The discussions
How to repair damaged ms word file
Solved/ClosedHello, Recently My MS Word (DOC) files got damaged and I was looking for methods to repair damaged MS Word file. While browsing the internet I cam...
Software testing
ClosedHello, Is there any testing tool or service provider which can find bugs in 24 hours. As of now I am using ************. They are good but I want to k...
Flash recovery
Hello, Good morning sir, pls I used my flash somewhere to print out some documents and when I get back to my office i could not find any of my doc...
Can not install hp laserjet pro m102a printer
ClosedCannot install HP Laserjet Pro M102a on my Windows XP computer. Have tried both 32 and 64 bits but still can not get the success. Please help.
How to delete skype accounts
I have two accounts and I want to delete the newer account. How do I delete it?
My software showing some bug of 404
I recently marg software for accounting but its showing some bug of 404. Can someone suggest what is it?
How to visualize data using computer programs?
Hello guys! I have a problem. I am writing dissseration. I need to visualize the data that I collected. What programs can I use for this? If my sub...
Vaio event services
Hi, in the solutions one of them was to find VAIO event services in services local, but the problem is there is such a service named Vaio event servic...
My picture is deleted automatically
Dear sir, now a days i am facing a bog problem. My picture is deleted automatic. Some of picture i include that massage. Please helo me hoi i can solv...
Help to login yahoo mail
can you help with email log in ?
God rid of sign in key
How can l get rid of sign in key? I want to go back to my password
Folder lock forgot password
Hello, I had suffered from a problem in many days. I was protecting a folder of my computer. So i had given a lock to the folder by a software . ...
Photoshop not enough ram
SolvedHello, hi please help me ive just paid and uploaded photoshop it keeps saying n ot enough ram how do I sort it . so I can edit photos thanks ...
Extract winrar without password
Can you tell me which program for extract winrar without password ?
Recovering my photos
Hello, Can you please help me recovering my photos i lost my cellphone in march,the email that I had use was ***@*** but I can't remember the pa...
Login problem into quickbooks software
Hello friends, I have an issue on the QuickBooks software, I am not log in my QuickBooks account in another system. How to access my account with an...
Hello my name is Emma and I what to denlewled this app
Serch the orkut
Hello My orkut account not search
Old musicmatch jukebox
SolvedHello, Years ago, and I mean like 2005-06, I had Musicmatch Jukebox. Is this the same? System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 69.0.3497.100
Can recuva specify period of time
I permanently deleted all folders in the Picture folder accidentally yesterday. Now I try to recover with Recuva. I only want to recover the files and...
Forgot password of vault
I download the folder vault and I forget my password so how I can reset or open my app vault
Unlocked files are missing from folder lock
Hello, I have kept 2 folders in folder lock and i locked them but after unlocking them those both folders went missing but space in drive is still u...
Os not found
ClosedOS NOT FOUND on boot. i have a corrupted drive, which originally ran XP. i later installed vista,from another laptop(dell), which i sold with the dis...
Skype kuwait problems
ClosedHello, I am an online teacher and I have regular student in Kuwait. However it has become impossible to use Skype to communicate. The connecti...
Folder lock 7.7.6 keeps hanging up
Operating: Windows 10 32-bit I have the latest version of Folder Lock, ver 7.7.6 and it's installed on my Dell Inspiron 17 laptop, and on 2 new 8G...
No view button on skype
My new version do not have the view button.
Not update my guardian netsecure.
Hello Window 7
Software disabled
Hello, Not sure what this means System Configuration: Android / Chrome 68.0.3440.91
Installing english version of visual basic express
I am trying to download the Free Visual Basic Express software but it keeps on installing in French even though it does tell me it is an English versi...
Unable to download google earth
Hello, please help me to download System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 68.0.3440.106
Camera is disabled
I'm not impressed that camera is disabled and all disabled fix this please because I sing and have music on here I get paid for rediculous
Folder lock 7.2
I forget my encrypted file password in Folder lock application. but i know my master password. So Plz anyone tell me how to open my encrypted file i...
Password reset for folder lock on iphone x
Hi, I have installed Folder lock app[New security apps] on my iPhone X Now I do not remember the password When I select forgot pass...
Reset zte phone
Hello, My gmail is ***@*** but it is that is not it. N my password is juluisbuckley2007. I need it cuz I reset my phone to that n cant fi...
Kodak i1220 win10 driver available
kodak i1220 win10 driver available
Any suggestions on remove image backgound?
ClosedAny one knows how to remove image background in a very quick way? I know Photoshop is quite good but the speed is too slow. I need to do a few hund...
Skype vs my contacts
Hello, Skype 'took over my mobile' replacing contacts - I created/set up myself on my mobile, mobile I own, data I own, data I am relying on - by c...
Photoshop elements 2014 error not enough ram
Hello, I can not get PSE14 to open. When I try to open I get an error message of not enough RAM. This is just trying to open. It was fine until...
Forgot easy file locker password
Hello, I forget my easy file locker password how can I open it ...its very urgent ...pls help me soon ... System Configuration: Android /...
Animated gif is not working
I have several layers that fade out at and then more layers that fade IN at four seconds. It plays perfectly in Photoshop, but a rendered GIF doesn't ...
Google play store v6.7.13 e 2018
ClosedInstalled this latest version free download. Unable to open. Asking for Code ( enter code ) What code is it.
How to solve vlc copy failing to include sound?
SolvedHello, Copying/converting a Channel Master .ts video to .avi with VLC only works for the video portion. What is solution to include the audio? (I ...
Kaspersky no scan on mobile phone
Hello, i connect my smartphone to the computer it works good.but when i want to scan my smartphhone using kaspersky internet security i could
Can't see folder lock
I have locked a folder a few months ago. Due to some problem I have re-installed my operating system. Now I can’t see that folder. It contains importa...
Recover deleted hidden file from sd card
Closedsome file was hidden in gallry valut and unfortunately the hidden folder in sd card delted how can i get the file. there is some important
Usb device isn’t recognized
Closedmy USB device not open and dint show anything when I connect it with my PC . Win 10 are running in my PC.
Signcut pro error message
Hi, just starting having problems running my Mutoh SC-650 Plotter with Signcut pro windows 7. When I go to cut it comes up with the following mes...
Open folder lock
Hello, I had a folder and I locked it 6 years ago with another computer, When I transfer it to my laptop, I forgot the password of it, I use Program...
Reactivating eset - smart security antivirus
Solved/ClosedHow could I reactivate ESET-SMART SECURITY antivirus? I made the question because the license expired and it orients me to pay for a new one. The tec...