The discussions
Hard disc error checking
Hello, here i have a problem with my laptop hard disc. First i have no idea in my hdd have a some problem. My hdd was sometimes detected and some...
Acpi bios error
SolvedHello, After updating windows 8 to 8.1 Samsung laptop showing "samsung logo, windows logo,then, your Pc ran into problem and needs to restart.we are...
Remove toshiba laptop satelite c655 bios password
SolvedI have a toshiba laptop satelite c655. My daughter changed the password and now I cannot login. When I power up the laptop it goes right to the passwo...
After start windos 7 my monitor miss signal
I have cheked my hdd another CPU and it work propely but when I have cannet it my CPU it windos 7 logo came after it my monitor miss signal but prosse...
Dell inspiron 6400 bios master pass -595b
ClosedHi there, I have Dell Inspiron 6400 with service tag : 5CYMD2J-595B I forgot the BIOS password. It is a really old laptop of my dad. Is there a...
Toshiba satellite
Solveddrea sir my toshiba satellite c50 forget bios password. How can i reset plz.... mail me.....
Bios updating
Hello, haii How to update bios insony vaio laptop Mcdel SVF152A1WW Plss help Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 31.0
Help me fix this problem
ClosedHello, sir can you help me about my bios password my model is pcg-6j2l i attempt to format but when i press f2 im redirict in phoenix trusted co...
Hp all in one computer
I recently purchased a computer at a pawn shop. While there it worked fine. When I went to purchase a man wanted it as well. When I took the ticket up...
Hello, plz plz give rest tool setup i cnt remove my bios passwr
Hello, Plz Plz give rest tool setup i cnt remove my bios passwrd :( Configuration: Windows XP / Chrome 41.0.2272.76
Lenovo bios update failure
Hello, my lenovo b490 laptop won't boot after I ran a BIOS update . it restarted mid way through the BIOS update and is not booting now. please help...
Compter beeps
Solved/ClosedHello, when I turn PC on I get 1 short beep and 1 long beep This is a Hp Pavilion P6110t
Password reset or removal
Closedplease help on how to reset my dell insipiron 1525 to factory settings as i had changed the operating system for the same laptop who's original passor...
Windows 8
Hello, I shut down my laptop while updating Windows defender, when I tried to switch it on it didn't boot. I tried to format but it brought a blue sc...
Cannot install new os in my harddisk
Hello, I would like to ask if my bios setting is correct and I cant install my new OS, maybe theres something in the bios that I need to configure ...
Cannot install new os in my harddisk
Hello, I would like to ask if my bios setting is correct and I cant install my new OS, maybe theres something in the bios that I need to configure ...
Please help me in os installation
My friend told me to help him reformat his pc coz he forget the password .The os is windows xp. The harddisk is fine and functioning well. When I trie...
Hp notebook 2000 keeps restarting!! help!
Hello, I'm Derrick. My HP NoteBook just yesterday kept restarting when I turn it on after I manually shut it down. The windows screen doesn't show u...
How bios work when pc is power on and off
plz, suggest me how BIOS work at pc is power on and off
Black screen with cursor
I have samsung laptop and i have problem with it when i on the laptop and entered the password then my laptop come with black screen and cursor and my...
My asus a3ac laptop doesn't start
Hello, Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0 Hi there. Last night I switched on my Asus A3Ac laptop. Its turned on, and after few minutes it w...
Cpu running slow till operating system gets control
Hello, I have an HP Pavillion dv8 1334us, 64 bit, about 4 years old. It has, several times, gotten into a state where it seems to be running at 1 te...
No display on booting the pc
Hello, Initially, there use to be some RAM problem with Long beep sound in my PC(home configured few years ago). I cleaned and reseated in it's sl...
Computer ask for f1 to boot at startup
My computer ask for F1 to boot at startup how can i solve this problem?
Dell inspiron n4110 bios password unknow
Solved/ClosedI buy this computer in the auction and need reset the bios password, can you help me, please thanks
Password remove
Hello, I Know the All Password Of Bios But Than I Set The Password In Admin, system And HDD My Window Is Cant Run So Plz Give Me Solution For Re...
Bios password removing
ClosedHello, My Computer BIOS is protected with password, is there any body to show me how to unlock it Thanks, Esmatullah Sayeedy
Issues on start up- 1 long beep 3 short beeps
Hey guys I'm fairly new to this so bare with me please. I'm in the middle of attempting to build a decent little gaming pc. I've got it all put togeth...
Toshiba l 455d - laptop - can't get past first (bios ?) screen.
Hi guys! I have an old Toshiba L 455D laptop that I really love and would like to just bring back into operation. Windows 7 is what she has ins...
My asus laptop won't finish loading
Hello, I have an asus laptop and it will let me log in but keeps giving me a loading circle and won't load. Last night it started doing this and t...
Computer does not boot
Hello, I have a new built computer 2 months old so the problem is some times when i shut it down i go to restart it and everything seems to come on b...
Acer bios password reset
hello every one i forget the bios password of my laptop how to reset bios of acer aspire v5 571 system locked 1fd73e39 please help me
Hardware starting problem
Hello, As i start the computer everything works normal but after starting a few seconds a screen appears with a message screen with a message gi...
Installing a windows disk no drives are found
I tried installing a windows disk but my pc keeps saying no drives are found what should I do ?
I bought a 1545 and it is locked out
Hello, I was wondering how to get the admin password here are the numbers on the screen #4G1B3K1-595B Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 38.0....
Gateway boot problem
Hello, I have a Gateway DX4860 running Windows 7. We had a power bump and when I rebooted the computer I got: "Reboot and Select proper Boot devic...
How to open bios in sony vpceh25en model ..
please help me out how to open the bios menu in sony vaio laptop model vpceh25en . I want to laod a new os that is linux with the bootable pendrive ih...
Administrator password removal
Closedi have a dell inspirion 1545 with #G17Jk1 that is locked, i would appreciate in getting a master password to reset it
Cmos clearing, no boot up
Cleared CMOS on my HP Benicia motherboard; tested all PC components- all passed. Cannot, however, boot up. Any constructive suggestions? Thanks.
Xp cant start
My windows xp asked me to insert an installation cd and press enter but when I did it gave me a dos prompt A>: and that was all.I dnt knw what to type...
Booting problem
my laptop is not shows a message harddrive not was happen when i switch off a task in taskmanager.please helpme to solve this.
How clear
cmos battery change but system not configure bios date time
Remove setup password
Closedi have dell latitude d620. has bios setup is password protected. any one help me to remove the laptop setup password.
Bios and cmos battery
What is the difference between Bios and CMOS battery? Are they same or do they mean differently?
Cmos replacement
how to manually set Bios and how to set the cmos battery after replacement
Laptop only goes to the bios screen
SolvedPlease help. I have a laptop Asus, and everything was fine until my sister hit the laptop with her hand in the middle of the keyboard. Now my laptop o...
My laptop facing some problem
when i startup my laptop it contains 3 beep. but not open ..what can i do sir?
How to updates the bios of hp 8440 p without an administrator pa
how to updates the BIOS of hp 8440 p without an administrator password