How to repair an MP3 audio file: online, via iTunes, on Mac

It is not uncommon for an MP3 music file to get damaged during the download or ripping process. In case of damage, it's easy to repair an MP3 audio file using suitable software. Here's how.
How to repair an MP3 audio file using iTunes?
Basically with iTunes, you can use the conversion feature to reconvert your files to MP3 format again. This process should remove the broken parts and completely fix the file.
- Open iTunes: On your computer open iTunes and select the broken AAC file that you want to fix. Find the location of the AAC file that you want to repair and select it.
Convert to MP3 format: After adding the file to your iTunes library, right-click on it and select Create MP3 Version. iTunes will create a new version of the file in a MP3 format.
Check the new file: iTunes will create the MP3 version and place it in your iTunes library. Play the MP3 file to ensure that it sounds normal and doesn't have any issues.
How to repair an MP3 audio via online software?
MP3Val is a free, high speed software to check the integrity of MP3 audio files. It can be used to find corrupted files and can fix an array of problems. It can run on both Windows and Linux.
MP3 Repair Tool
MP3 Repair Tool Is a basic software that can remove frames from either the beginning or the end of an MP3 audio file. In this way it's more of a basic tool that is useful for beginners or people with less experience but it is very intuitive and can restore playback capabilities.
Here are some further tools to try to repair audio files that have either damaged or missing frames:
- For MP3 files classic: MP3Fixer
- For files encoded in MP3 VBR (Variable Bitrate): VbrFix