The discussions
Dell inspiron displays hard disk not installed
My DELL inspiron 14-3452 is displaying hard drive-not installed. What can i do?Pls help!
Laptop dell precision m6600 doesn't start after update bios
Hello, I have DellPrecision m6600 I update BIOS, in processing its write on display message succesfully finished, the cooler works hardly and the l...
Pc wont boot and wont turn on non stop beeb signal
SolvedHello, i try to turn on my pc but this problem show up to me no signal no boot and wont turn on the leds are on and the beeb signal doesnt stop lik...
Computer shuts down after entering setup to recover bios
Hello, my pc say pls enter setup to recover BIOS setting. USB Device over current status detected!! System will shutdown after 15 seconds. Ho...
New pc wont boot to usb drive
SolvedJust got finished building a new PC. Went to go install Windows in asus bios and it won't let me. I have tried changing boot priorities and that hasn'...
One of my sata hdd did not showed up in bios and hang on booting
SolvedHi, I need some help here, Everything was normal until one day like ordinary day when i turn on my PC and it hang. It does pass the bios and it st...
Bios sometimes recognize my hdd and sometimes doesnt
I usually check my hdd with hd tune and everything was ok according with the quick test. But last week, I opened Windows and immediately the so inform...
Can't start normally unless you press f1
Hello, can't start normally unless you press f1 through out
Hp notebook has a black screen after bios update
Product Name: HP Notebook - 15-bs028ne Operating System: Microsoft Windows 10 (64-bit) Hi all , I had recently purchased a HP Notebook - 15-bs...
Removing bios password
Hello, dear profesionals. i am here by to seek a very great help. how to remove a dell aspiron n4110 bios password.
Change bios on aspire atc220
I have an Aspire ATC-220. It seems to be locked in 64 bit mode. I have tried to boot with Windows 10 32 bit to install it as a dual drive, but the s...
Windows cannot boot
Hello!, at first i would like to thank you about this site, it is so interesting and useful, so i have just a question about booting, please , i need ...
Booting failure
How to fix no booting when pressing F2, F8 or F12 to set BIOS to set up from USB or CD in order to reinstall Windows XP on Dell Dimension 3000?
Computer is not starting 3 beeps
Hello, My computer give 3 times beep don't work my display so plz help me . System Configuration: Android / UC Browser
Resetting bios password missing
ClosedJames Lemons > MIA_711 • 36 minutes ago I had been trying for weeks to just get passed the Lenovo Bios admin part. I have never had thi...
Hardware problem with computer fan
hello please when a boot the system unit it on but have high fan voltage
Password issue
ClosedI'm having a hard time remembering my password for my Dell Vostro 3300(DQ542N1)
Dell d630
Closedhi is any chance to get password for my dell d630 service tag 9N9SP3J-595B thanks in advance
Bios password
ClosedHi! I have this Lenovo running on windows OS and I just forgot the BIOS password. I cant format the HDD. Kindly assist in recovering this password.
Computer beeping noise. nothing turns on but a beeping noise.
SolvedHello, I accidentally bumped into my computer. Now my computer won't power on. No fans turns on. It makes a constant beeping noise. I tried the r...
How to create
how to create a HDD partition from cmd .
Restore to factory settings from bios screen
PLEASE, PLEASE HELP ME!! How do I restore my computer back to its factory settings from the BIOS setup utility screen? I have a desktop ACER Aspire M...
Bypass bios password
ClosedI have an old Dell latitude d505 that I bought at garage sale for my 7 yr old son is it has a bios password ? help please
One beep error after failed bios update on n5010 windows 10.
Hi to all, I tried to update my N5010 laptop which was running on windows 10. The bios were old so I tried through dell support page to ...
Lost bios password
Hello Ambucias, I can prove that PC is mine. I have money receipt with a serial number of my PC. Few month ago I went to a computer shop for setup ...
Lost bios password
ClosedHello, I forgot my BIOS password. I was going to reboot windows on my old PC but there is a BIOS password issue. Without BIOS password I can't reboo...
Bypass for password removal for system no having last digit 595b
ClosedHello,please help me to remove admin passward my system having last digit 595B System Configuration: Android / Chrome 39.0.2171.93
Checksum error
Hello, mines to showing this error also but after that the system not booting but the cpu is in loading the monitor didn't show anything is there...
How can i enter to sony bios laptop
Hello, how can i enter to my bios laptop model=svf152c29m sony vio please send your answer to my gmail Removed by
Hp elitebook 9720m won't boot after the bios failed.
Let me first start by saying The biggest thank you to all the techies on this site for their support! I have found many solutions on ccm and have not ...
System\admin password
ClosedHello, When I turn on this Dell Inspiron 1545, service tag number 24NL9H1 Model No. PP41L, all I see is "This computer system, #24NL9H1-595B, is pro...
Pc not booting past bios msi z97..
As the title describes my computer won't boot past the BIOS screen. When I don't enter BIOS, the computer will continue to show a black screen with a ...
Bios admin password
ClosedHello, I'm facing problem related to bios admin password as I forgotten it does anyone know how'll I be able to recover password of vostro 1550- 4Q1...
To start toshiba laptop opens up as phoenix bios setup utility
Help me start my laptop as on starting it it opens up as phoenix BIOS setup utility. Unable to go to the windows start setup.
Asus x53u cannot boot after bios update
I am samuel typing from nigeria.i have an asus laptop x53u-sx101v with 4 gb ram,but out of the 4 gb ram only 1.60 is usable and it makes the computer...
Boot configuration data for your pc is missing
Hi there. I've been having a lot of trouble with my pc lately. To cut a long story short, I have been attempting to clone my OS to an SSD to no avail....
Problem using bios setup
When I press enter on the BOIS setup Screen I get a message that says Actine partition not found. Can someone explain what the problem is? Thank you
Black screen nightmare
hello, I have an acer aspire one 756 model no ao 756-2840 When I turn it on. All I get is a black screen with the window telling me to re install wi...
How can you use keyboard and touchpad at the same time?
Hello, How can you use keyboard and touchpad at the same time on laptop? Configuration: Windows / Chrome 51.0.2704.79
Tried to do a safe boot, now nothing but a black screen?
Hello, I hope I have chosen the right category. Due to various problems I had with a certain virus that prevented me from using a lot of programs, I...
Help with boot error
Hello, I am hoping someone can offer me some help. I have a custom built PC I assembled about a year and a half ago that has worked fine until this ...
Need help wth admin password reset code
Closedhey I have a Dell Latitude d630 I need the admin password reset please a service tag Hy K7 gg1 express service code 390-950-89921
Dell inspiron11 3000sseries stuck in boot-loop.......
all I can get it to do is light up go to the DELL logo and then itll go black then light up and just keep repeating itself.....I have no clue how to f...
Cpu wont boot
Hello, As i was copying Data from my USB into my desktop pc suddenly my pc shuts down and then when i pressed the power button it wont boot and sinc...