The discussions
Think i have a trojan
The problem i have is any time i go to click on a website link using any kind of search engine, the web page link i originally click on is not the pag...
I have a virus in my laptop that prevents the system from reading my external drive, any ideas on how i can fix this problem..
Stupid worm infection
Computer run too slow
Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 8.0 i am install avg antivirus after that install antivirus my pc run to slow how run ...
I can't register my avira personal
Hi, I want to ask.. Why i can register my avira personal 9 in my laptop??
Virus remove
how can i remove virus from my pc which had came from porn sites?
Update problem using nod32
I have been blacklisted and my nod32 will not run any update. also tried reinstalling but still cant get any joy. help? Configuration: Windows XP ...
No start menu, no taskbar, no clue
When I started up my computer it was running funny and finally, after forever, my desktop opened. Unfortunately there was nothing on my screen but ico...
Can't load certain webpage in ie, ff & chrome
Hi all, I have had this problem for a while. I cannot access certain websites I used to visit regularly from any of the 3 browsers that I have inst...
Help please-address book attacked
My PC is protected by McAffee and Spyware Doctor however 'something' is sending advertising emails to all the addresses in my address book. I dont ...
No search engines on ie
Hi, Can anyone help, Internet has been playing up since we detected an virus which we though we removed a coupld of weeks ago. Then search pages k...
Gmail hacked
my gmail account has been hacked and someone has changed the security question answer also. There is SOME IMPORTANT INFORMATIONS REGARDING MY CAREER...
Files not found ??????? :-((((
PLZ help .. don't know whats happened but when i try & go on any applications they're not found, even my email comes up with " choose the program you...
Removing windows xp
Will removing my Window XP OEM software and reinstalling cure any virus that I may now have in the system? Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Exp...
Immediate response for recent problem
Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 8.0 I have received a pop-up supposedly from McAfee for the past two days. I have three computers, two...
Process on task bar does not show
i can see process tab but does not show any process what should i do
Malware virus
I do not know where it came from, I was just doing a paper for my homework but out of nowhere the fake security thing. So then I tried opening my Mcaf...
Usb virus
how i delete virus autorun .inf from usb ? in windows xp 2006
Dns changer again on it still
hello to who ever may help me with this problem again but more help. i done a malwarebytes scan and it found nothing i done a anti virus scan it found...
A trojan has altered my internet connection
My visiting nephew managed to get a trojan on my pc that disrupted my internet explorer from working, but aol managed to stay online. When I tried to ...
Total xp security alert virus
Ok so i've got a huge problem. I've downloaded this fake trojan virus known as the "total XP Security Alert", that keeps spamming those security pop u...
Why isn't my laptop coming on?
Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 6.0 why isn't my alptop coming on? i have got a virus on my laptop, and i haven't used my laptop for a...
Configuration: Windows XP / Firefox 3.5.3 pls help on how to remove ntv. vbs on my computer...
Big problem in windows xp pro
Ok, First my setup is: Custom Built : Asus Motherboard Intel Quad core 2.8 ghz 500 gb HD (partitioned) 4gb of ram Browsers are google chrome and ...
Xp security malware has buggered my pc. help!
hi guys, just deleted xp security, lost start menu and reg edit will not open. have tried pretty much everything on here. when trying system restore i...
I have nothing but icons and nothing works
I have very little experience fixing computers but I am sick of paying for repairs. When every I start my hp mini all I can see is icons, there is no ...
Virus removing
PLESE HELP!!!!! I am keep tabbing F8 key when trying to delete the files but it does not allow me. How do I go to safe mode
Help something wrong
Closedjust only my comp acting weird internet disable for 1 hour,but then comes back very damn slow,i think it is virus and KEYLOGGER but i donno what is th...
Critical flaw java
Attention to Windows users for, all editions. An important fault has just been discovered in Java and not corrected for the moment... The fact o...
Malwarebytes error 731(0,6)
ok so I got this anti-virus soft virus on my sony vaio, I downloaded malwarebytes, scanned my laptop found the infected object and fix it. time later ...
hello to whom it may be i need help to remove a virus which pops up the internet Explorer and its done it on me 10 times on me in half an hour and at ...
when I try to download my email a window security screen pops up and how can i remove that Configuration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 7.0
Test version of av+is
Hi all Is anybody else having problems with a new f-secure av? i downloaded from the standard f-secure av (upside down blue triangle icon) as asked...
Activation key for personal security
SolvedConfiguration: Windows XP / Internet Explorer 7.0what is the activation key for personal security. it is an emergency.
Cannot open removal tool for lsas.blaster.key
SolvedHello, I also have the trojan LSAS.BLASTER.KEYLOGGER. But the only thing I can get to is the internet. I have no desktop. I have downloaded the remov...
Problems with browser bar
when i use my browser bar to search for websites, i get a message saying page cannot be found and an option to diagnose the problem. I can search fin...
Spyware removed my wallpaper
please please help me, i will forever be indebted to you...... after removing a virus or whatever it is, from my computer, the wallpaper is not in re...
Sos...virus protecter dominated
Some program called 'Virus Protector' has taken over my computer and I can't get rid of it. I can't get to my desktop and it won't even let me into th...
My laptop problems help me!
Hey yall ok so heres my problem. I have an Hp laptop and it was running really good..up until a few days ago. It got really slow and no i cant get on ...
I have a flash drive virus! help
I have a virus on my Sony flash drive that I have tried removing through cmd and also by formatting my drive yet neither has killed it. I have the au...
Oh god help meee
Configuration: Windows XP / Safari 532.5 wat iz da activation code for ares ultra??????????????
Avira is unable to download update files
When I start update an error occurs saying that "system cannot find the path specified". The path is like 'c: programdata\avira\aviradesktop\temp\upd...
About norton 360
I lost my norton 360 premier edition disc with one application left on it but i have the product key number can I still use that
Virus of some sort
I have no idea what type of Virus/Spyware/Malware etc I have, I know that I cannot seem to get onto Google without having to do a diagnoses on connect...
Anti virus protector problem
Hello, I don't know if anybody can help but here goes. on my laptop I have two little pages mine and my wifes when I click on my icon it then takes m...
How remove this file
hello i did a virus scan and it came up with this. and how do i remove the file says that say's warning, i tried to delete it but i comes up with thi...
Total security xp & non-working *.exe files
i was checking my yahoo mail today, left the computer for about 10 minutes, and when i came back, my ie was gone and there were a dozen boxes popping ...
Online internet virus scanner
Closedi ran a internet online scan and it came up with these files im wondering how do i get this cleaned at all. my virus protection has been updated norma...
Not found c:\windows\explorer.exe //open with
Having a C:\WINDOWS\Explorer.exe Not Found problem. Along with an Open With problem that initiates after trying to run .exe apps. I tried changing Exp...
Black screen
I'm using an Acer with Windows XP on it, over the past week I've managed to get two viruses. One of which was SecurityTool which I managed to get rid ...