The discussions
How to download play store
Hello, Please download play store
How to download pokemon go
Hello, Please downloud pokemon go download with tizen store
Copy failed
Hello, I’m trying to transfer files from my iPhone to my computer and in the middle this transfer shows me an error ״the requested resource is ...
My recovery email has been changed
Hello, They said my recovery email has been changed and have been blocked from sending messages
Barring password for mobicel ultra
Hello I need help with my barring password for mobicel ultra
Download process
Hello, Can i download it now?
Hello, Tijen store se playstore
Smartwatch gt08
Hello, how do I change setting from rogers to bell
Want link to download samsung champ pc suit
SolvedHello, I am searching for the samsung champ pc suit, but not getting it. So, if anyone has got the link, provide me please. Configuration: Wind...
I want stop private call on my phone please
Phn to pd copy paste not working
Hello, Hello, When I am trying to copy something from phone memory to SD card or from SD card to computer or vice versa the message shows up in red ...
Forgot my file safe password and secret question of oppo help me out
I forgot my oppo F1 A6101 file safe pttern password and secret question need help
Message problem
Hello, I can't open my messages. I did everything they told me to do but it stil wouldn't open
Can we make a tpk app for free
Hello, Can we make tpk app for free
Make phone call india from bangladedh free
How to make phone call india from bangladedh free
How to delete the password of the safe file in oppo f3 ?
How to delete the password of the safe file in oppo f3 ? Please help me sir
Computer doesn't recognize ipod
Solved/ClosedHello, one day when my ipod ran out of battery and I connected it to my computer but it didn't show up and it still charged so I connected it to my m...
Tizen not working
Hello i need help on how to download apps if tizen is not working please
Phone unlock sos how to open duos b310e
ClosedHello, Please help me to open the SOS lock of Samsung Duos B310E.
Mobile error message
Hello, I am using Samsung guru music 2. In this mobile i am unable to call through BSNL sim. It is showing error msg "you can't withhold your number...
New gmail
Samsung galaxy tab gt-p1000 system update
hello everyone so i have a samsung galaxy tab gt-p1000 and i have had it for about 6 years now and the problem is that it still has the same system ...
Massage initialising
Hello, my phone is troubling me says massage initilising .what can i do
Forget password
ClosedHello, I have forget my mobile password of #BLAUPUNKT 1501 how can I unlocked now?
Samsungz2 can't download tizen store
Hello, Can't download tizen store i need help
Not able to access "all tracks" on music library in my samsung duos (s
In my Java mobile, Samsung Duos (SM B313 E), when I check "All Tracks" in "Music Library", I get "No Files" although there are audio files in the Memo...
Samsung z4 does not have tizen store
Hello, I've uninstalled the tizen store on my cellphone sumsung z4 and i can't download any app i want.What should i do
Samsung z2 initializing messages.
I am Zintathu I am having a problem with my phone Samsung Z2 I cant open messages its says initializing messages. Kind regards
Nokia 3110c
Hello, Am stuck with my fone. I forgot my security code will you assist me in opening???? Thanks
How to download app for samsung z2
Hello, How to download app for Samsung Z2 not andriod
Photo recovery
Photo memories recovery
Change number new mobile phone
i have a new phone and a new number how can i change my new number to my new phone
Undoing an accidentally erased a long draft text message
ClosedI was almost at the end of composing a long and important text message when it suddenly disappeared. I have no idea why but more importantly, no idea...
Sort apps alphabetically on galaxy s10e
I want to sort my apps alphabetically on my new Galaxy S10e android.
Download tutuapp where safe?
Solved/ClosedHello. I have just learned about TutuApp. This is an intermediate game download application. It helped me to download mod, crack games ... I found it ...
Forgot my mobile tracker free password
SolvedHello, I use a Walton Primo h4 mobile. I forgot my Mobile Tracker Free password.
Samsung zs initializing
Hello, am using Samsung Z2 smartphone and I have a problem with opening the message box of my device. Whenever I click on the message box, it jus...
Not creating svmsung account in z1
Hello, sir After resetting my phone. I had start creating account In, Svmsung account I have written all detail in end it has not created
Download instagram
Please assist me regarding downloading Instagram on my phone.
Samsung z2 message initialising
ClosedHello, I am tryng to open messages on my samsung z2 but its always initializing. thank you for your response in helping me System Configuratio...
Changing language in chinese to english
Hello, Could you please help me, I just bought a phone from one of our Chinese phone and all the app is Chinese when I open one off the app its...
Gigaset a490 not able to hear voice
Hello, I recently purchased gigaset A490 cordless phone. Where I can able to make phone call , I can't hear others voice but they can able to hea...
Best whatsapp vesrion for nokia 311
Hello how do download whasapp version for my nokia 311
Tizen store network error
Hello, Am trying to download application from Tizen store but the problem keeps on persisting saying network error System Configuration: Tizen ...
Tizen store
WhatsApp download on z4 l forgot the email and password to verify
Samsung z1
Hello, My mobile ld and passoward losed thats why i want to open new account
My tizen store does not open
Hello. My Tizen store does not open. What should I do?
Signal band
Please how do I change my Nokia TA-1029 signal band back? I mistakenly change it to USA using *#*#4636#*#* and since then I don't have any network sig...