What is Netflix Roulette?

Netflix Roulette is a feature created by the Reelgood service to ease indecision and frustration in the face of the infinite amount of movies and series available on Netflix and other streaming platforms.
What is Netflix Roulette about?
All streaming platforms recommend content that matches your searches, however, these lists of suggestions can be enormous sometimes. That's why there is a roulette – to help you pick one of the series or movies from your list of affinities, the closest to your previous views if possible. There is no need to spend hours trawling through lists.
What other advantages?
- One of the main strengths of this roulette is that it is not only available for Netflix but also for many other streaming content platforms, such as Hulu, Amazon Prime, and HBO.
- You can spin the roulette to search for content on several platforms at the same time.
- The result appears with the direct link of the suggested content.
- To ensure that you really want to view this series or movie, the result is displayed with a description and a trailer.
- Roulette has numerous filters and modes to make specific searches.
- The search engine has many advanced options that allow you to rate the results to train the algorithm or to save a list of results suggested by the roulette for later viewing.
How to access Netflix Roulette?
1. Go to the Netflix Roulette page.
Registration is not required but if you log in as a registered user you will have more filters to pick something really worth watching. You can also log in with your Facebook account and this will allow Roulette to refine its search algorithms and to provide you with content that best matches your tastes. In addition, you will be able to share your discoveries more easily on the social network.

2. You will find the main filter options in the center of the screen. Check your preferences and press SPIN to activate the roulette.
3. The result will appear on the right side of your screen. You have the option to watch it immediately, to save it in a list to be seen later, or to mark it as already seen (Seen it) so that it will not be suggested again.

Which streaming platforms?
Go to the Reelgood Roulette home page and select the Personalize option at the bottom of your screen to choose one or more streaming platforms where you want to search for content.

You can choose from a huge list of streaming audiovisual services. Select the ones you are really subscribed to because Reelgood's roulette is just a search engine that makes suggestions but does not allow you to view paid content if you do not have an account on the server.

If you are looking for suggestions of programs or content to watch on a TV channel, it is also possible with this roulette. No more hours zapping.

If you only have HBO service, for example, you can also go to the HBO Roulette directly or, if you are interested in another platform you have Showtime Roulette, among many others.
What is Reelgood?
Reelgood is the brand that came up with the roulette mechanism in 2015, right after Andrew Sampson developed this idea. Later Reelgood teamed up with Netflix and many other streaming platforms and TV channels. Today it works worldwide with highly advanced search filters and very reliable algorithms of the recognition system.