The discussions
My computer is not working properly
Hello, i need antivirus
Usb virus,"unformats" your usb drive....
Hey everybody, I´ve got something weird happening over here.... I put my 4Gb usb pen drive in my colleague´s computer and everything seemed ok, but...
Cannot sing into orkut account
Hello, my name is bidisha nag i am not able to sing in my orkut account for 2 days can plz help error in passward pr username is showing my id is lov...
My orkut n gmail has been hacked
Hello, sir, i was using my both gmail n orkut id with the same user name n password. n my id has been hacked..tell me wt i do,,,,,,n i want to delete...
Lsas blaster.keyloger
Hello, I have been infected with this worm today. I tried to delete this worm with the instructions posted but i can not open my task bar or add remo...
Somebody changed my email ddress &password
Hello, i was using skype id since april 2009 by id- mhs_cinta.somebody has changed my email address & can i recover it back.....thanks
Anti virus software
Hello, What is the best anti virus software that i can install on my vista pc?
Toshiba - virus -
Hello, my computer obviously has a virus. But I can't get to safe mode or anywhere else cause it turns on and off continuosly - with no chance for ...
Windows xp
Hello, oohhh please someone help me!! I have had this 2nd hand computer for about 1 1/5yrs and even though i have never been computer literate,i ha...
Hello, someone went on my page and changed my myspace password is there anyway i can get it back..i cant send my password to my ols email address bec...
Virus help
Hello, I've got a seemingly small problem. I have a virus that seems to not have taken effect. I was on a website and it pops up saying "Download Act...
Is there any online virus scanner for nokia5130
ClosedHello,i need to scan my nokia5130 online for viruses, is there any
Virus lsas. blaster,keyloger
Hello, I was trying to follow the intructions how to manually remove this virus. I can't even get task manager to come up so that I can go to proce...
Supervisie wachtwoord
hoi Hello, ik heb een supervisie wachtwoord ingevoerd in mijn internetoptie's nu is alles geblokkeerd en kan ik niet meer dowloaden wat moet ik doe...
Windows police pro virus help
Hello, my computer is displayinga message that my computer is infected with viruses and i need this windows police pro antivirus. i need to buy it t...
My computer is down
Hi, I am really desperate, my PC is infected and I don't know how to remove this virus, please help, it's urgent. tank
I need a key
Hello, i need the license key of avg version 9, pleeeese help me
Pendrive memory lost
Hello, I have 2 G.B memory pendrive(Light Wave) .once one day virus threatten from net .my anty virus(E set) has blocked it. that time asked me two ...
Hello, i want to remove avg from my pc its still have some traces left how to get this F**K out of my pc?
Virus found!
Hello, My computer as infected last time and a pop message came popping saying that Virus Found. I hence thought that since it had been detected the ...
Cant open page
Hello, my internet explorer can not open the web page 4 facebook
Hello, My email account has just been hacked and I can no more access to it. How could they have hacked my account and also what should I do for not ...
I cannot see my phitis on my pendive
Hello, I downloaded my photos from my camera onto my pendrive (Kingston 8GB) and subdivided the main folder in many subfolders but now when i ope...
Orkut id has been hacked
Hello, my loggin id is bt my primary id shown on orkut is my id has been hacked plz help me i...
Hello, can u help ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!my computer has a virus >..........i scan the antivirus and the virus was removed ,,but still some of my files,folde...
Hello, i can t remeber my gmail how i can find it???????????????????????????????????
Please help me with this virus
Hello, hi! whenever i open my pc this message will automaticaly appears.... Can not find script file "C\WINDOWS\auto.vbs" how will i remove this?...
Virus site
Hello, where can i obtain a virus to send to a work mate. He has deleted my profile and I want to send him a virus and let him format his PC now.
Virus scan
Hey there, i have carried out a virus scan, what should i do now? There is actually a trojan detected, how do i remove it? please help me, my compute...
1)what problems using internet in organizatn
Hello, 1) What problems can arise when using the internet for inter organisational system?
Helo to avira company
Hello, i have a problem in installing avira premuim antivirus.....i need an actiivation code to install my avira plssss send me an activation co...
Some is scanning my ports
Hello, The one praticular ip adress is constantly scanning my port uploading something constantly whenevery i use my internet.So how can i know tha...
Sceen and mouse virus help...
hello all, i`ve posted this question on a couple of other useless forums with absolutly no answers, please help. i own a hp laptop running XP HOME...
Compression unsupported
Hello, I keep getting kicked off and told facebook has unsupported compression issues....I have not had this problem until recently ???
Hello, Actually using avira as anti-virus, is it recommendable to use avira while using vpn at the same time ?
Windows validation problem
Hello, sir i am getting a note at the right side of my computer that you may be victim of software counterfeiting how i remove this
Cant get into my e mail account tryed allsort
Hello, please can u help me i have already got an msn account iv tried everything to gain access to it reset password nothing working recently sepera...
Help pls.. can someone know my home address
Hello, hi can someone know my home address if im online in laptop can he hack me and can he saw my id in laptop pls can u help me to know this ??? m...
Broken laptop
Hello, i have a sony laptop its sudenly stopped working, wen i turn it on a black screen apears with a flashing cerser in the top left corner and won...
New folder virus
ClosedHello, when ever i open a folder in my personal system, i find a new folder or a folder with the same name inside the original folder. even though i ...
Usb problem
Hello, how the usb drive cant display..pc cannot detect usb drive... how to resolve it??? please...
System restore
Hello, I have Windows XP with Vista. For some reason I have to keep doing a system restore on my computer. When I do this my computer is back to work...
Anti virus
Hello, what is the best anti virus software that I can use? I have actually uninstalled my Anti Virus software because it was not detecting a virus.
Fujitsu siemens lap top
Hello, I have a Fujitsu Siemens Lap top Pi 1505 which is 3 years old.It boots up fine each day with no problems. When the lap top is left for more t...
Hi, Hope you are fine, I am having frequent fights with my wife about internet options. We have kids and she wants to the kids to be prevented to ...
My gmail n orkut id has been hacked ..
Hello, sir, i was using my both gmail n orkut id with the same user name n password. n my id has been hacked..tell me wt i do,,,,,,n i want to delet...
Virus crazy 1st timer
Hello, i have this problem with total security i have rename the task mgt. to iexplore but i dont see any 8 digit folder name please help me
Trojan horse virus
Hello, My messenger is sending a virus to all my contacts. How can I clean my messenger ??? Thanks
Hello, i hav gotten a virus and it had locked my computer up my menu has changed and i cnt open any of my prgrams everything has been disabled i cnt ...
Hello, i'm ren....i can't open my account snce august!! can you help ma w/ my problem....send a mail in my's plss...