The discussions
Flashdrive not opens files
Hello, My flashdrive not opens files if it having the data in it .how it could be solveble?? Configuration: iPhone / Chrome 46.0.2490.64
Write protection
Hello, did all that has been told but the write protection still persists Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 50.0.2661.94
Sd card repair
Hello, my transcend 32gb sd card class 10 was fault there is no more than 5 mb files are stored in my sd card if any softwares for repair my sd card ...
Pen-drive is working but system not opened please problems solve
Hello, hi sir pen-drive is working but system not opened please problems solved.
Memory card password unlock
Hello, i was using nokia 114 . my sd card got locked..... it is asking for password and it does'nt even showing in my PC SO pls help me out
Storage device policy not found
Hello, storagedevicepolicy not found please help what to do
Usb connect was no responce for host
Hello, please help this problem Configuration: Windows / Chrome 49.0.2623.112
Uuuuuuuu.uuu sd card virus problem
Hello, Hello My 16gb Samsung memory card is infected with UUUUUU.uuu ! When ever I copy some stuff to my card after that files got courrept and ...
Otg cable connect with samsung e7
hello sir What can i connect OTG cable with android mobile Samsung E7, if yes, so please reply, how can..... ??
Pendrive not connecting
i found my old HP 4 GB pendrive after 2-3 years. i tried connecting it to pc but its not connecting. pc showing nothing about pendrive. Pendrive is no...
Windows can't be format
Hello, I have 32 GB SD card. I have to do all thing/ways for formatting, when I'm inserting my sd card show error that Please format before using...
Unable to format
Hello, Hello, I have 16 gb Sandisk pen drive when i open it windows give message pen drive is not formatted and when i format it windows gives...
How to prepare sd cards
ur answer plz
Clueles about getting songs onto my flash drive
Hello, i would like to get a bunch of songs onto my 8 gb flash drive im clueless ive tried several methods none of them worked i need to do this for ...
Hello, my 8gb usb flash is saying the window is unable to complete format when actually it is just saying format. im stuck. its a gift from someone sp...
Sony 8 gb pendrive
Hello, sir my pendrive that is from sony company showing 0 byte space when I connect it to my hp laptop since 3 days ago. how can I resolve it sr. ...
Flash drive files doesn't appear
hello i would like some help with my flash drive please when i insert my flash drive in to the computer all the files doesn't appear and when i click ...
My files are not visible
SolvedI am using Sandisk 32GB pendrive. I cant view my files. I had checked if it has been hidden. But, its not. Files are very important. Can somebody help...
Pendrive undetected
Hello, my laptopsays "the last usb device you connected to this computer malfunctioned, and windows does not recognize it" wat should i do pls ...
Remove write protect from my pendrive
Solvedi want to remove write protect from my pendrive...but i dont know how to remove that... can you please help me....? thank you.....:-)
Iflash drive 64g not showing in my pc
hi my iflash drive is not showing in my pc when i plug in the light glows in flash drive but it doesnt show any where in pc,like disk management ,driv...
Pen drive is not accessible after making it bootable by cmd
Hello, sir I was .making my pendrive Bootable using cmd,,, the command succed but after that my pendrive is not showing but it gets detect ...
My pen drive not format
Hello, sir i format my pen drive by hp usb disk format tool v2.2.3 but not format my pen drive is show "faild to formate the device" my pen drive is...
My pendrive can't format
Hello, My pendrive can't format! I tried device management and clear read only but its not working, Then i tried cmd prompt that also use less M...
Pendrive unable to format
Hello, My pendrive will be insert then showin formet disk I will give formet but windows will show unable to formet please help me
Need a help to recover my moser baer pendrive
Hello, My pen drive is Moser baer(8GB) been detected in comp....but when i open, it asks to insert the disk....i need the recovery tool....
I have delete files from my pendrive which are protected
Hello, Please help me in solving the problem Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 49.0.2623.112
Usb deletes the data automatically
Hello, I have an issue with my USB as it deletes the data once it it unplugged from my laptop. Like I copy the files into my USB and then once I re...
Lost folders in memory card
Hello, i observed that my folders and contents of my memory card refused to show but they weren't deleted and the memory card assumes same space as wh...
Pendrive files viewing prblm
Hello, Once i connect the pendrive to laptop, unable to view the files inside the pendrive. Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 49.0.2623.87
Usb device
Hello, I have used the solution you offered for formatting a flash from reg edit and it cannot be done too so I want to solve my problem. Confi...
Recover files deleted from a pen drive?
Experts, can I possibly recover files deleted from a pen drive? Thank you for your help! sharky2626
Remove write protect
Hello, sir I follow all the process given by you to remove write protect from my pendrive ,still now i am facing the same problem. For your inform...
Pen drive not detected in windows 7
Hello, I have problem with my 4GB pen drive its detecting in windows xp but not in windows 7 please say the problem ...
Write protection
Hello there, I have an 8 GB pen drive. Somehow its been write protected and I am not able to carry data in it. And at the same time it is showing the...
Memory card not detected by computer and mobile
Dear sir/Madam, My memory card was not detected by computer and mobile. How to get data in it.
Please , i need help quikly
Hello, i was trying to fix CD drive and i found the solution on this site and all along do all steps but in the end i deleted all files by mistake t...
Pendrive problem
Hello Sir, This is Ghanshyam, I made my 8GB pendrive bootable. when i was done, i tried to revert back to use it as a normal pendrive. i formatted ...
Pendrive problem
Hello Sir, This is Ghanshyam, I made my 8GB pendrive bootable. when i was done, i tried to revert back to use it as a normal pendrive. i formatted i...
Pendrive access denied
Hello, Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 49.0.2623.110 i am connect pendrive it connect but not open error is location not found please solve...
Otg pen drive showing write protected
Sir my OTG pendrive of 16 GB is showing write protected previous it was not liked that .It was rewrite able. in making rewrite able again.
How you i format my pendrive when my windows can not
Please how you i format my pen drive when my windows can not format it. I have tried it several times Thanks
Windows 7 hp can not detect my pendrive
Hello, my laptop windows 7 hp can not detect my pendrive or my phone any time I inserted...please what might be the cause and what can I do to solve t...
Not able to format or access my pen drive
hello, I am not able to format or access my pen drive . I cannot format it by any means .. when i try viewing it through disk management then i c...
Unable to format my sdcard
Hello, I can play music, watch videos stored in sdcard but I am unable to copy, paste, delete or format the sdcard. And when I connect with my PC ...
Windows operating system in pen drive
Hello, How can I Keep (save Windows 8 operating System in USB. Please comment
Hp pendrive is not detected
Hello, sir can you please tell me why my hp pendrive is not detected but my sandisk pendrive is easily detect my hp pendrive i always...
Thank you so so much
Closedthank you so much! i swear you have no idea how helpful you have been! i literally had a submission in less than 5 hours and all the files were gone! ...
Pen drive not recognized after abandonment
Hello, Good day, it takes a longer period for my computer to detect my pendrive. The drive got missing and it took me more years to find it but it...
Usb and sd write protected
Hello, My USB and SD card are both write protected and I can no longer see my USB on any computer I put it in... I followed the steps to remove the ...