The discussions
Write protected....
hi..i am priya my pen drive is write protected i have tried those steps,but am getting under the control as storage folder but not as storage device p...
Unable to format my 2gb sd memory card
Im having 2gb SD memory card,it was unable to format in was unable to complete the format,again and again the same message was appea...
Write protected
when i go into my disk manager in the manage, i could see my drive but cant access the format ,is faint cant click on it
Write protected message appears
Hello, my pendrive can not formatted or the data can not deleted. when i try to perform formatting option ,the write protected access message is d...
Flash drive failed to get detected
My system does not recognize my 8gig verbatim flashdrive. I am using windows xp. Please advise. Hendrik
Sdhc card not working
Dear Sir, My 32GB Micro SDHC Card of Transcend brand is not opening. it is recognized on my computer but, while attempting to open it it raises one...
Write protection
how to remove my pendriver write protection please help me
Cannot formate pendrive it show error media write protected
sir, when i try to format it show error message MEDIA WRITE PROTECTED. Please help me out of this problem Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox ...
once i am opening my pen drive the following error is coming error loading .\dx.dll the specified module could not be found pls help me
Sir, my pendive showing write protected
Sir, my pendive showing write protected & i read your old post but they not work properly ,when i m applying your path (you showed in your last post s...
My pendrive shows "access denied" message.
my pendrive shows "ACCESS DENIED" message.Please say how to correct it.It is new pendrive. Help me plz.
My cardreader is not supporting
Hello, when i tried to open my cardreader it shows insert the disk into g drive please give ne solution Configuration: Windows XP / Chrome 27.0...
Windows unable to format message appears
I have used some to software to extend the capacity of 2 GB Kingston pen drive. but it is not responding and ask to format.then windows gave a message...
Disk is write-protected error appears
sandisk 8 gb can not be formatted, it says the disk is write-protected.
Remove write-protect
Dear Sir, sir please send me solution how to remove write-protect from pen drive 8 gb transcend
Remove the write product
sir, I am working for windows 8, I have pen drive. but that is put the write product. so, I remove the write product in the pendrive, I saw abo...
Files\folders always turned into shortcuts
I have also face this pendrive problem.when i open mu pendrive my pendrive name's new short cut creat i format my pendrive many times but the pro stil...
Remove the write protection from pen drive
dear sir, - my scandisk pen drive is under write protection automatically. - in pen-drive, I use only copy and paste method. no other process (d...
My hard disk not working......please help
Hello, I have a Intenso 16GB hard disk and have Windows 8 installed in my computer. I was trying to create a Windows 7 bootable usb using Diskpart...
Plzzzzz solve dis
solve this My pen dribe is unable to format by windows cd..and when i will format this by command prompt then it will shw a msg like its Raw type u...
How to remove write protection pen drives
Haii,how to remove write protection pen drives,how to format this type pen drives.i am using xp 3.please help me..
How to remove the write protection
Hello, pls send me the steps to remove the write protection in pendrive in windows 7 & 8 as soon as possible plz send.............. E-Mail ID...
My eligibility to sit my final year exams depend on this!!
I am having a problem with my flash drive... Every time i use it, it cannot be ejected. So i would shut down the computer to get it off but today i pu...
Problem with my sandisk pendrive
my pen drive used to work fine..but i inserted my pen drive in someother's laptop n from then its getting detected by am unable to open it..but its wo...
64 gb transend pendrive not work
Dear team, I have a 64GB tansend pendrive but when i want to format it it shows only 8Mb space. Kindly give me the best solution. With Regards Ma...
Kingston 4gb pendrive not opened
My KINGSTON 4GB PENDRIVE NOT OPENED in SYSTEM ERROr message is came as INSERT DISK......... Please help me .......
Sandisk 8gb write protected pen drive format
hi I am Bijay I have sandisk 8 gb cruzer pen drive it doesn't work it's write protection i can't format it i search solve in internet and I tr...
Data not visible
i recently added some data to my device and if now i opened it on my pc it is not showing the older files it shows only the new files but it is visib...
Virus in pen dive
Hi my 8 gb hp pen drive has gone virus many of tools has been used but the last time his display on msg window was unable to complete the formet...
Nt able to format
pen drive (latter):j: Open cmd. start>run>cmd enter cd/ enter format j:/q enter y enter successful. i did this method but nt able to format it o...
Cannot shown my flash drive
i have a problem!!my usb flash drive cannot be shown even it is inserted to the ports!!how can i open it if??help me!!my files cannot be recover w/ ou...
Not foundinf
hi i am unable find storage device manager in my laptop?? where it wil get created, im just getting storage folder please help me bye
After copying data to pendrive and repluging it shows empty
Solved/ClosedHello to, help me friends I m having trouble with my pendrive 16gb transcend problem I see with pendrive is whenever I copy files or...
Folder locker usb lost password
Closedmy friend sent me a flash drive and he locked one folder with 2 gig capacity.. I had the password but so stupid of me I wrote it somewhere and I mispl...
I can't open my flash drive.
I can't open my flash drive. When I inserted it to my computer it would just appear a removable disk and then when I tried to open it(by enter j: in a...
Remove write-protection from a pen-drive
Hello, Whenever I'm plugging my 8gb dany usb drive And then i try to open it. But it shows a pop up window which is saying to format . when i click...
I can't format my pendrive messege comes it is write protected
Dear Sir, I have Transcan 4 GB pen drive i can't formate it I Just go through your answer about weak the Registry. Use regedit to change dword v...
Pen drive write protected
Hello Sir, My Toshiba pen drive(8 GB) suddenly become write protected. I can't format this pen drive. please, give me a correct solution for windows ...
Write protected
how can i format the write protect of my sun disk 8 gb edge pan drive? i dont know how it happens to be in write protect, i have been used more soluti...
Issues with usb drive
Hi have a 32gb HP USB stick that I use for all my work data and although I try to back it up every month I have been overwhelmed with demands and fail...
Cannot format pen drive, it says the drive is protected
Pls am having problem with my PNY pen drive i cannot format it when format if is says the drive is protected
Pen drive errors
cannot format 16 gb kingston pendrive to ntfs after changing policy to quick performance and data after copying gets unreadable & corrupt ,any help w...
Not detecting problem
hello... sir, whenever I insert my pendrive, it shows the label name "RECOVERY" and it is not been changing while I'm doing it, it is not been forma...
I have removabledrive.exe virus in my pendrive.
Hello everyone... I tried formatting it but these folders appear again and again. Unhide method, autorun virus remover, USB disk security software we...
To fix unrecognised usb
Hello, Recently my PNY 16 gb USB drive is not getting sensed in my HP notebook. I would like to make use of this USB at least after formatting , If ...
32gb flash drive
When I insert the flash drive into any computer and go to open it it indicates "please insert a disk into removable disk"- I have a lot of important i...
Help my usb always corrupts
SolvedHi, The files on my usb always corrupts! I already formatted it many times, and it's still not working. Can anybody help me to fix my usb? thank...
I clicked the shortcut file and it was lost...
Hello, How to gt bak my file?! Thx Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 26.0.1410.64
Pen drives won't work at all on my laptop.
Hello, None of my pen drives will work at all on any of my usb ports. I know the pen drives themselves work because I've backed them up onto my sis...
Pendrive is not accessible
My USB is not accessible I know how to format but I had some important files in my USB. And I don't want to delete it. PLEASE GIVE ME SOME SOLUTION.....