The discussions
Help me to solve this problem....
transcand pen drive is not power on ......
I:\ is not accessible.
hiiii guys from so many days iam not using my pendrive of 16gb after so long time i had time to use it then i had taken my pendrive but it is no...
Pendrive not formatting
i had been trying to format my 64GB KINGSTON pendrive from past one month how can i format it?
No work my kingstone pen drive.
Dear Sir/Madam I am in a problem with my pen drive. When I plug it to my laptop showing installing successfully but after then I can not find my pen ...
File extension changed
I have a problem opening my mp4 files on my usb which I recently copied from my nephew's desktop. Originally, the files have an extension .mp4 but whe...
Pen drive write protection removal
Hello everyone, I need to remove write protection from my pen drive, can any one help me achieve this?
I cant detect my pendrive
i cant detect my pendrive while imake it bootable pendrive and it is not succeded. in hardware and eject media devices it shows but cant be open what ...
I can't format my pendrive
Hello, I m Dominic. I can't format my pendrive. When i want to format it it always showme that windows unable to format this disk. Please help me.
128gb pendrive dont work properly
mine is a kington 128gb(you read correctly). when i copy a video or audio file to pendrive and try to play through it does not play. and i recopy the ...
Pen drive not detecting in any system
Hello, pendrive is not detecting in any system...I think it is corrupted ....But i Have lots of imp data ..Please let me know the solution Co...
My flash drive is now full and everything is showing gone
Please tell me you can help me. I was in the process of copying pictures to my flash drive and it prompted me that it was almost full. When I went to...
How to remove the write protection in pendrive
pls help me to remove the write protection from my sanddisk pendrive 32 GB
Pendrive does not show any file /folder
Sir. my pendrive brand HP does not show any file /folder. After scanning through licence antivirus it show ok. its 4 gb. Its property also show correc...
Please help me about write protect
My sandisk 16 gb pen drive is write protected,how can i remove write protect.Please help me sir.
Moser baer 8gb pen drive not working
SolvedHello,my pen drive is been detected in comp....but when I open, it asks to insert the disk....i need the recovery tool....
Usb comes up with "removable disk d:" not what it should be
NAME OF USB: KINGSTON DT 101 G2 USB I was working and I needed to open another file so I went to my computer and my USB wasn't there. I then took i...
Usb write protected
when i try to delete files or formet my usb it shows write is protected how to formet it....
How to format a bootable pendrive on windows 7?
I had made a Bootable PenDrive Earlier .. Now When I Format It , It Just Shows 2 Mb In It and Rest is in the 7.24 Gb is in Unallocated Space... Please...
Windows cannot complete my 32 gb pen drive format
hi i am sujith.i have a kingston 32gb pendrive.i was not able to format it.when i click on is comming that "windows was unable to complete...
Sandisk pen drive
Hello, I have tried so many options to remove the write protection from my sandisk pen drive, I have tried to run the registry editor but does not w...
My pen drive can not format
my pen drive is dectedted but can not format & store any thing
Usb drive 0 byte
Hello, I have a 16GB AH110 Apacer USB drive, it contained about 7GB of data and working fine, one day, I can not find my files when I check the pr...
Sd card write protected
i have a problem in sd card write protected how do solve?
Pen drive corrupted
Hi there, while i insert my pendrive it's detected but if i double click means its showing FORMAT yes/No, there is important data's , how to recover t...
Inaccessible corrupted pen drive
My 2GB Trancend pendrive is not showing up in my computer. When i insert the pendrive, the driver is successfully installed and I see a removable dis...
I can not access my pendrive
Hello, Got a transcend pen drive 4gb when connecting to usb port light blinks on the pen drive even shows in my computer after double clicking it say...
Pen drive is not accessible
when i connected my pen drive into laptop or computer it will not accessible. when i connected it make some sound.when i connected it make some sound ...
Data becomes shortcut
Hello, sir,the data becomes shortcut when i copy some data in it Configuration: Windows 7 / Chrome 31.0.1650.63
Pendrive booting problem
when i try booting my pendrive then show the please formal your usb in fat32. when i try again after format,then that show the same problem. please ...
Sandisk cruzer blade 16gb not recognising...
Hello, I hav a sandisk cruzer blade 16 gb thumbdrive,i don knw suddenly wht ahappened to it,now its not at being recognised on my system or elswhere...
Pendrive not working
Hello, transcend pen drive 16gb when connecting to computer light blinks on the pen drive and shows in my computer after double clicking it says i...
Password unlock
i have locked my 4gb tranced memory card how to unlock but the solution given in net is not working and when i connect it with computer its not showi...
Hi sir my transend 16 gb pendrive is show only 97 mb memory
Hello, my 16 gb pendrive is showing only 97mb .after formatting my pendrive it is showing only 97mb please clear my problem.
Unable to format
I have sony usb when i plug into pc format disk appear when i start formating then its give this message (windows was unable to complete the format ) ...
How to remove write protection
SolvedHi I have Apacer 8gb Pendrive. The pendrive is write protected. How can i remove write protection. Please give me the better solution. In the Registry...
File hidden
SD card can be read on my phone but it isn"t seen on my pc, in view option also i had choosen show hidden files,still i am not getting access???
San andreas game file not visible
I have keep san andreas game file in my 8GB Pendrive but that is not visible my 8GB Pendrive Pls solve the problem.
My flash drive can't be opened nor formatted
Each time I plug in my usb drive, a pop-out window will appear saying "You need to format the disk in drive E: before you can use it. Do you want to...
hw to remov recycler from pendrive
Raw file system help :'(
While I was copying a large file on my 4gb Flash Drive, i accidentally unplugged it from my laptop. Then, when i plugged it again.. Windows said, You ...
How to remove write protected pen drive
how to remove write protected pen drive please infrom me
Not able to access pendrive ?
my laptop-windows 7 is not able to detect pendrive, why ?
Pendrive was fallen in is not working.
Solvedmy pendrive was fallen in is not working.
How to remove write protection of pendrive
How to remove write protection of 32gb sandisk pendrive
Write protection for usb
my pendrive is write protected and my os is windows 8 could anyone tell me the solution please
Pen drive showing blank
Hi, When i inserted 8 GB pendrive in my PC. It was empty.But when i open the properties of drive its showing 5GB used and 3GB free.could you please...
Kingston usb not detected
My kingston usb 8gb, can not detected, so i dont know what drive attach to it, even i run it in softmode on win 7 home, please help? Tks much.
Transcend 8gb pen drive is not detected
Hello, mine is transcend 8GB pen drive. last night I cut some data files from pen drive and then paste it to on other drive. but in meanwhile I g...
Could not copy as this is too large size file
Hello, I have 8 GB size pen drive. When I copy 5.9 GB size movie file in to the pen drive and it says "could not copy as this is too large si...
Micro sd memory card
hi all please help me.i had two SD memory card: 1G and 8G.Now , that the size of memory of 1G became 30M and i must formatted it after connect to c...