The discussions
Issues getting passed bios/windows 8
ClosedHello, I am having issues getting passed windows 8.1 and into bios menu where I would be able to set bios to boot from disk. This would, ideally, al...
Toshiba satellite factory reset failure
I follwered the steps to recover my toshiba without a disk.and it allow me to click on yes to began recov3ry. A white screen with a bunch of square li...
Dell inspiron 530s beeps 4 times
Hello, I have a Dell Inspiron 530S. And its beeping 4 times and my monitor is not getting any signal from the tower. Can you help me out of what i...
Forgot bios password
please help me forgot bios password panasonic cf-53
Computer save mode
Hello, what shall i do to make y computer in save mode? Configuration: Windows 7 / Firefox 50.0
Bios won't detect sata
Hey I have recently built my first computer and tried to install windows. In the process i discovered that the bios won't detect the sata cables. I h...
Vostro 200 won't boot
In cmos setup on dell vostro I can't highlight things I need to change. When I start computer is says diskette drive 0 seek failure. Thanks ...
How to configure bios
Solvedmy computer bios configuration not correct,what shall i do? -- Nothing is greater than thinking the future
I dont know the bios password
ClosedHello, I have a acer aspire v5 its at blue screen icant go by pass any else it says password i do my regular login password and its not that does ...
Computer beeps 3 times and monitor has no signal
Hello, My Computer beeps 3 times and monitor has no signal!! Configuration: Windows / Chrome 53.0.2785.143
Cpu fan all woking but no display and no light in the key board
Hello, Bro my CPU is all fine and all fans working but no display I use the debugging device also but no results plz help Configuration: iPhon...
How can l reset bios password
ClosedHello, I have forgot my bios password. How can I reset it. My system number is: 5J653K1-595B
Your vaio can't start windows
I have a Vaio laptop. I installed a Vaio software and the laptop restarted but when it turn on again I got a grey screen with a "Your Vaio cant st...
How to enter setup to recover bios settings
I just got an eee pc from one of my friends and the pc says to enter setup to recover BIOS settings by pressing f1to run set up and then to press f2 ...
Monitor sometimes cant find signal from pc
I think this is a BIOS problem but im not sure My specs are: Windows 10 Intel i7-2600 CPU 3.40GHz 8bg Ram NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 Antec VP700P...
Help!! birthday present went wrong :(
Hello, My name is jack, and I've been building a computer for my birthday funded by my mum. SO, I picked up the AMD FX 8350 CPU, 600W CX Corsair P...
How to reset bios password on dell inspiron m5110
I am an IT working under the department of health service in one of the states in the Federated states of Micronesia and this laptop was given to me b...
How to remove or reset bios password in dell inspiron m5110
ClosedHello, please if you can tell me or show me how to remove or reset bios password in Dell Inspiron M5110
No display,,,no booting but power indicator is still running
Hello, i'm jayprasad,,,,my Dell vostro 2520 and Imprion N4050 both laptop are same problem, last time i update a OS and i installed the system c...
Pc wont start, 3 beeps.
Hello everyone, today I bought a new benq screen, gtx 1060 and an ssd card. I plugged everything in abd tried to boot up my pc, and my pc just keep...
Bios driver is installed and unable to start laptop
Hello, I have the problem.i have downloaded the bios driver.I have installed it.but when i started my laptop it is unable to start.What should i d...
How does i boot usb from phonix bios v6.oopg
Hello, dear Arz M here, I am suffering a problem in my PC bios, i have Phonix BIOS V6. oopg and I have not any cd-rom to boot it and start installat...
Hp laptop telling me to update my bios amd processor
my hp support is telling me to update my BIOS amd processer. I tried 2 times for 24 hrs to update but it never finished. Got nervous so I stopped. My...
Bios password
ClosedHello, i have lock on my dell latitude E6500 bios,due to dat i cant change any settings on bios Configuration: Windows / Firefox 45.0
Dell 1521 bios password
ClosedHi i recently purchased a dell laptop off of craigslist and it has a bios password on it. The service tag sn is JW2K0X1 PLEASE HELP THANKYOU
Toshiba satellite l35-s1054 bios password
ClosedDon't not bio password tried everything to bootin to f2 to f12 to hold o nothing works no disc either help please.
Now pc is not booting
Hello.. I have very strange problem in hcl pc,having adm processor.It's fan is spinning but pc is not booting up and also it gets self start even b...
How to reset bios
Monitor Display goes blank after installing BIOS update in my P4 desktop PC, how to reset BIOS
System disabled
ClosedI have a mini Dell Inspiron 910 I forgot password and after 3 wrong attempts it says System disabled(022027) service tag(HBTVVF1) PLEASE HELP!
Samsung np-r620 turn on but no activity.
Hi All, I'm having a problem any expert help me please. Samsung NP-R620, laptop is turning on but no beep and no display, no external display ...
I have trouble booting the computer sometimes.
Hi, I have an HP Pavilion desktop almost 8 years old. Recently, I've been facing trouble switching it on. Sometimes, it just shows the HP logo with ...
Recover cmos password
how to recover cmos password on bios
Stuck system
Hello, My desktop has stuck on this message. "System confg changed to save press F1. Now F1 is not working. I have replaced motherboard bettery. ...
Cant boot my acer aspire one
SolvedHello, I have an Aspire one Acer with Intel UNDI, PXE-2.1(build 082) Copyright 1997-2000 Intel corporation. but every time i switch it on this is ...
Broken uefi firmware
SolvedThis is a huge problem I got, 3 years after I bought this P7-1423w from Hewlett Packard, the UEFI firmware had stopped working, I want to try enablin...
Forgot my dell inspiron bios password
ClosedHello, Hello, Dear Sir, I forgot my dell inspiron bios password could some one help me out with this, I will be really thankful.... Service tag is H9...
Can't get into my laptop forgot the system password
ClosedHello, I have a Toshiba laptop that I can't use at all because I forgot the system password Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 45.0.2454.94
How to update bios
what are basics of update BIOS of dell computer
Bios password reset
ClosedHello, Can You give me a BIOS Master password for my Dell Latitude D630 Tag: DCPZH3J-595B Express service code: 290-674-099-99
Asus power failure during bios update
Hello there, I have an ASUS X751MA NOTEBOOK WITH WINDOWS 8.1 PRO X64. During my BIOS update, I lost power to my notebook and when it was in...
Missing bios or boot file
Hello, Please I have an acer aspire v5-122p laptop. When turned on ur doesn't get pass the acer sign then says no boot media or file found. Then a b...
Asus power failure during bios update
ClosedI dont know what to do or how to force flash via USB... Let alone key sequence or files to add as my monitor is black.. Please help me with my recove...
Dell inspiron 1720 password authentification
Closedmy laptop froze and so I turned it off and didnt turn it back on until the next day. When I did turn it on a white screen shows with grey boxes and it...
Computer does not start after install win 10, how to go back to
Hello, I can't boot my ACER LAPTOP model Q1V2C laptop, I install win 10 and when I start it goes to show the starting logo and stay in a loop. How ...
I can't boot my laptop by pressing key f2,f8 or del how can i go
Hello, I can't boot by pressing the keys f2 'f8 or del how can i get into BIOS settings ppzz answer Configuration: iPhone / Safari 4.0
Bios failed to enter
Hello, guys need help i have problem to my bios POST is able hardware is able its says ok but i cant acces in to my windows even in my bios ...
No booting no beep sounds and sometimes black screen
hi good day sir my pc windows 7 64 bit sometimes it booting but black screen appeared sometimes pc not booting what is the probplem of my units and wh...
Acer aspire 5538 black screen
Hello! I have an acer aspire 5538. My case is: i turned on my unit but my screen is dead with no light at all, but the power light is perfectly wel...
4-5 year old gateway desktop pc will not boot
Hello, Configuration: Windows / Chrome 50.0.2661.102 This morning I came down to my PC with the Gateway logo staring at me. 64-bit OS, Windows...
Laptop bsod
After bios update installation Laptop screen on restart went blank and is still Plse suggest ways to resolve