card is not working
Hello, I have a sd card which is not opening after connecting its tailing me to format but when i tried to format it windows saying that windows is...
Windows was unable to complete format"
Hello, I have a 4Gb pendrive, i try to format, but i've got a error message " Windows was unable to complete format" " Configuration: Window...
Transcend 4gb drive firmware problem
Hello, my Transcend 4gb pen drive detected as usb BAR device as a removable disk it says please insert disk in f: drive please give me solution ...
Pen drive is not formatting
Hello, My Pendrive can not formatted or the data can not deleted. when i try to perform formatting option ,the write protected access message i...
A problem with booting from a cd rom:
Hello, Hi everybody, I have two optical drives, one is CD ROM and the other is DVD/CD ROM. The first is slave, and the other is primary...
My pendrive is detected but the files are not found
Hello, my pendrive is detected in my computer but shows empty when it is opened!!!someone please help me i am using windows 7
My pen drive is full when i attach it with computer it requires
Hello, My pen drive is full when i attach it with computer it require to format. Kindly give me some advice so that i recover my data from the abo...
My pendrive is accessible only in my pc and not other pc's..
Hello, hi i am hp pendrive is accessible in my pc other pc's it shows..the presence..but it s not able to open..please help me.....
Cannot fix write protected error
Hello, I have a 2GB pendrive. it consist of some files, There is no delete option in that available. when i try to format that pendrive it doe...
Folders have become applications
Hello, I have a portable hard drive which suddenly lost all the folders and instead of folders it shows the names but with the extension as applicat...
Write protected pendrive
Hello, I am using 5 methods to format my pendrive regidit,cmd,safemode,manage and downloading the tool and tried but it still not work plz help me ...
My pendrive has zero bytes of space
Solved/ClosedHello, I have a pen drive which of-late, when I connect it to the pc, its detectted to have a total space 0, and free space 0. pls help me out. pen...
Write protected
Hello, i have a 4GB Ultra Speed Transcend flash drive and now i can not use it because it is write protected, i tried those solutions in the inte...
Hello,my 8gb pendrive is not formating. if i click on format that is shown 'this drive is write protected' how can i format, please? Configurat...
Sd card formatting
Hello, i am unable to format my 2gb san disk micro sd card . it showing zero byte free space and zero byte used space in its properties is it corru...
Files on my flash drive turned into shortcuts(deleted)
Hello, Sorry, for asking the same question. The files in my flash drive also turned into shortcuts but the different case is that I accidentally d...
Pendrive problem
Hello, my hp 2012 model pendrive was not able to open any laptop. pls give detaild information to work it Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 24...
Write protected
Hello Sir, I'm using sandisk cruzer blade 8 gb pendrive. It is showing write protected. It has no on/off switch. How can i solve it? I tried...
Forgot micro sd memory card password
Hello, Configuration: / Opera 9.80 i want to reset my memory card micro sd
Pen drive is not detecting
Hello, Pen drive is not detecting in any of the system. No message will be displayed after connected. So please give me any suggestion about how t...
My hp 4gb pendrive v165w not detected by my computer,
Hello, my HP 4GB pendrive v165w not detected in any PC. i have tryed so many tiomes to make it ops... but i can't success ... so i reques...
Toshiba 4gb pen drive not recognized
Hello, I have toshiba TC58NC6688G1F 4gb pen drive .all the window did not recognised it. How can I solve this problem Plz send me the proper ...
Pen drive recording problem
Hello, I have a trasnend 16 GB pen drive my pc show 14.2 GB free space in this device. but a file size 8.5GB not recording and 1GB or 2GB files ...
Hp pendrive not working
Hello, I have a16 GB hp pendrive. I have'nt had any problems with it in the past. I am not able to format the pendrive , moreover when tr...
Pen drive write protected
my pan drive is sandisk cruzer blad it is write protekted so i can not format it so plz help me and give me a solusation ...
Unable to format pendrive
Hello, I want to format my 4GB pendrive. but at the time of formatting i got an error "Windows was unable to complete the format". plz help me... ...
Write protected
Hello, my kingston 16 gb pendrive is not formating and can not delete anything on it. I tried to us a procedure of going to start menu typing somethin...
My hp pendrive not detected
SolvedHello, My HP pendrive 4GB dectected on Windows 7 but not detected on Windows XP. Why this Happen? Is any solution for that? Configuration: Wind...
Write protected
Hello, When i insert my pendrive i cannot do any operations on says that the media is write protected.....what should i do? Config...
My pen drive does not open.plz help me....
ClosedHello, My pen drive does not open.When I click the link,i get please insert disk as a message and unable to open the contents please help me!! ...
How to remove write protection from pen drive
Hello, How to remove write protection from pen drive in windows 7? Thanks Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 23.0.1271.97