The discussions
Cant find files
Hello, when i press enter the cmd gives a message that the attrib is not recognized as an internal or external storage i still cant find my files...
Shortcut virus only
Having all my files saved as Shortcut cannot open
There is no usb storage devices
Hello, There is no usb storage premises.
Download youtube music to sd card
Hi, How do I download music from my YouTube to my SD card?
How to repair virus infected files?
Hello, My all files, folder and rar files infected from virus. The virus added djvur extension into end the all system files even pictures video o...
Not able to use my pen drive
Hello, I have a 32 GB pen drive of HP. I was trying to make bootable using RUFUS. Something happened and RUFUS was not able to make the pendrive b...
How to transcend a write protected 4gb jetflash
Solved/ClosedHello, Good day, I have a USB which a write protected problem, how can I remove this , already tried the chkdsk, regedit, sharing, dos format, win...
Transcend 16gb pen drive forgot password
hello, how to remove pen drive password, Pls send me advise or solution. I do see this from forum but can't "storatedevicepolicies" HKEY_LOCAL_M...
Pen drive data recovery
Hello, Sir i lost my total data of 32gb how can i recover System Configuration: Android / SamsungBrowser 6.2
Sandisk cruzer glide 64g disconnects on its own
Hello. My name is Serge I always kept a copy of my folders (picture, excel, word files, etc etc) on a cruzer sandisk memory stick. I begun...
Transcend 8gb pen drive how to remove write protection
Solved/Closedhow to remove pen drive write protection.... Plz send me solution..
Partitioning my sd card in my tecno p3
Hello, I tried partitioning my SD card in my tecno P3 (etisalat version ) which I did successfully using partition master. But after turning ...
How to remove virus from sd card
Hello, my sd card shows can i delete them?i had formet the sd card so many times also but it didn't work..please help me System Con...
How to format a write protected usb flash disk
Hello, i have tried many methods & several others in cmd to fix my usb write protectd error. But still doesn't work. i discovered later to fix it i ...
Usb write protected
Hello, Sir i have tried your method and also several others in cmd to fix my usb right protectd error. But still it doesn't work.. Help me sir
Pen drive gives error please insert a disk
Hello, please help System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 70.0.3538.102
Can't see storage device policies
Hello, i cant see storage device policies System Configuration: Windows / Opera Next 56.0.3051.99
Usb idiot
Hello, System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 70.0.3538.77 Hi people. The problem arose when I was in school and I transferred the file that...
Remove write protection from usb
ClosedHello, I do all of the steps mentioned above, unfortunately the problem was not solve. please help me thanks System Configuration: Windows / ...
Some of my mkv files in my usb won't open or play
Hello Please help me some of the mkv files or video in my usb wont play and it appears as a white paper thing and not a video file but some of the ...
Memory stick does not open
Hello, my memory stick refuses to open it command me to format first but i have crucial information there.(it says the volume does not contain a r...
All my files in my usb became shortcuts
hi can you help all my files turned into shortcuts i did the command prompt and it didn't work. :
Can't copy paste or delete on my flash
I can not copy paste or delete on my flash how do i get rid of it then
Device is not accessible, the device is not ready
Hello, I just bought a 1TB usb from online shop, i have use it only in two days then it turns out i cant see it on computer where all devices are ...
Formating sd card
Hello everybody My SD card has some bad sector and windows could not fix and also is not able to format it. Is there any other way to fix it? Thank...
Pen drive data is not showing
Hello, I am using sandisk 32 GB pendrive .when I connect pendrive to computer it show less data bit I am inserting number of files they not seen ? ...
How to remove write protection
Hello, can u please help me to remove write disk projected System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 69.0.3497.100
How to format a write protected pen drive
Hello, Hello, i got a flash drive that was write protected and is not formatted and i tryed everything i seen online to format it its a kingston dtse9...
Files in my usb unable to open or read
Hello, i was trying to convert an image file into a pdf file when i opened with the wrong viewer I think. I believe I clicked something named catalys...
My flash drive doesn't work
ClosedHello, dont work please help me System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 69.0.3497.100
Can't open my flashdrive
Hi guys I was formatting my flashdrive thrice then after that the window said "unable to format" then after that I unplug the flashdrive then after I ...
Microcard sd not recognized
I got a 64 GB micro card I’ve tried connecting it to all my devices Xbox Mac desktop to Cameron nothing recognizes that I’m even putting anything in a...
Pen drive data doesn't show
Hi, My pendrive is showing occuping space but when I am trying to open its showing no data. I tried below command- attrib -h -r -s /s /d h:\*.*...
Hp pen drive 32gb v112b
Hello, is says device driver not successfully installed .. i already uninstall my USB from device manager and waited 5 mins. and plug it again but...
Cannot open pen drive
I cannot open my 8 GB pendrive. It contains valuable documents. I tried with - 'attrib -h -r -s /s /d g:\*.* ' - command. But it does not open. Please...
Is it really possible to remove write protection
Hello, My HP v210w 32 GB Pen Drive is write protected, and I have tried Diskpart, safe mode command prompt, ufix II, StorageDevicePolicies etc...
Pen drive displays no media
Hello, my Toshiba 32 GB pen drive displays no media and not be displayed in This pc what i can do to repaire my pendrive
Flash drive showing but not opening
Hello, I inserted my flash drive and it shows up as removable disk(g) i tried to open it, it loads after 1 minute it ejected itself
Pen drive shows empty even when data exists
SolvedHello, my flashdrive is showing that there are documents holding space on it however when I open the drive it is saying it is empty. how do i r...
Hp v285w 64 gb brand new pen drive is not working
Hello, Hp v285w 64 gb brand new pendrive not working System Configuration: Android / Chrome 68.0.3440.85
Sd card deleted files return.
Hello there..I'been tryin'a delete some files in my sd card but they just reflect back.please help me...its a 32gb sd card..please thnk you in advance...
My flash drive is security protected with bit lock
Hello, My flash drive is security protected with bit locker because i once i put a password and also remove the password and now i cannot remember...
Hp 32 gb pen drive "write protected" error
Hello, I am using a HP V220W 32 GB pen drive. It shows "the device is write protected" error/message when I attempt to format it. I have tried bot...
Flash drive that doesn't play movies
Hello, i have a problem with my 1 tb flash drive; if i copy movies from my computer to the flash drive, they dont play. Am using windows 8.1 pro and v...
Sony pen drive not detected.
Hello, My Sony Pendrive not detecting. When I insert Pen Drive in to Laptop, googledrivesync.exe-No Disk window open display massage"there is no d...
Flash drive, memory card not saving data
Hello, Hi, I bought 2 different 256Gb mini sd cards from Wish online shopping, 1 was verbatim make. Both they have same problem, when ever I load m...
Locked memory card not detected in pc
Hello, my san disk 4gb locked memory card not dected only show in nokia c2-03 no orther mobile pls help me System Configuration: Windows / Chrome...
How to remove pen drive write protection
Hello, help me to remove write protect from my pendrive. am using windows 7 desktop System Configuration: Windows / Firefox 61.0
Shortcut virus
Hello, Recently my USB got infected with the shortcut virus. I used cmd and was able to remove the virus but I am still unable to recover my picture...