How to turn off network notifications on Android smartphone

How to turn off network notifications on Android smartphone

Android will automatically display a notification when an open Wi-Fi network is available for you to join. In this article, we will show you how to turn off this feature.

How to turn off the WiFi network notification?

  • Go to Settings and select WiFi or WLAN.
  • Tap on the gear icon.
  • Uncheck Network notifications

How to turn off the roaming network notification?

To do so, you will have to turn off the Data roaming. Here's how:

  • Tap the Menu key and go to Settings.
  • Select Wireless and Networks.
  • Tap Cellular networks.
  • Uncheck Data roaming.

Disable notifications when a SIM card tries to connect to a network

Sometimes it happens that you are travelling abroad, and your SIM card (or one of the two SIM cards installed in your smartphone) cannot find its home network. Then you will periodically hear an announcement sound similar to a falling water drop, every time the phone tries to find its home network. These sounds can be quite annoying. To remove it, you can simply disable this SIM card.

To disable a SIM card, go to Settings and go to the Settings of the desired SIM card and at the top of the screen you will see the "Turn on" slider. Move it to the left.

Now your SIM card will be disabled and you will no longer hear the sound of trying to connect to the network.

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