The discussions
Shortcut problem in memory card or pendrive
when i copy file in pendrive or memory card it's become shortcut..... then i try to delete it but it's not work ! please please anybody help me what...
Workinng multibootusb
hi someone can help me or can give me a software can make a multibootableusb that can join a all kinds of windows in one usb only and working thanks
Copy files from pen drive to computer
how do you copy files from pen drive to computer cmd
Pendrive hiden
Hi I am Muthu, I am Used HP Pen Drive 8GB My Pen drive can not show on the my computer screen. What problem I can't Identified Please solve the ...
Shortcut problem
when i m sending any folder from pc to my pendrive it automatically converts that folders into shortcut and when i m deleting these shortcut than auto...
Hello, i have a problem regarding kingston 8GB pen drive.when i am cunneted to the computer it is appearing in mycomputer.but when i tried to open it ...
Cannot format pendrive
I used my pendrive for booting chromium os with WIN32 DISK IMAGER but now i'm not able to use my pendrive please help me i have 4gb sandisk fat32 pend...
My sdhc card doesn't working
my kingston sdhc card doesn't detecting by any system and my phone..... plaese tell me the solution..
Pendrive write protection problem
Friends iam using Sandisk 8GB pendrive, now recently i am facing a problem with write protection. i can't able add any files nor delete. plz solve...
Data not found
When i insert my pendrive it is installed and in main page it shows that this much is filled and some space available but when i try to open it it sho...
I can't format 8gb memory card
SolvedI can't format my 8gb memeory card which stopped working unexpectedly. Please help me on this!
Virus affecting pen drive...
Hello, my name is zeal...sorry but i have red all messages and still can not find any soluttion to my pen drive is still not being forma...
Usb not detected
i inserted my USB on my computer but my USB dosen't show at all... really need to use it....can someone help me???
All my file in pendrive become shortcut.. help
All my file in pendrive become shortcut.. help
Only show the shortcuts
when i trying to copy a file .. then it just show the shortcuts in pen drive what to do ,please help me
How to format flash memory when it says windows was unable to co
i hav a flash memory with 8gb. but it shows 30 to format flash memory when it says windows was unable to complete the format
How to unlock write protected pendrive
i can not find storage device policies
Data recovery from usb flash drive raw file system
I would like to know how to fix RAW USB flash drive? Actually, my computer had detected this flash drive. But as I tried to open it, a message poppe...
Pendrive not accessible
I have an 8gb moser baer pendrive.It is can't able to access.if I go to open it will ask to insert the is shown as removable disk only it will...
How to unhide files inmy flash memory ?
my flash memory files are hidden i donot know how to un hide them
Pen drive not work properly
my pen drive contains some major problem my pen drive was formatted properly but every time i remove the pen drive and then again inserted it asks th...
How to recover my pendrive
i entered my pendrive into the computer but it is is a 4gb transcened pendrive.......
Pen drive
how to lock pen drive any applications
Pendrive is not formating
Hi! Friends, My toshiba 4GB pendrive is not formatting. I stopped over Kioskea and tried through 1. CMD - It returned invalid media or track 0 bad...
Files and folders are shortcuts.
SolvedHello, I had the same problem, and I formatted my pen drive, and then I did run the command, "attrib -h -r -s /s /d i:\*.* " But, the access was ...
Sdhc memory card not recognised by card reader
Hello, I have a memory card reader of transcend and it is not recognizing my 8 GB SDHC memory card.My card reader do support sdhc .But the memory ca...
Files r hidden
plz help me i m pendrive there are very important things but it is showing hidden so i cut and paste hidden files which clear out from the pd and als...
Regarding write protection
i have a sandisk cruzer pen drive of 16 gb which is not getting formate showing that its write protected what should i do i used reg opp please guide ...
Usb write-protected
I want to format my Strontium 32GB flashdrive, but get a message that the flashdrive is write-protected. Will you please help me.
Pen drive write protection
My pen drive is not getting is under write protection...i have tried every solution given on this site....even tried scanning with thr...
Kingstone pen drive 8gb now left only 775mb
SolvedHello, Hello, why my kingstone pen drive 8gb now left only 775mb? ,after i formatted and i already format it in ntfs or fat32 it get space the same =...
Memory card problem
I am having Transcend 8GB Micro SD HC Card. I am having some important pics and files in it but I cant access it as it says You have to format the dis...
Acer laptop usb!
i have a creativr zen mp3 player, my laptop used to recognise it, but for the last few days, the laptop seems to charge the device but does not let me...
Memory card cannot be detected
plz its urgent. Hello, can you pls help me??.Ive got trouble about my memory stick pro duo..actually its not mine,I just borrowed it from a relative ...
My hp usb became writeprotected how do i remove its protection
Bootable pendrive
SolvedHello, friends. please i need a help on how to make my pen drive bootable to be able to use to install windows. thanks for your help.
I can't access my pendrive even it opens
i can't access my pendrive even it opens. Please help.
Unable to format 8gb pendrive
Hello, wen i insert my pendrive, it prompts me to format my wen i do t, shows windows unable to format.....i tried in disk manag...
Unable to open 4gb sacdisk pendrive
hi, i am unable to open my 4bg sandisk pen drive. when i plug it ask for formatting when trying to format it shows the message that is "windows is u...
Unable to open or format pendrive
SolvedHello, I have a 2 GB Transcend pendrive.I cant open or format the pendrive.whenever i want to open or format it a messege is showing "Another prog...
Pendrive not detecting
Hello, my HP 4GB pen drive is not getting detected in any computer. pls help
Pen drive not detected
I tried on many laptops and desktop, unfortunately HP USB 220V 8 GB not detected. Will u help in solving the issue
My pen drive is not opening... please help me
Help me please whenever i plug in my pen drive and tries to open it, it says "The disk in drive H is not formatted. Do you want to format it now?"....
Files turned into shortcut
my files are turned into shortcut after transfer-ed it to the pen drive... so guys please tell me what to do and how to solve this problem... please g...
How to remove write protection of a pen drive
Hello, good day please help me out how to remove write protection of a pen drive Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 25.0.1364.172
I can't format my sandisk sd card
i can't format my sandisk 8 gb SD card .Which shows an error which is write protected. Then i try on ubuntu then shows error when try to format "the ...
Usb secure blocked
I purchased USB Secure about 2 years ago and it has worked perfectly until now. I am getting a Windows message "F:\USB Secure.exe is not a valid Win32...
Transend pen drive automatically turned into shortcut
When I Send any file in it, automatically turned into Shortcut. The main file become hidden. I can not find any file for attachment. Please Answer as...
Cannot open pendrive
hi, My pendrive can be detected on my pc,but i cant open said insert drive + my pc is block. Pls help, tell me what is the problem and ...