The discussions
Not showing data in pendrive
Hello, I have used all the commands to restore my files from pendrive but I have not got it. Its the second time when I face this problem but at t...
How to solve my usb flash drive
Hello, hi there i recently had a problem with my usb flash drive it says write protective i even try to format it and the answer is the same so i surf...
Pen drive not detected..
Hello, my pen drive is not detected by my pc. i think its a driver problem..
Unable to find my folders
Solved/ClosedHello, You really solved my problem but I have few more files and folders to unhide but the problem is you have not given me steps for the folders...
Vivio y53 model 1606
Hello, System Configuration: Android / UC Browser how to A CCM membership gives you access to additional options.
Flash drive not recognized
hello, if i insert my drive in my computer the light of the will turn on but it show on the machine not even notification. i ve tried some many times ...
Usb is not showing in pc
Hello, my usb is not showing in pc. when i plug it in port computer show the message in notification bar that your usb is ready to use but it is not...
Pendrive attrib command window access denied message
Hello, Can you please help me? I plugged in my pendrive to my laptop and it was showing only 1 folder when it earlier had way more. I googled the pr...
Can't format sd card
i can't format sd card.
How to unblock a memory card?
Hello, please need ur help to unblock my micro sd memory card. System Configuration: Indeterminable / Opera 12.16
How to format a usb that's write protected?
Hello, I can't modify my USB disk, that is formatting, deleting, editing, adding files and so on. It displays a text which says 'disk is write protect...
How to remove write protection
I am suffering from write protection with my 8gb usb .i can't format it what i should do plzz help me...
Copying files to pen drive
Solved/ClosedHello, I bought a pendrive from kingston 16 GB...Whenever I copy a single file larger than 4 GB its not copying into my pen drive...So can anyone exp...
Window 7 ultimate how this software download
My window 7 ultimet how this software download
Lost ability to see flash drive files previously downloaded
worked great for two weeks. Now only one drive shows for downloads. Have stored much data files on flashdrive and need to access them
Sandisk 32 gb write protected
Hello, that not working. drive continue showing write protect. System Configuration: Windows / Firefox 47.0
Usb drive no longer working
hello I had a problem with my USB stick, it was working fine until i followed the advice of some geek and used CMD to try to get some files out, in...
How to activate write protection?
Threr is no write protection option on storage policy option please do help
Removable disk
Hello, sir the file of the removable disk are not delete and not copy from computer to removable disk like sd card plz help me System Confi...
Sd card not formatting
Hello, I'm kishore my SD card is not formatting.. It's saying unable delete some documents System Configuration: Android / Chrome 40.0.2214.89
Files folders become command prompt shortcuts
Hello, I'm my laptop all files folders become command prompt shortcuts
How to remove write protection
Hey there, I tried removing write protection of pendrive by editing in registry. Its still not working. Please help!
2tb usb flash drive doesn't play all my movies
Hello, click properties and then details and everything is missing in video and audio. It will play about 6 or 8 of the movies, I use VLC media...
Malfunctioning of pen drive
SolvedHello, My pen drive gets detected but scanning does not stop. so, it can not be formatted, contents can not be modified or cant be accessed
How to usb pen drive protected format
How to usb pen drive protected format
Pen drive shows empty when data exists
i have a 16gb of Kingston pendrive when i copy a movie to the pendrive and the connect it to my laptop the pendrive showing it is empty . though ...
Pendrive though full showing nothing
Hello, I inserted my pendrive it is shown red due to no space but on opening there is nothing System Configuration: Android / SamsungBrowser 2....
Wd externot not detected:
Hi To All. i have an external hard(WD passport). it works fine on my brother's laptop and on a desktop system. but not working on my laptop. i have ...
Floppy disk can't open files
Hello, my floppy disk doesn't let me open any of my files and says i have to format it. how can i make it work? System Configuration: Windows /...
Cannot open my pen drive
Hello, I cannot open my pendrive , when I click show that there is specific module could not found . what can I do? System Configuration: Window...
Pen drive movie skipping
Hello, hi this is raja - while i am connecting to my onida tv - it works and play movies. but certain amount of time it skip the current playing m...
All files became shortcut
Hello, hii I have window 10and all files of my pendrive became shortcut please tell me what to do System Configuration: Windows / Edge 12.10...
Forgot 8gb memory card password
Hello, i have forget my 8gb memory card pasward System Configuration: Android / Android Browser 4.0
Usb broken
Hello, i cant open my file how can i do? System Configuration: Windows / Firefox 45.0
Disk is wite protected
"The operation did not complete because the media is write protected". How can I format my USB please help me sir
Remove read only attribute
Hello, i hv tried it but it does not remove readonly attribute.... plz help System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 60.0.3112.113
Images in my pen drive are not opening
Hello, im trying to open my scan docs in PD but it says "we can't open this file" this image files have image icons but its doesn't shows the image...
Data note show windows backup file 102028 kb
Hello, Sir, Please sir folder show backup (windows backup file 102028 kb sir problem System Configuration: Windows / Firefox 52.0
Flash drive unable to format disk
I plug in my flash drive in the computer it says removable disk then a pop that says format disk but when i tried to format it, it says windows is una...
Pen drive is not working
Hello, I have tried it many times it shows same suggest another way System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 60.0.3112.113
Unable to delete files from usb
I have seen multiple issues resolved by formatting or changing the policies to optimum performance. However, this does not work for me. I am currentl...
The disk is write protected
Dear Sir/Madam I have new problem 8GB San-disk pen drive has error message "THE DISK IS WRITE PROTECTED" Please help me to to fix this error. Th...
Can't format or open my pendrive
Solved/ClosedHello, I got a problem about my pendrive. I tried to format it and open it. It asked me to insert a disk. I tried many solution from most of the f...
Usb can not be formatted
usb can not be formatted
Pen drive shows in write protection only
Solved/ClosedHello sir my pen drive is show write protection in my pc only (windows 7 ultimate 64bit) But my pendrive in other computer working properly. Plz solv...
Pen drive folder has error "location is not available"
Respected Sir/ Madam I have 8Gb ScanDisk pen drive, having folder data0 containing 5.68Gb of data. But now days when i trying to open this folde...
When i remove usb data is deleted
Hello, when i remove usb] it delets data what to do
My laptop only work with my external hard drive
Hello, Since a couple of mouth my laptop is only able to recognize and give power to texternal hard drive. If I plug a USB key or a mouse, it give...
Data traveler 32 gb pendrive - 'device not recognized' error
Hello, DATA TRAVELER 32 GB PENDRIVE - 'device not recognized' error System Configuration: Windows / Chrome 60.0.3112.101
How to remove the write protection in my pen drive
How to remove the write protection in my pen drive