The discussions
Dell studio 1558 laptop black screen and not booting
Laptop Model: Dell Studio 1558 i3 Processor 15.6" Ram: DDR3: 2 X 2 GB; ATI Graphics 512 MB When I am working with above Laptop, I played some vi...
Dell inspiron 15 r continuous beeps
SolvedHis since upgrading to windows 8.1i get Continuous beeps On Startup. If I hold The start button for 30seconds it wil restart. And works Ok till Th...
Cannot instal windiws 8
I want to instal windows 8 on my sony vaio bios version R2110Q3 I click assist tombol and f2 and choose boot external device,i plug my usb and F10, b...
Dell inspiron 6000
Hello I have a password authentication system and hdd password can u help #5KQCW1J-595B Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.1
Dell inspiron 595b bios password
ClosedBY4V2K1-595B Could you please help me with the password. Configuration: Windows / Chrome 45.0.2454.85
I want to see my bios on external monitor my lcd on laptop broke
Hi. I have a HP notebook 650 my laptop screen broke. I want to redo my windows because I caught a virus that infected windows. How can I load the win...
Enter bios set up
Hello, I M NOT ENTERING BIOS SET UP FOR MY SONY LAPTOP I HAVE TRIED F1 F2 F12 DEL F11 & ASSIT PLZ HELP ME Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 33...
Failed aspire one bios flash
Hello, I attempted to flash my bios because my battery was not charging to 100%, while doing this my computer was turned off by my son somehow. Now...
About bios problem
Hello, I am Juan and I have a problem with my laptop dell inspiron 1521; I have problem to start the computer; I need to unlock the setup; and also w...
My dell leptop has turn on problem
Hp envy 15 won't start
Hello, My HP Envy 15 j100 PC series laptop won't boot up. The computer starts, the fans are on, there's an orange light by the WiFi (f12) and the ...
Toshiba satellite l15w-b1302
I have a toshiba satellite l15w-b1302, when I power it on is stays frozen on toshiba leading innovations screen,,,, does not aloud me to go to bios, ...
Computer auto typing password
After update to windows 10, my computer auto typing password but I can't do anything to stop. I try to reset to default setup to hit F10 on HP compute...
Download bios for dell inspiron
Hello,how can I download BIOS for DELL Inspiron 15(3521)??
Black screen after reboot
Hi my name is Benjamin and i am in Desperate need of help. Yesterday my PC worked just fine but now when i try to launch my PC a werd black screen sho...
Acer aspire 721 .... no power
Hello, I have an acer aspire 721 here. Theres no poeer getting to it at all. Even tried a different cord. No charging light is present... when i pre...
Bios forgot
ClosedHello, sir what can i do when my dell laptop cannot open because i forgot my password this is the number that i can see #FWB56S-595B thank you ...
I've tried everything to do a factory reset and it's not working. The picture is what it says over and over. Please any suggestions
Laptop display error
Hello, This is mesfin from ethiopia i have one question i have old model sony laptop computer but now not working properly means when open my comp...
Can't enter bios and nothing on desktop
Pc starts up. I can hear the fans...lights are on inside. I ues a 46 inch tv as my monitor. The tv works fine. The tv monitor message says "searching ...
Toshiba satellite c850-b762 insydeh20 utility setting
Hi I am using TOSHIBA Satellite C850-B762 model laptop When trying to boot, it stops at InsydeH20 utility settings screen. Is there any way o...
Overclock amd e1-1200
Hello, i have packardbell en te11bz, and i want to know so it's possible to overclock it thanks.
Hardware turns on... black screen not even bios.
I just changed cases... Everything was working fine earlier today. I then, after changing the case found that my computer will turn on... everything g...
My pc is showing blue screen
My pc is showing blue scree when i am installing windows 7 in my pc and error is page_fault_in_nonpaged_area and i changed the ram and hardisk of my p...
Ssd and had not being detected by bios
Hello, After replacing my power supply(just up sizing) my motherboard bios is not detecting my ssd or my hdd. It does however detect my dvd drive. ...
Sony vaio not booting and not even showing me vaio logo
Hello, My Sony Vaio Fit Series Laptop ( SVF14212CXB) is not booting at all after it got interrupted while updating the firmware for BIOS. whenever I...
Bios failure
Hello, hi i have laptop asus a42jc ...i update the bios..after turn off , my laptop cannot turn on ... i try Removed battery, plugged in AC, pres...
Bio hardware
Hi, My dell computer inspiron 3521 is failing to boot. It is showing that there is no device found. I did a diagnosis test, and it showed that I will...
Elitebook workstation 8540w blinking caps lock continuously
Hello, I have a problem with my laptop. It won't turn the display on at all its just blinking the caps lock light. I have cleaned it and change th...
Laptop bios password reset
Update the bios on acer
Hello, I've got the latest BIOS from Acer and the folder contains all sorts of stuff. Do I rename the whole folder?? There doesn't seem to be any ...
Bios is not open
Hello, my gigabyte pc dual core . there is problem in my pc isnt't open and two short beep coming out from the system. i removed RAM and HARD disk b...
Lost bios password
ClosedHello, how can i reset my dell latitude E6410 bios password Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome
The bios on my dell mini inspirion 1012 is password locked
Greetings from Jersey, I recently was given a Dell Inspiron 1012 mini laptop. The bios password is locked on it. Does anyone know how I can reset or ...
Laptop no enciende, problema con la bios
ClosedHola que tal! ayer tuve un problema con mi laptop, mostraba el mensaje Reboot and Select proper Boot device aqui en KIOSKEA encontre un post ...
Probleme avec mon bios
ClosedHello, Bonjour, bjr , svp aidez moi , jai flasher mon bios a une version anterieur et ma machine ne sallume qu'avec un ecran noir , acer aspire on...
No hard drive detected
Hello, My computer fell to the ground while it was running. I turned it off and when I turned it back on it won't boot up. I get a black screen that...
Urgent need password or reset
ClosedHello, I am having trouble remembering the password for my Dell Inspiron 1440 and cannot get into my computer I have tried to do a reset but it is not...
Half ram usable
I Have 2 sticks Of 4 GB Dyent Ram Which For Which Aggregate Is Shown is 8 GB (3.30 Usable). I Have Tried Msconfig > Uncheck Memory box And Memory Rema...
Acer4530 black screen
pls help me fix my acer 4530 black screen.Only power light is on and no activity to all the led lights. how to flash its BIOS on usb stick? downloaded...
Trouble with bios?
I have on my pc two hard drives. Recently, I reinstalled windows xp on drive c. When both drives are physically connected BIOS shows in BOOT section o...
Cpu working perfectly, but monitor have no signal?
My Computer have working perfectly, CPU, Mouse and Keyboard have display light and Monitor also working but monitor shows NO SIGNAL
Bios problem
Hello, Hi i have an ASUS Sonic master X551c. its an windows x64 based pc. I had change windows 8.1 then its only boot to Bios
Dell laptop windows repair setup
My dell laptop was on until it turned off by itself. The next time I tried booting, "infractive failure" message appared. I have tried all processes i...
Acer aspire one a0756
when i turn it on it says no bootable device press any key and beeps but i have a booting device on and the system settings in my computer sees it t...
Forget bios password
ClosedHello, sir/madam i forget my hp pavilion g4 bios password, plese help me. Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 36.0
Boot access
Hello, After updating my Laptop Bios,It does not boot or log on,This my fault,My Operating System is Windows 7 64 bit,but i updated the bios at wi...